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  • #178072

    its prob sweet child o mine but i have alot stuck in at the mo :lol:


    blue what u doin ur scarin me :lol:


    ermmm tg


    pb im sure that her father wouldnt pay alot cause he dont want her 2 go lol so me dad will have 2 fork out the rest as long as he dont use me suspended pocket money :lol:


    Freckles wrote:

    Sweetasbaileez I couldn’t have put it any better myself, and the trouble is there are so many of them :lol:

    lmao cheers 4 the offer anyway

    same person again didnt know sum1 could get up ya nose 4 ages silly lil cow anyway :evil: :x


    a back stabbin 2 faced lil sl ag who ought 2 b shot :evil: :evil: :evil:

    any1 offerin 2 do it :lol: :twisted:


    Tommy-Toxen wrote:
    you mean i’m not a bridesmaid??

    well now i’m gonna cry.. or laugh.. whichever makes more sense at this point in time

    lol tommy thatll b both then :lol:


    a 2 faced cow not yet realisin she has no friends left because she manipulates them 2 often is never there 4 em but expects them 2 b there 4 her waht a bi tch fu ckin h8 her


    lmao iggy the last 2 copies comps playin fu ck up time on me


    iggy 2nd thing again comps playin fuck up on me

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