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  • #1135323
    You’re sorta young…… but you’re over age
    I don’t care cause I like your style  :heart:
    Don’t know about your brain…….but you look alright :rose:
    I want to touch you !!!!!
    I want to feel you !!!!!
    I want to make you mine !!!!!!

    I knew you were stalking me  :heart:


    ext thing BOOM it was banned. It didn’t really matter though as it was a free one FISHYSTINK gave me.

    Wait, who is Mr Fishy that he can give out accounts?


    Just a dickhead with a spare tenner

    I’m going to tell you the story of this as a warning to others. 
    Last year in the first lockdown….. the rooms were bad, spam, abuse and more. And abusing Tracy was hard to do :cry:

    So I cough up the tenner and got her an account. Tracy choose the name and took control of the account…then never really use it. Then I see Tracy moaning on about never using an account controlled by me and the idea I would shut it down at will. After pointing out that in membership settings the email and password can be change. Still the account wasn’t used. 

    Given the abuse Bornfree was taking in the forums at the time, the account was past on to her.

    A few weeks later, Tracy number one account is back. After asking Tracy how and why… she told me the site owner invited her back and let her have the original account back. The truth was Tree3 paid for it. 
    Since then Tree3 and Tracy fell out. Tracy started using Belladonna account to abuse him on the boards after Tracy number 1 was barred from the site. 

    In the past…. buying new names for old “friends” workout well, 10 pounds isn’t much to me. (I spend more than that on a visit to the local patisserie.) This experience put me off repeating that. 

    To be fair… I knew it wouldn’t be long before Tracy was removed from the site again. Hoping Tracy mature and mellowed over the years like the rest of us… instead Tracy’s became worse. 

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  Mr Fishy.
    1 member liked this post.

    Stop playing the victim  B-)

    You are bannnnnnnnnd  :yahoo:

    I get you’re in chatroom withdraw…. but this kind of thread isn’t helping your case.

    Why not see this opportunity for what it is:  a chance to start again with a clean slate on another site.

    Or have you been baaaaand from them too?

    2 members liked this post.

    I was on here when the sister site A1chat was going.

    I was on here when forum 4 was in use

    Was on here for the first just chat meet in Bournemouth with chastity (femme fatal then) and others 18 years ago.

    So I think that makes me and OLD chatter.

    2003….. hmmmm

    If you’d been here that long I’d have some clue who you were ….. :unsure:

    When y0u see Chastity ask why she left me  :weary:

    And to get her saggy azz back here :unamused:






    Nice to meet you thin ice :yes:

    Yes I’m new to the site.  Being a door to door frying pan sales person my work takes me all over the UK.  My poor fiat panda’s seen better days and smells of curry.   Do you know about Panda’s thin ice?


    Errrr I’ve never heard of you weyman B-)

    Basic investigation would show that weyman isn’t new.

    4 years on the site makes you one of “originals” now?

    There no sign of weyman on any of the splitter sites from 2008.

    Weyman’s like guru who claims to have been here 14 year…..  B-)






    I am old school…one of the originals. I miss chatting, but won’t go back whilst the sad women abuse everyone.


    Errrr  I’ve never heard of you weyman B-)



    Budha my little knobgoblin  :rose:

    Really 650k of my fan’s only money on a boat  :wacko:




    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Mr Fishy.
    1 member liked this post.
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