poor kid she,s gonna suffer either way,having the baby or having an abortion.whichever way it will affect her now and in her adult years.I hope they shot or castrated the B**tard that raped her.
:lol: :lol: whats happened to the traditional birthday party minx,birthday cake,jelly and icecream :lol: :lol: Have a great time minx cos you wont be 36 again :lol: :lol: long time when i was 36 :(
Yep Minx mine was on the 6th and i was 51 again :lol: and my lads was on the 8th.lot of parties going around in jc with all these birthdays in may :lol:
What a load of shyte,when will the tv get back to more normal programes.who in their right mind would want to sit and listen to adults acting like bloody kids airing their problems on the box.we,ve all got problems.GET a life