o0neo replied to the topic Warning! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
@*Peco wrote:
Oh no! Doggers!……………… in suits too!
Its a fit up “honest guv” :lol:
o0neo replied to the topic Warning! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
:lol: sorry for laughing :lol: just reminded me of a picture
o0neo replied to the topic Warning! in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
I have to add to this thread as I’m guilty of reading some of your stuff Peco and not giving any input, mainly because you’ve said everything one could say to a subject :lol: Im sure your input isnt ignored youve made this thread of message board frustration in to a fun read.
o0neo replied to the topic In the great words of the Beenie Man…… in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
Thats true Tad, but your find that the resale value of the 318 holds better.
BTW nice colour, i wouldn’t have the claret one either
o0neo replied to the topic In the great words of the Beenie Man…… in the board Off topic chat 19 years ago
:lol: No its 316 Pete not a 325 :lol:, nice cars BMW Ive got x5 to use next month, my sister had a 316 a bit under powered really for a Bimmier but she drove a metro before that, so she was happy.
o0neo replied to the topic ~ Our Last Dance ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
That was wonderful Angelwolf00, Sad but at the same time beautiful.
o0neo replied to the topic Forbidden Love in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
That was brilliant Will, sweet joyful story completely understood and well timed
o0neo replied to the topic ~ Meander Down The Path ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Another short sweet poem , great stuff Angel
o0neo replied to the topic ~ Garden Of Life ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Its my pleasure, I’m so glad you grace this board with such beautiful words, this poem being one of my favorite its the least I could do.
A poem can paint a thousand images in your mind’s eye. And If there was a garden on the net that had the same essence as this poem you would find me there. :wink:
o0neo replied to the topic ~ Garden Of Life ~ in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Here you are Angelwolf00, Ive placed this poem on a flash movie for you, I hope Ive done it justice and you get some use for it.
This one has a fluttering dove on it :wink: :lol:
o0neo replied to the topic Roles of Life (Stage One) in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Nice one William, Ill look forward to read more of your poems. :wink:
o0neo replied to the topic Clown Girl in the board Art, poetry, music and film 19 years ago
Nice poem Temp, i got confused with the buttons, have you tryed a scroll effect instend of the buttons ? .. You can come up with some interesting effects with just tweening and scrolling. i did this one ages ago, have a peep.
o0neo replied to the topic googled in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
@Robyn wrote:
me too …mines a bird “Robin red breast” :roll:
Robins are cute Robyn, I have a few that visit my bird table , joy to watch when sipping on your morning cuppa
o0neo replied to the topic Post your piccies for a collage by Pete in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 1 month ago
Nice collage Pete. I’m sure Owens pic has some analogy to it :lol:
o0neo replied to the topic Photo Gallery in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
o0neo replied to the topic Photo Gallery in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
His adorable, and Bellla thinks his cute to, my Rotty that is , I do have a hippy looking Yorshire terrior some where who thinks he can take on Bella at tugs of war, always fun to watch
o0neo replied to the topic Photo Gallery in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
@Robyn wrote:
@Hey Joe wrote:
@Robyn wrote:
Me and one of my “babies”
:roll: If the link works
WOOF WOOF Great Pictures Robyn you look fabulous 8)
the dog looks wicked to 8)
thanks for sharing
Thank you Joe :wink:
Nice pic Nismo…the other one was cute :lol:
Great Pictures Robyn , your dog is a star mine if i use him
o0neo replied to the topic What song do you think best describes JC? in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 2 months ago
o0neo replied to the topic Photo Gallery in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 3 months ago
I stand corrected Pikey, the Victorians had a great talent in making things looking older than what they really are. It reminds when i bought Gothic looking chair, believing it was from 17th century old, only to find out it was Victorian :? I know where to come for a 2nd appion now :wink:
o0neo replied to the topic Photo Gallery in the board Off topic chat 19 years, 3 months ago
@Ow£n Ka$h wrote:
@o0neo wrote:
Owen that picture was taken in the Art Nouveau period , but the effect your looking for is called Sepia Its more of a photography trick than a photoshop trick even thou i suppose you could get a plug in.
You misunderstood me o0neo. I think Kentlass has the classical look as
depicted in many art nouveau paintings and… - Load More