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  • #1139214

    Only a yank would say that !!!

    Things have always been normal in the UK.  We go to work, come home and nod off in a chair just like our fathers did and there fathers before them.

    The schools mite have been close for a while, no football for a bit too, but we’ve seen worse and came thru it.

    Who can forget when kfc ran out of chicken for weeks?

    Wot about when d1 spilt up?

    Or even the beast from the east… 8 weeks when the roads were coved in ice and snow?

    I’d like to think of the last year as a pause.  A time when we all had the time for friends and family or got to try out new hobby’s.  We all got thru it and in 8 weeks when all restrictions end ….we all go back to normal.  Overall, I’ve enjoy the pandemic.  Its been nice not to see the pro beggar’s out on our streets or  hear drunks screaming at 3am.  People seem friendly and more open too.




    Benefits keep me in bra’s and fags  B-)

    Once I marry hubby number 6 and my kids move out… I’m going to get a job at asda with me mate Bolanle. She me bestest mate in all the world and gets me vodka in a plastic bag  :yahoo:

    Now stop having pop at poor single mums like me and start paying for your kid Shaunc  :good:


    LOL U KIDDING RIGHT. Afraid of goverment taking those balls down. Have u? Lol

    Principal. Big government can afford peivate security.

    Secret service….

    Who takes care of me. Society has run a muck here. I live in society not a castle. I cant even walk around as a person because us whites told we racist and white supremacy. Shyte I could be killed for my skin color. U have no clue

    As for covid not a competition between countries. It government control when who,, able. Covid costing us nothing to be preventive with

    Again freedom and personal choices. End of it

    I did see the news from America and its horrific.   There seems to be a shoot to kill policy by many local Police forces on the poor.   Yes the Police are shooting white people too… but it don’t make the news.

    And you cant really pass the buck on this issue Linda… like UK you have an elected government.  If you want to walk the streets without fear, dont buy a gun… elect people who will make them safer.

    And I’m starting to believe covid 19 is seen as a way to “cull” the poor in America. The whispering campaign ageist vaccination is in full swing and why else are so many dying when there a working vaccine?


    Sassey if you love me…. you’d be vaccinated by now  :-(

    Now stop mucking about and sort it out !!!


    Linda’s reply highlights the difference the UK & USA.

    In the UK we don’t fear our government knowing they can soon be replaced if they mess up too much.  Members of our political system will be hounded to death for years if they do. The same can be said for our scientific community.

    There nothing more degrading that a little old lady batting you senseless in public place or a member of  public having a go.


    So let me tell you want I thinks going on in America.

    There a vaccine shortage and vaccinated people don’t need hospital beds.

    CVS health  & United health know pandemic is profitable time for them  and the long this pandemic goes on…. the more they make.  There no money in vaccinated people: they wont spend months in hospital beds.  Profits before people…..the more you can convince people not to take the vaccine’s the more money they make.   Its the American way   ;-)


    In the UK we’d hang then by there balls if they did this :yes:


    So what should you do being a good American?  Well follow the money of course  B-)

    Those with incomes over 150,000 cue for the vaccines while those on less don’t.  After all there’s lots and lots of poor people and so few rich.

    And if you think I’m joking …. look who’s dying !!!










    I’ve dated worst and will do again  B-)

    A lot of Americans claim Scottish descent…. lets see if they will listen to Nicola Sturgeon :scratch:



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    I didn’t get them to be upright  ;-)


    Ge hunnie …. stop copying me style  :-(

    Those clothes would never fit you ….and trying to dress like me is a big no no !!!

    Unless you’re 19 stone, 5 ft 3,  and got 68DD boobs with a shiny head like me, you’d just look like mutton dressed as lamb or even worst Katey Price    :wacko:

    Face it babe… you is sooooOOooooo Primark  B-)

    Now be a good boy and find me a 5 star mental hospital  :rose:



    Ge babe, did you know google does reviews of mental hospitals online ?

    So before I’m budha pushes me over the edge….. I’ve been reading them  ;-)

    Better to do it now rather than later…. once I’m in the town centre screaming ” seagull’s are drones sent by octopusesies  working for weightwatchers !!!   Why else do you think they nick chips from chubby’s !!!”

    It mite be a bit hard to pull out me smart phone and read the reviews of nut houses with 6 or 7 policemen jumping on me.  I want 4 stars or better  B-)

    By the way I’ve already pick out a lovey outfit….. 14 inch blood red heels from Kens of Kemptown, pain old Alexander McQueen leather wrap skirt and Jil Sanders short-sleeved top in viscose and silk with checked embroidery.  I wonder if Vivienne Westwood makes tinfoil hats  :scratch:








    I was admitted to hospital against my will after a toothache.  The royal free hospital sections me against my will second time was administered drugs against my will.

    I did nothing out of character whilst I was on the ward sapphire but the psychiatrist was adamant I needed to be put on a depot was administered two injections staff came into my room approximately 8 members of staff all wearing surgical gloves telling me me we can do this the easy way or hard way injected me supposedly with 50mg promethazine 100 mg zuclopentixol.

    They write false notes about service users.  Since my injection have had trouble with my left leg upon where the injection was administered.  Lucky to still be walking this place almost killed me

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