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  • #1137162

    You can still do it Ge  :heart:

    Or you can find budha & lock him out of youtube  :good:


    Me and danechip are related I think :scratch:

    He’s from Kettering and most of my family are on the war memorial there.   I’d like to add a few more too but they keep jumping out the way  :cry:

    Can you pop on a Grattan summer dress and sandals, then post a pic?



    Doa, while you are watching me watch you watch them can you answer this, please.

    My whole office once got a bollocking because I drew a p***s with a glue stick on the whiteboard and when the manager went to wipe off the board all the fluff came off and stuck to the glue. I never got in trouble for it because my whole office found it too funny to tell the manager it was me and I might be a bird but really I am a flower before I fell off a bank into a wheely bin.

    What am I?


    A man child who lives with his mum….. who still buys his clothes from Littlewood’s catalogue  B-)


    The Guardian?


    Errr they mite be right looking at this vid….  to me this looks like a group of lads drunk on cheap booze kicking off on a sat nite  :scratch:

    But I still hold on to my original idea: lack of impulse control.

    Looking back over my own records for apprenticeships for the last 20 years… 1 in 3 end up in court for doing something really really really  stupid before they turn 25.  Most of them got fines & tags. And the dumbest one of all broke both his legs trying to steal a flag from the Place pier.

    Football seems to have nothing to do with it  B-)




    Ge….. babe you is sooooooo wrong hun  :-(

    The teenage brain is still developing. And the part of the brain that’s responsible for what’s called, like, executive decision-making – judgment – isn’t fully developed yet. It’s still starting to develop when kids are in their teens.

    It takes, often, into your early 20s and possibly late-20s and, you know, maybe even beyond for the brain to fully mature to adult levels. And one of the main drivers of this is the way our brain connects regions to each other inside the brain. These connection tracts have to be insulated for very fast signalling.  And we have a natural insulation that’s similar to the insulation around an electrical wire, which is usually a, you know, rubber insulation. We have something – a natural insulation – called myelin. It’s a fat, and it takes time – cells have to build myelin, and they grow it around the outside of these tracts. And that takes years.

    In older men a lack of impulse control may be associated with certain neurological disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It may also be related to an intersecting group of conditions known as impulse control disorders (ICDs)




    Its not a conspiracy ….. conspiracies are based on 1/2 truths and misinformation  :-)

    But if you think I’m wrong…. prove it  ;-)

    Now when does that tag come off?  I want to party  :yahoo:


    Thank’s budha for dragging this old thread up ….. I have really been here 15 years or more  :cry:

    1 member liked this post.

    Did you just call me OLD  :-(

    I’m a ladies boy not a ladies man you cheeky sod  B-)

    Brexit is such a simplistic answer even for you !

    I voted to leave the EU due to mismanage and corruption on levels on seen in 3rd rate country’s.

    And if Brexit was the only reason for all of this…. once the referendum was complied these policy’s would have stop, but they haven’t.

    What seems to be going on is a redefinition of citizenship. If you asked the question 20 years ago what is a British citizen?  Most people would answer:  a person born in the UK.  Today that’s no longer true.

    British citizenship

    You can live and work in the UK free of any immigration controls if you’re a British citizen. You can also get a UK passport.

    You might be a British citizen depending on:

    • where and when you were born
    • your parents’ circumstances when you were born

    You can check if you’re a British citizen if you’re not sure.

    You do not necessarily get British citizenship if you were born in the UK.

    Back in the 1980’s Thatcher brought in new labour laws basically ending trade union dominance. Law’s no labour government ever reverse or tried too.

    For the last 10 years UK citizenship was consistency redefined to a point where about 20 million people can lose there right to remain in the UK.  I’m not just talking about those Russian male brides I order twice a month, try out and send back or refuges floating to the UK on ironing boards.

    Just think about how many people of Irish descent live in the UK or first generation of EU migrant’s children from the old eastern block.

    Much like Thatcher’s labour laws, the new UK citizenship laws will never be reversed by any political party.


    OOOoooooooOOOO bitcheeeee cow  :cry:

    You don’t see the bigger picture  ;-)

    The austerity program was used to ” educate ” the population.

    Here is how:

    By cutting Police numbers more people became victims of crime.

    By cutting Prison staff numbers less criminals serviced time in prison.

    By high lighting new/failed asylum seekers within the UK immigration became front page news.

    By encouraging 3rd rate celebrates to visit refuge camps in France demonstrating more were coming.

    By putting the blame on the EU’s court of human rights for a failed repatriation system for  asylum seekers.

    Manufacturing an increasingly eurosceptic population within a few years.

    Now me little love bunny riding a pony in the rest home of me dreams….. why do you think Conservative and Unionist Party wanted that  :rose:



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