Now mel imagine WORKING in a grocery store where ppl would rather eat barbed wire than go. They walk in the door and complain about the temperature (3/4 of store is coolers and freezers duh) They slam the cart around wearing out the wheels then aren’t happy that the cart wiggles abit. They pick up cold items and hide them behind the papertowels because they changed their minds and taking two steps to a refrigerated section is to far to walk Then complain about the funny smell. (just imagine 20 employees smelling the store to find the offending steaks hidden on top shelf behind the bounty) They hate paying for food resent it even and blame the poor 16 year old cashier because they came to the store to hungry and over spent their budget, They walk up to registers in packs like hungry wolves and God forbid there aren’t 100 lanes open. Then they want to question every price and gripe the entire time they are being checked out. Finally they want us to go home with them and put away their groceries because after all that shopping they are tired. Let’s not mention the people who return two bites of something because they didn’t like it or the 30 dollar frozen roast because they didn’t need it anymore (guess what we have to throw it away) or the millions of stolen bananas and grapes the parents feed thier kids to keep them quiet (yes if you don’t pay for them it’s stolen) but i smile and nod as they complain about the cost of food today. so maybe next time you are in a grocery store take a second to smile at that poor cashier who has been on her feet all day listening to everyone complain while keeping that smile on her face. please forgive the rambling it is 3 am lol but damn I feel better lol