active 7 years, 10 months ago-
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Ps …SHOPS SHUT!!!!!!!! arghhhh.
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Just tell Mooosey how you really feel you dopey old DRUNK. You know you have feelings for her……Look am over you now …..One does have a life you know even if I have a problem…..!!
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Ge are you made of wood????
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
By the way he has called you ALLSORTS to me Mooosey….Just for the record…You lying old fuddy duddy…At least be truthful you OLD DRUNK.!!!!
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Ge two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two faced cretinGe two…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
HOW DARE YOU Ge you silly OLD drunk…You know what have been through and you treat me like this…One will have to leave Jc….Shame you can’t you decrepid OLD drunk….No wonder you and moose get on…This is annoying GLAD yous two are getting it on ABOUT TIME …Don’t pretend you ever liked me Ge…One does not and I mean this in a very…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Yes he did Mooosey he s a two faced back stabbing eccentric old drunk and a fool One must say though at one stage I actually believed he was a true friend NOT NOW THOUGH…..Silly billy……!
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Yes you’re missing something a SCREW and do mean that literally?????
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
To be honest the thought of you and him MAKE ME SICK ……This is the last time I will ever type on the boards…Gooodybye FOREVER I have had enough xxxxx..Hope yous are happy you moronic idiots. To upset me this muchg I think yous are all so far up your own backsides. Even if you got the runs you could never Keep up…!!! x
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
You have NO respect for me you cretinuos idiot. I loved you once and you let me down with your two faced antics. I have feelings which you did NOT seem to understand. Now I just want you to lay with the M1 traffic you dopey drunking ld SIMPLETON…..x.x.x.x
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Ge is a dopey OLD alcoholic when he stops drinking maybe he will have a chance with me xxxxx
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Moosey Ge does NOT lke you don’t fall for it as naïve as you are!
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Somer you have been chat addicted for a very long time and we all know deep down it’s you inadequacy to socialise through to many raves as a youngster and having hallicuntitis ( breath that smells of horse manure ) Anyway when I have finished seducing my 34 year old boyfriend I can then relax with a cappicino in my back garden which is the size of…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Ge I think because I have fallen head over heels in love with you
huggings has BECOME suicidal. I know it must be hard looking like an obese out of shape old MUMMYSBOY at 59 Buttt come on. I think me and you should show this place how good we really are and post ourselves NAKED ????
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Moosey if you could MAKE SENSE for one second I could reply AUTISMN at your age Must be awful and having bad flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome. You must go through a HUNDRED pairs of BIG KNICKERS a week. Your bedsit must smell delightful. x Do have a bath you smelly old sweatbag Chow tooodles and skiddadly dooosh!
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Ps…..They said they could also bring HARRASMENT charges but I said the STALKING AND THREATS are making me tremble with fear. So they said if they need more statements they will come back after you have been CHARGED and REMANDED to BIRMINGHAM PRISON xxxxx
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
Huggings I am sick to the back teeth of you STALKING and THREATING me I have contacted the POLICE They have told me they are going to
arrest you and put you in PRISON for a very long time Do say your GOODBYES to mummy x
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
how fucking dare you
you lame pathetic piece of shit who has never had any kids.
I drink cos I lost a baby in late miscarriage.
I had already brought up two kids up on my own
what the fuck have you done?
I didn’t drink when I was a lone parent
what the fuck have you done apart from having really shit hair and wiping your mothers arse.
can…[Read more]
Sairs73 replied to the topic Why do you like the message boards? in the forum Getting serious 6 years, 9 months ago
too much
seriously what did I ever do to deserve this?
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