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  • #315108

    @janey wrote:

    Oh ..I see thats why you are first in the q to be my pimp!!!

    Do you know what I think?
    I think you haven’t had a decent hows-your-father in a long time.


    Next Blue Peter challenge, please?


    @janey wrote:

    My hubby leaves me a list of chores!!

    That would be:
    ‘pick up the kids, cook my dinner, and earn me some beer money you whore’
    would it?

    Or is it little pimp notes about not fraternising with the customers?


    @waspish wrote:

    @ugo wrote:

    If you have the day off , does your missus leave you a list of chores to do while she`s away if so what are they ?

    only the stupid thick ones need to have a list left for them pet… and no one is going to admit to being stupid or thick again.. are they ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    I take it yours is super domesticated then, and notices that the washing needs putting on, or the TV licence needs buying, or the lamb chops need defrosting?

    It was a very pleasant question, ugo.
    My answer is, yes. Usually the list covers the things that I haven’t got time to do. But there are some things that are really a man-chore in my eyes….cleaning the car, fixing the washing machine, painting the outside of the house, feeding the pigs.


    @toybulldog wrote:

    @janey wrote:

    Being able to go to work today

    being able to ring you at work

    :lol: :lol:


    Tuppence halfpenny?


    @ugo wrote:

    What do you make of these …….?

    1950`s Filing Cabinets ….

    Is this a Blue Peter challenge?


    @r.O.T.T wrote:

    @nanny ogg wrote:

    @r.O.T.T wrote:

    @nanny ogg wrote:

    @r.O.T.T wrote:

    @sunny wrote:

    Oh might pop up i could stay at rotts then go and see pats ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    i’ll fill the fridge

    That’ll make a change.

    listen mrs its hard for a man on a low budget to keep you at your current weight

    You don’t complain about my 22 stone when I’m sitting on your face.

    you lost weight well done stomach stapling does work

    It’s all about sex with you, isn’t it?


    Sunny, stop! Far too much giggling at this end.


    @sunny wrote:

    sorry if i told you i would have to kill you 8)

    A rare pml, sunny.

Viewing 10 posts - 11 through 20 (of 101 total)