OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Well, I can only speak for myself, obviously, but I’d be interested in reading those thoughts. I hope my approach and lack of ‘commitment’ won’t put you off.
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Eyup thtoooopid!
Oh wait… no… hang on.. ya right!!
I take that right back!
Tho Thorry Mooothey!
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Oh c’monnnnn Nemesis.. lazy here remember lol! ‘Throws’ indeed! A gentle roll will suffice. But I appreciate the gesture!
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
So constructed only to appear ‘headline-like’ – but really just acknowledgement of your genuine wish to continue the debate and to ‘provoke’ my lazy ass into contributing (the gain).
See above. No guns jumped here (that sounds like a very energetic thing to do btw!).
Showing off? By posting without much prior thought? By openly stating I…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
I have to admit, I’m torn. On the one hand, I recognise I’m being urged, by various methods (all of which are fair in love, war and board chat), to contribute more. On the other hand, that ball of wool ain’t gonna chase itself. Okay, I’ll do a bit. Then I’ll be all about the wool… or the ball… I never know which it is that attracts me so. It…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
You mean we all do things differently?
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
I don’t recall asking Scep for an explanation, simply stated that his assumption intrigued me.
Again, my post was selfish. They were questions that popped into my head, which I posted for the purpose of discussion. I had very few preconceived ideas, other than what an Alpha is to me, which I’ve since posted. I’m still considering the other q…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Purpose to the thread
“I’m quite selfish in that I want to hear the opinions of others purely to see if they bring anything new to the table. Perhaps something I’ve not considered before. Something I may even adopt over my current thinking.”
Throwing out a hook, see what the catch would be
“I’m just after opinions (and defini…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Please forgive my lazy, non-quotey reply.
1) I never mentioned gender.
2) If you Googled, cut and pasted – I’d rather have your opinions (unless of course, the paste reflects exactly your own opinion, in which case thank you).
3) I wasn’t particularly interested in the history of the terminology (I have Google and other resources for that pur…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
Please forgive my lazy, non-quotey reply.
1) I never mentioned gender.
2) If you Googled, cut and pasted – I’d rather have your opinions (unless of course, the paste reflects exactly your own opinion, in which case thank you).
3) I wasn’t particularly interested in the history of the terminology (I have Google and other resources for that pur…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
I’m just after opinions (and definitions). I may well give mine a little later, but in the meantime, I’d like to know what other people think – rather than discussing mine.
I will say though, that to me, a True Alpha never bullies.
OMalleyTheAlleyCat started the topic True Alpha, Alpha Wannabe or Bully? in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 11 months ago
With a nod to recent threads…
How do you spot which is which?
What makes A True Alpha? Is there such a thing?
If so, where do Wannabe’s fall short?
What differentiates them from the Bully?
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic Guess It’s wishful thinking but …… in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Three Boards 9 years, 6 months ago
@frankly_frank wrote:
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic Hello …. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Welcome Rainbowwwww :D xxxxx If I give you my login details.. will ya do some posts for me? Any old tripe will do.. just try to make me look windswept and interesting.. ta :D xx
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic i have in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
People left before? Can’t say as I noticed…
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@Bemused Bystander wrote:
@OMalleyTheAlleyCat wrote:
This is all so confusing.
Can all the baddies wear black and all the good ‘un’s wear white please – like in all the old TV progs and movies. Oh wait, then I’d have to ask people what they’re wearing. Scrap that.
Ok.. can somebody who is trustworthy and a good judge of character, please compile…
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic Off the Cuff (not word prosessed or copied from anywhere) in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
This is all so confusing.
Can all the baddies wear black and all the good ‘un’s wear white please – like in all the old TV progs and movies. Oh wait, then I’d have to ask people what they’re wearing. Scrap that.
Ok.. can somebody who is trustworthy and a good judge of character, please compile a list of chat goodies and baddies so I know who to…[Read more]
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic Male or female? in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@(f)politics? wrote:
Well alley, thanks for this, after two attempts, I’m positively ……
Wtf ! :?
Awww Poli.. I don’t think it’s an exact science lol, but if ya need me to vouch for ya anytime.. just let me know. In fact.. if ya have to fill any forms in or anything, where it asks for “Sex” – just put “Female – ask OMalley” :D
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic Male or female? in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 8 months ago
@rogue trader wrote:
hang on mal;let me get this right,are you suggesting there may be men masquerading as ladeees on these here boards?
The thought never entered my mind… ‘onest… :-
OMalleyTheAlleyCat replied to the topic A Day In The Life Of ……………. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 9 months ago
@sceptical guy wrote:
…then you’re not really being bullied – you’ve let the a-hole push you into a fight, which is different.
But surely, being ‘pushed into a fight’ still counts as being bullied. After all, if there was no initial ‘pushing’, there would be no ‘fight’ right?
To be honest, I don’t think the majority of people actually think of…[Read more]
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