NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Happy Christmas and a happy to new year to all F1 chatters in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 2 months ago
Merry Christmas & all the best for 2013 guys xx
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Ok this has gone far enough in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 5 months ago
You’re all as bad as each other
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic *********** in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 6 months ago
Tiff, I rarely come here now, and never use chat now I had some idiot threaten to come to my house and beat me up, and they claimed to know where I live. Had enough. These people need to get a life seriously, they sit at home day in day out online to abuse people. I can’t imagine they leave the screen for any other reason than to eat and pee. Then…[Read more]
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Who spends the most time on just chat? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
don’t forget fat and ginger……..
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic geezer first post on the just chat board in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 7 months ago
*waves* Hello Geezer :D I’m normally in as ‘NicFromTheToon’ nowadays. xxx
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Would you expose a liar and a player on JC? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
Yes I would expose them, to save people from hurt in the future, either way they’re going to be hurt finding out they’ve been played/cheated on.. but it would all end in tears anyway, i’d rather someone told me than kept quiet. The longer it goes on the longer these women have to fall in love with the said cheat…
If your worried about looking…[Read more]
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Ermm!! in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
sarcasm dear! x
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic New Kitten! :D in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
wow Tiff soo many cats!! Hahaha :O Why?????!!!
He’s called Lucky :D love him to pieces! xx
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic New Kitten! :D in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
@alan snowman wrote:
whys that cat look remarkably like this :shock: wats goin on behind the camera
lol! He has googley eyes! Looks that like all the time.. hahaha! He’s beautiful! :D I feel like a bad parent leaving him today when I go to work :( xxx
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
@bullshiddy shidkins wrote:
forum host ld has banned me from f1 indefinitely, if your sole reason for coming to jc was to see what wisdom and enlightenment bullshiddy shidkins had for you today, then im afraid that today is a sad day for you, the amount of newcomers that have pm’d me saying, that they only returned to jc because they found…
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
@rogue trader wrote:
hey nicola, im sure i saw you on saturday night in blackpool, on a hen do, were you the one wearing a cave girl outfit?
you don’t even know what I look like!?!! lol
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Worst date you’ve been on? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
eeesh, drinking at 17!? Tiffany I am shocked! :O lol!
Lucky you! at least you got alcohol and good kissing…. I did get a bunch of flowers, but was suitably unimpressed! :? hahaha, never been so mortified in all my life. I had to get the bus home with them, boooo.
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
Just to add aswel, the bit where he’s calling women fat etc.. i think show’s his level of maturity and how much life experience he’s had… we all have preferences to what we find attractive but like I say there’s certain things you keep to yourself… it’s like what a child would do, when they innocently say things without thinking about the…[Read more]
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
I don’t think he’s a bad person, or says things on purpose to offend, but I just think he says things without thinking, sometimes really inappropriate things to be fair. Like the post about bad habits (I think it was that one) was disgusting.. something about doing ‘something’ on mags.. and it wasn’t even funny in the slightest, but then I don’t…[Read more]
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Worst date you’ve been on? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
I tend not to think about what goes in certain food otherwise I would never eat! I left a banana milkshake in the car from MacDonald’s overnight, oops! and the next morning a clear liquid that had a strong alcohol/vinegar smell had seeped through the bottom of the cup :/
I remember finding an eye lash in my KFC years ago… that one is closed…[Read more]
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic Worst date you’ve been on? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
@Tiffany wrote:
does a date in KFC count as a bad date.. 8-[
Haha! Well, it depends.. was it JUST a kfc, or did you go to the pics or anything before hand? If not, then YES! Very bad :P
The date I was talking about I was taken to burger king, where I nearly choked! :D Happy days……
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic JUST CHAT POTENTIAL LOVE MATCHES? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 8 months ago
I’ve already decided bikequeen and steve30 are getting married, and I shall be their wedding singer! :D
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 9 months ago
@desmondy wrote:
@tinks wrote:
….we’ve just got a young guy here full of life, humour and someone who’s not afraid to laugh at himself……..good on ya danny! :D/
And who has a tendency to insult and abuse….
I have to say I’m enjoying the whole Tinks/Danny dynamic.
Tinks is kind of like the loving, tolerant mother who’s just found her boy… -
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 9 months ago
Well I think you’re all on drugs lol
NewcastleNicola replied to the topic who thinks danny is a knob? in the board Chat forum one boards 12 years, 9 months ago
Christ. I think I need a drink :?
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