Forum Replies Created
17 October, 2016 at 2:02 pm #1003061
hey laney x how are you? you seem to have lost a bit of weight since you were thunder thigh-ing on the stage belting out I will survive on karaoke
well you might have survived ..pity the audience ear drums didn’t
you mangled that song,destroyed it,convoluted it,strangled it,stomped all over it and left it for dead.oh anway laney how are you
still got that green jumper?17 October, 2016 at 1:37 pm #1003059yeh Gucci is probably a very very nice lady
but its just her naivete that gets me,a grown up woman a gushing and a fawning over some drunken clown
gullible Gucci we call her in the tradeer yeh not bad kenners ty x still doing my human statue job,and my illuminated toffee apple stall,till the lights finish
then my hols in Tenerife
then plan my assault on the public lol,trying to sell as many santa hats I can in the build up to xmas day.17 October, 2016 at 12:54 pm #10030541.its not harassment,i have never intentionally abused moi or Gucci,im sure they are very nice people(in there own little fantasy land, somewhere over the rainbow
but why subject every other chatter to it?
people say to me why don’t you just iggy them then?
but my parry and riposte is,,why should I?
why cant they just iggy all of us,we aren’t needed,we are mere envious onlookers,and jealous bystanders all cooing over there ever blossoming pseudo “relationship”
and that’s why they wont take it to pm,they love the attention
oh do you know what.. if I had the power I know what I would do with scrimpy and scrumpy.15 October, 2016 at 10:01 pm #1002897anyway if he is to thick to come on these boards,i will attack him all i want
and he can attack me in chat
fair do”s innit?15 October, 2016 at 6:38 pm #100286711,000 questions! Yikes!! I wouldn’t want to go up against you on Mastermind!
answer the question correctly you already know the answer pfft,i ve no idea why I like you gd but I do its probably your naivete
no doubt thin ice will come in to prove gds true identity(he knows all of us dontcha know)
he will say gd as 14 kids lives on the 12th floor of a high rise block in Plymouth etc etc
only does quizzes to feed her habit
good auld bob eh…….knows em allsighs,
15 October, 2016 at 6:29 pm #100286511,000 questions! Yikes!! I wouldn’t want to go up against you on Mastermind!
you read a quiz book from menzies
15 October, 2016 at 6:27 pm #1002863its not the way I feel gd tbh or nay is it my wont
even though I feel you do a grand stirli is it sterling,what ever jobin the present mode im in ,I really don’t need any headmistresses like you spanking me over the coffee table
do what you have to do luv
cya when you get home from your pseudo quizzesps
ive made spag bol to paraphrase roy orbison
is that alright?15 October, 2016 at 1:49 pm #1002840bet gd is good at trivial pursuit marts its my board I get two cheeses
or monopoly how come you’ve got an hotel on mayfair gd,we haven’t even passed go yet
gd, through clenched teeth “cos its my game alright,if you don’t like it you know where the door is”15 October, 2016 at 1:38 pm #1002838they did a hastings one yesterday,950 years since that battle.
15 October, 2016 at 1:33 pm #1002834hmm well,no but id seriously think the police should be enabled to give these,,,,,see I cant help saying it clowns an 80 on the spot fine
feel a bit sorry for the real clowns,who do it for a living
had an interview with one of them outside the blackpool tower on Thursday ,heres how it went
me,”so tommy how do you feel about all these impostor clowns
tom,”its terrible cose they are giving us a bad name”
me,..the interview ended there,as he pushed me over ,but there was another clown behind me,to catch me
they tweaked me nose,said beep beep got you
then drove into work on their collapsible bikesdickheads.