Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@kent f OBE wrote:
@Reason wrote:
@kent f OBE wrote:
When it comes down to anything…we all have strong opinions and see our opinions as the better ones….yes we listen to others…take them on board but at the end of the day its not often an opinion is swayed..
Think there is alot of confusion of late with being blinkered and being… -
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@sceptical guy wrote:
I’m sorry..
My silly comment about mental health and alcoholism justified your response.
Kenty had the right reaction to your thread – a shrug.
You can’t control threads – they go off in all directions, and Arc’s thread was interesting.
I still stand by my posts in the Somer thread.
When exactly are you going out, and to…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@sceptical guy wrote:
funny ye should say that, Mr Harp.
You came in here proclaiming your intellectual and moral superiority, decided I was Kingpin and set about taking me down, realised I wasn’t kingpin and decided Trappers was kingpin and started taking him down.
You demanded that the UK take more refugees (for a while I had hope of someone…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@sceptical guy wrote:
@kent f OBE wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
Now that the unqualified JC quacks and busy bodies have simplified what are in fact two extremely complex issues, alcoholism and mental illness and the relationship, or not, between the two, can we get back to the business in hand. Thanks.
My question is for the powers to be and NOT for the…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
Now that the unqualified JC quacks and busy bodies have simplified what are in fact two extremely complex issues, alcoholism and mental illness and the relationship, or not, between the two, can we get back to the business in hand. Thanks.
My question is for the powers to be and NOT for the room busy bodies, who hijack every single post. Why is…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Trapper wrote:
A mean, butch looking little furry cat. As friendly as a bulldog, and as much fun to kiss.Ya see how I took it now
Gotta agree depression is a mental illness
Oh dearie me, quoting the Urban Dictionary as a reliable…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic They blow up so young now!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
at least with an injection, the first part is to paralyze you so you dont feel the poison.
in having said that – there are innocent on death row – and this should be stopped, however Crucifixion is slow and painful.I would rather injection then crucifixion.
As for Cameron shaming the UK – in what way do you feel he shamed the…
Mr Harp replied to the topic They blow up so young now!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Trapper wrote:
What exactly is the moral difference between injecting or electrocuting someone while they are tied down, with a leather strap in their mouth so they don’t bite their own tongue off and crucifying them, personally I find both disgusting and the levels of violence used are no different. Some would argue they are,…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Trapper wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
@Trapper wrote:
cant abide people using the word uber and where’s the moon rising in uranus type jokes
I’m not arguing with you, I only have 1 son and you have 12. All growlers.
Still don’t understand that comment
I said to you in a previous post, awhile ago, when you posted a pic of your sons that I am not going to…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic They blow up so young now!!! in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Trapper wrote:
So people shouldn’t hate the use of children as terrorists? Humour, is often used even if some don’t find it funny and this thread didn’t use anti refugee “humour” or try to deflect from the tragedy of drowned children, though again this child was in turkey with rent being paid by an aunt in Canada if the aunt is to be believed. As…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Arc en wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
@Arc en wrote:
Mr Harp dearest …… why you feel the need to extract the urine out of me is beyond me but fill your boots sunshine … if it keeps you amused.
You don’t have the first idea about me or my humour or lack of it in your opinion.
As Lucy said – you only ever appear to have a moan or stick your neb in…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
I did compliment Trappers lads, when I suggested they looked like MMA fighters he said, the martial artist is not there and said he would post another pic, which he did. So to suggest I was insulting them is absolute b.ollocks, plus I would not insult anyones children anyway.
Things do get lost in translation I agree Kenty, having read the post…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Arc en wrote:
Mr Harp dearest …… why you feel the need to extract the urine out of me is beyond me but fill your boots sunshine … if it keeps you amused.
You don’t have the first idea about me or my humour or lack of it in your opinion.
As Lucy said – you only ever appear to have a moan or stick your neb in somewhere to try belittle…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
Oh and btw, I was taking the p.ss out of Arc, the one who sits on here telling people to get a sense of humour. Which clearly she and you, haven’t got.
Ta ra.
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
HHmmmm you say Arc is “another hidey”.
then say – how can anyone be a name hider.
LOL Harp your losing your touch, try harder next time, good lad.
PS: what does ” to be fair there a a few of you, thats why no one posts” mean?? – theres only one of me and lots of people post.
You are like Arnie Lucy, you never stop, ever,…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
LMAO @ another hidey.
Did you go in as Mr. Harp – No.
Did you say who you were when Blossom asked – no, not according to the conversation YOU posted.Calm down Lucy, you are getting hysterical again, deep breathes, there there.
HAHA yep your usual response of “i fooked up so ill turn it around…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
LMAO @ another hidey.
Did you go in as Mr. Harp – No.
Did you say who you were when Blossom asked – no, not according to the conversation YOU posted.Calm down Lucy, you are getting hysterical again, deep breathes, there there.
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@sceptical guy wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
@Trapper wrote:
cant abide people using the word uber and where’s the moon rising in uranus type jokes
I’m not arguing with you, I only have 1 son and you have 12. All growlers.
That was a snipe at Trapper’s kids, Harp.
Nothing more serious but it would annoy anyone.
No idea what personal grudges you have…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
@Arc en wrote:
@Laine wrote:
blimey another thread all about me :roll:
Stand down Laine
….. Gerry was a lil irked that LD kicked him out & took it out on Trapps. :shock: :roll:
*wanders off muttering*
LD did not kick me out actually and never has, I get on great with LD, whoever you are because you certainly don’t use that name…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Freaky. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 5 months ago
Goddammit that filter.
Ha Ha Ha.
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