oldbat replied to the topic getting old in the board Chat forum three boards 16 years, 9 months ago
I posted one that’s 33years old on face book does that count :lol:
oldbat replied to the topic Happy Xmas Everyone… in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 3 months ago
May I wish one and all a very very merry crimbo and may all you wish come to pass in the new year :D :D :D :D -
oldbat replied to the topic WHY!!!!!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 4 months ago
Ah the age old question why? The stock answer is, because I said so, and I’m a mummy and mummy’s know about these things. :wink:
oldbat replied to the topic WHY!!!!!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 4 months ago
Ah the age old question why? The stock answer is, because I said so, and I’m a mummy and mummy’s know about these things. :wink:
oldbat replied to the topic WHY!!!!!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 4 months ago
Ah the age old question why? The stock answer is, because I said so, and I’m a mummy and mummy’s know about these things. :wink:
oldbat replied to the topic WHY!!!!!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 17 years, 4 months ago
Ah the age old question why? The stock answer is, because I said so, and I’m a mummy and mummy’s know about these things. :wink:
oldbat replied to the topic What has pissed you off this last week. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 4 months ago
Sorry to hear about your car Bat, technology can be hazardous to ones mental health. I do hope that it is behaving itself now, if not try givng it some kind words and a hug. :D
it could be worse you could have got expelled from the 50’s chat room like I did for now reason.
:( -
oldbat replied to the topic Honour The Covenant in the board Getting serious 17 years, 6 months ago
Thank you for the support , the Legion needs all the help it can get.