• @Irish_Lucy wrote:

    It shows where the dolls came from and how they got their name – not racists at all.

    So it is in the minds of people and easy to change if people were made aware that the name comes from a combination of Egyptian workers Arabic nickname was GHULS and the nickname WOGS which was on their arm bands which stood for Working On…

    [Read more]

  • @sceptical guy wrote:

    an interesting discussion, with good posts from Ms K, Wanda and Mr Harp.

    Do you know if any Asian/black groups think that the use of gollies is racist, and if so why?.

    Ms K, as a fully paid-up member of the Gillingham KKK (does her bum look big in this bed-sheet?), doesn’t seem to be sure.

    It is interesting, maybe it’s also…[Read more]

  • @milkman of human kindness wrote:

    sure they wont be as shocking as yours pro ira guy you still using that name you support a group that kills innocents rember that before you get on your high horse mr harp aka pro ira guy

    Is this where you derail yet another thread, you needy little man. With your needy little tit for tat lies. Next time you post…[Read more]

  • @milkman of human kindness wrote:

    didnt realise your were in your 60s mr harp

    I did realize you are stupid. If I grew up in the late 60’s and 70’s, as I state, then by my reckoning it makes me far younger.

    This isn’t about me though is it, so do share your views on “gollywogs”?

  • @Irish_Lucy wrote:

    equal rights.

    The first African American doll in the Barbie range is usually regarded as Christie, who made her debut in 1968. Black Barbie was launched in 1980 but still had Caucasian features.
    Now black dolls are everywhere – no reason why childhood toys from OUR childhood be taken away, all it does is give power to the…

    [Read more]

  • @kent f OBE wrote:

    Yes Mr Harp…most know that….but do you think it is offensive?….that questions would have more impact and reason for negativity if a black person answered….
    The problem is the toy is associated with the negative word…there is no getting away from that
    If I saw one now for sale I would actually buy one….I have never…

    [Read more]

  • My ring tune.


  • “The golliwog, golliwogg or golly was a black character in children’s books in the late 19th century usually depicted as a type of rag doll. It was reproduced, both by commercial and hobby toy-makers as a children’s toy called the “golliwog”, and had great popularity in Europe and Australia into the 1970s. The doll is characterised by black skin,…[Read more]

  • @kent f OBE wrote:

    @minnie mouse wrote:

    is kenty a man too !!!!! sorry i cant stop laughing im mcfc so blossom told me who are u kenty ? lol :D

    Its been a regular thing with her…thinking I am a bloke…..when I said my pics on boards she said it could be anyones picture……when I point the same out about her pic….she has a hissy…

    [Read more]

  • @balloons wrote:

    Think she’s just paranoid and far to busy forgetting what name she uses ….

    Thanks for the PM, I know who you are now! Blossom is always polite and friendly and up for some banter whenever I have chatted to her, don’t PM her though, that’s when it gets really surreal!


  • @Irish_Lucy wrote:

    @ride the lighting wrote:

    Irish get a grip!!!!
    1 Guns dont shoot people its the person pulling the trigger
    2 Yanks have a right to bare arms but in most states they can not carry them in public
    3 Anyone can get hold of a gun (you Irish should know)
    4 Put our own country in order 1st before you start on others ie knife crimes

    [Read more]

  • @milkman of human kindness wrote:

    harp you wont name yourself because your a constant name changer and troll when you do come into chat not to mention when i asked you about your life in st pauls you couldnt name one pub the main road nothing at all im happy for you to dig that convo up the name you used that night do you rember?

    So let me get…[Read more]

  • @Blossom. wrote:

    mcfc for life: have you ever had to deal with a ripped foreskin rain from to hard botty ramming?
    royal2day: hi Satin
    Rainbow: several time gam
    DiscreetM46: lol
    royal2day: lol
    mcfc for life: haha i knew it
    An old friend: gam, ffs im eating
    Rainbow: ripped rectums too
    Kenty: omg
    roughrider: blinks
    royal2day: ouch
    Rainbow: not…

    [Read more]

  • @milkman of human kindness wrote:

    i thought you lived there i rember you now you are what is known as a spoofer harp but i think the other guys worked that ok chhers harp whinge whatver your name is

    I do live there, we established that during our conversation. So you admit chatting to me after all, after denying it, great, so not only are you a…[Read more]

  • @milkman of human kindness wrote:

    harp claims to have talked to me in the room seemed a bit fishy but hey ho he lives up to his name never stops whinging

    Talking of “whinging” how is St Paul’s these days you keyboard racist you?

  • @kent f OBE wrote:

    I am Kenty in the room….when I welcome a name from the room I often or at least try remember to tell them who I am..
    I used to be kent f (insert age at time) when I first started chatting in 1942 when this was all fields…..then I was kent f OBE for a long while because I was so annoyed the queen KEPT leaving me off the New…

    [Read more]

  • @Irish_Lucy wrote:

    @Mr Harp wrote:

    @balloons wrote:

    I’d never make a gd name hider I type to fast n make loads of mistakes lol

    Who are you?

    Am i right about who you are Mr. Harp? If so its quite easy to know who Balloons is as Cosy refers to her under her Pats Chat name :wink:

    Arc yes i am nosy but at least i can admit it, and not hint around…

    [Read more]

  • @balloons wrote:

    I’d never make a gd name hider I type to fast n make loads of mistakes lol

    Who are you?

  • @sceptical guy wrote:

    oh dear…

    never mind..you’ll get used to it if you stay.

    I’m not in my 40s. It’s for those in their 40s and up.

    why not start a thread?

    Personally, I think that the UK is not taking nearly enough refugees, and I’m serious about that.

    but start a thread which interests you.

    I totally agree the UK is not taking enough…[Read more]

  • @sceptical guy wrote:

    who are you, Mr Harp lol

    you talk about how dull it is and then contribute to it.

    I am Brigg in the room, keep meaning to change my name on the boards but so it goes.

    some people have been here a long time, and some longer, so we’re measuring memories.

    If it’s boring to the newbies, sorry, and put some interesting threads…

    [Read more]

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