Mr Harp replied to the topic Guess It’s wishful thinking but …… in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Who are you people, you claim these boards have changed, for the worse, over the last ten years or so and then make a negative thread about it. A negative thread that points out how negative these threads are. Is it an in-house joke or something. The humour, you claim is absent, bypasses me.
Who are you, you certainly don’t chat in JC3 in those…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Whose in chat f3 now in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@frankly_frank wrote:
Tracy lives there. Makes sure she is on top of the list with spaces for maximum attention. She feels at home in JC.
“Daddy, how did you meet mummy?”
“Well son, I went through a number of women on JC, settled on your mum because I had a fetish for Diedre Barlow”Hello Frank,
I do enjoy your dry humour, but I have a really…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Guess It’s wishful thinking but …… in the board Chat Rooms – Forum Three Boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Always makes me smile when the cuddly, happy go lucky posters, reveal their true colours and their true intention by making crafty, derisory and provocative posts, that point the finger at everyone else. Intended to stir the pot. While they bask in the background, their angel halo glowing like a lighthouse on a misty morning.
I am an angel and I…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic American gun laws in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@ride the lighting wrote:
Irish get a grip!!!!
1 Guns dont shoot people its the person pulling the trigger
2 Yanks have a right to bare arms but in most states they can not carry them in public
3 Anyone can get hold of a gun (you Irish should know)
4 Put our own country in order 1st before you start on others ie knife crimes
5 most gun owners are… -
Mr Harp replied to the topic American gun laws in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@Moonshadow wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
The myths and misconceptions regarding mental illness and violence are quite depressing. In this case ‘gun crime’ in the USA. Personally I find it quite shocking that in the age of google and instant information people are still so ignorant regarding this issue.
One in four will experience mental health problems…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Just a snippet… in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@milkman of human kindness wrote:
yes mr harp i am whatever you say i am and either way you think i give a flying fk?
You clearly do give a fk, which is why when a Guide came in you stfu and hid in the corner. Crafty indeed.
Mr Harp replied to the topic Just a snippet… in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@milkman of human kindness wrote:
your at it again who are you to call me a bigot you dont even know me
I have chatted to you at 3 am in the room, I assume you were drunk… You used language I will not repeat, which was bigoted and which was racist. Is this where you deny it.
Mr Harp replied to the topic Just a snippet… in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@jen_jen wrote:
@Irish_Lucy wrote:
yeah thats what i mean, since were the ones paying to keep the foreign Governments in riches, if we stopped giving them money would it make them fix their Country and therefore stop people from fleeing.
Its the West that supplies money and guns so if we stopped, would it help??
30 years ago was Live Aid, and over…
Mr Harp replied to the topic "Lord Coke" in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@kent f OBE wrote:
@jen_jen wrote:
I’m glad to say that I haven’t a photo of him in his bra, was it red or orange?
Cant remember now I think it was red……wonder if he went to Marks and Sparks to get measured :lol:
You have to ask yourself what kind of a man wears a red bra. A real man wears a basque and suspenders!
Mr Harp replied to the topic "Lord Coke" in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@kent f OBE wrote:
Can you ask your “friend” why he wears them in the first place then 8)
Mr Harp replied to the topic "Lord Coke" in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@kent f OBE wrote:
Ok…just been reading this story in The Sun (easier words for me to understand you see)
Our Deputy Speaker John Sewel caught with…everything literally :lol:
The thing that made me actually chuckle was the picture of him with a fag in his gob wearing a red bra :shock:
Brings me to the question..
Why do some men like to wear… -
Mr Harp replied to the topic The Slagging Off Thread. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
Mr Harp replied to the topic The Slagging Off Thread. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@balloons wrote:
Sorry mr harp but :lol:
Is this a cryptic clue?
Am I meant to guess what you mean?
Mr Harp replied to the topic The Slagging Off Thread. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@Moonshadow wrote:
@kent f OBE wrote:
@Moonshadow wrote:
@Laine wrote:
i keep being accused of poking at Moon, if anyone is in the room when i am can someone put her straight, i have no idea why she is obsessed with my name, i dont mention her, dont speak to her and put her on ignore as soon as i notice her.
its bordering on paranoia now isnt it? to… -
Mr Harp replied to the topic The Incident Of The Dead Dog in Pats in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@Arc en wrote:
@Mr Harp wrote:
@Trapper wrote:
best dog in the world right there…. btw did you miss lover out of 2nd sentence as in animal lover rather than just animal ?
Forcing that lovely dog to sleep on a bed with mismatched quilt and pillow cases has made me so ANGRY!
Mr Harp you’re worried about the bedding not matching … fgs get a…
Mr Harp replied to the topic The Incident Of The Dead Dog in Pats in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@Trapper wrote:
best dog in the world right there…. btw did you miss lover out of 2nd sentence as in animal lover rather than just animal ?
Forcing that lovely dog to sleep on a bed with mismatched quilt and pillow cases has made me so ANGRY!
Mr Harp replied to the topic The Incident Of The Dead Dog in Pats in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@savvy wrote:
Seems some poor pregnant girl lost her young dog unexpectedly during an operation. As an animal lover I can relate to her being completely heart broken.
She posted about this and quite rightly so expected a few sympathetic ears which she was entitled to losing a pet can be devastating and turn your world upside down.
Here’s the t…
Mr Harp replied to the topic Lucy continues to flood my PM with vile messages. in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@tinks wrote:
@Bemused Bystander wrote:
@Black Knight X wrote:
Who is this old lady Tinks that keeps trolling me here?You must be a lonely lesbian like Lucy.I have bothered none of you so make fun of off!
A little paranoid, maybe?
and boring :D
SK is extremely predictable, he will push the boundaries bit by bit, until he reaches the threshold of…[Read more]
Mr Harp replied to the topic Nine improved room again, dining area, sitting area, tv desk in the board Chat Rooms – Forum One Boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@the9ballstar wrote:
Hello Mr Nine,
How do you reach your keyboard, have you got incredibly long arms :P Oh and chuck that hoover in a cupboard it is ruining your lovely room and making it look cluttered :P
Mr Harp replied to the topic Just a snippet… in the board Chat forum three boards 9 years, 7 months ago
@HostLD wrote:
@Moonshadow wrote:
Of a conversation with a a guied.
(atGuideSI: have you mentioned it to guides?
Moonshadow: i have screen shots of him saing its ok if im africanMoonshadow: im not by the way
Moonshadow: and saying things like if your black moon must know you in scotland
ChatGuideSI: i will mention it to the hosts when i see…
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