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    Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.,fighting%20system%20of%20the%20body.

    Happy now dra :wacko:


    I’m forced to agree with Kenty.  I cant get my head around comments made by American users of this site.


    Lets start off with Big Joe.  After Trumps confused and mixed messages on covid 19… Big Joe’s adopt the single message idea common around the world:  “get a vaccine”.  In the back of my mind there a nagging feeling Trump fail to act due to viruses have more impact in city’s effecting poorer black and Latinos communities.

    Fear and loathing at the vaccine centres cues? Force any group of people together and they moan. (Jury service is a good example of this.) Being treated like cattle is normal too… they have a ton of people to see in a short amount of time.  A work place fire drill springs to mind which is the same approach to handling a hi volume of people within a limit time period.

    Since the start of the vaccine roll out in the UK, we all got little cards proving vaccination and now that information is available on the NHS app.

    Vaccination as a condition of employment is grey area.  The public would expect medical staff and first responder’s to be vaccinated. Teaching unions have been demanding vaccines for there members regardless of age too.  I feel if you worked as a car mechanic or in a bank and refused to be vaccinated and was dismissed those companies wouldn’t have a leg to stand on at a employment tribunal.



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    I’ve been sat here for the last hour wondering if Linda knows what  forced vaccinated is  :unsure:

    So I’m going to give her an example  B-)

    Puds who loved by all is out on the town, he refused a covid vaccine and wont wear a mask too.  Visiting bars, buy drinks and kissing girls.  ( You can tell this is a fantasy, he never brought a round yet).


    After a long night of spreading the love, Puds returns home with Kylie Jenner.  ( Caitlyn Jenner for our woke members)


    While lost in sweet loving making for the 8th time, with a Nolan’s cd playing in the back ground.. he’s fails to hear the door being kick in and the local swat team rush in tasering him on his bum just above his Mighty Mouse tattoo  :cry:


    They push him to the floor and inject him with johnson & johnson’s janssen covid-19 vaccine.  One of the swat team look at a naked Kylie/Caitlyn Jenner and say ” tell your friends what you saw here, tell everyone what you saw here tonight.  Get vaccine by Fri or be next !!”  Kicking puds a few times in the nuts.. he leaves.


    That a forced vaccine program.  You are held down and forced to take it by government law enforcement officers.


    But the truth about vaccine programs around the world is much darker. Vaccines are routinely withheld from minority ethnic groups as a form of ethnic cleansing. Forced sterilization is common too.






    There are no reports of forced vaccinated programs in the States.

    A growing number of states, cities and companies are offering incentives to encourage people to get vaccinated. And the sweeteners keep getting bigger and better.

    New Jersey, for example, is picking up the tab for a free beer for anyone who can prove they got a shot. Maryland is offering state employees US$100, while Lancaster, California, is trying to encourage teens to get inoculated by entering their names in a raffle for college scholarships worth up to $10,000. Not to be outdone, Ohio announced on May 12, 2021, that it was creating a lottery with prizes of up to a full four-year scholarship for newly vaccinated teens and $1 million for adults.

    Linda where are you getting your information from?  


    Hmmm…. Linda you really don’t get how people think here.  So I’m going to try and explain.

    Self sacrifice is common trait in the UK.  From taking on terrorist with anything close to hand or jumping off a bridge to save someone….risking your own life to save others is common.  If you want I can post a few links to stories on this.

    So when we talk about vaccinates in the UK that spirit of self sacrifice is still alive.  Millions wait there turn for a vaccine in the first pandemic in 100 years.  Understanding they may risk there lives doing so.   They stay way from friends and family encase they put them at risk.

    If 20 million people choose to ignore the covid rules and laws do you think any government could force people to do that?  If a few thousand people storm a vaccinate  centre do you think our Police could stop them?

    Our government  rules by consent.  They keep us inform and updated on changes so we can all understand the risk.

    No one is “forced” to take a vaccine here.  The numbers of those already vaccinated is so high that if you choose not to have one, you should be OK.  Those who want to travel outside the UK may require one……but that’s the choice of there destinations.

    The concept of not harming others here is demonstrated by those wearing masks. Again this law cant be enforced  but people choose to follow it. They understand the risk to others by not doing so.

    I was receiving my second vaccination yesterday like many others. People cued in the rain and patently waited there turn.  They weren’t loaded off busses or thrown out of Police vans, no armed Police forcing people inside…. just people drinking coffee and waiting to be seen.

    And that’s the main point of freedom. The freedom to access information and choose.

    But let say our government  did nothing.  Just let this pandemic run and burn itself out much like the Spanish flu a 100 years ago.  Brushing it under the table, censoring news reports and carrying on normally….much like in India then what?

    There be panic, fear and riots.  As the body count increased effecting every family in the UK public anger would grow.  The government wouldn’t last a week and members killed openly or jailed for life. We’re a rebellious lot at the best of times and our politicians know it.

    And unlike our American users…. we don’t need guns to remove a government.  Our Police and armed forces wont stand in our way.  There more likely to be on the front line with the rest of us.

    Again govern by consent………. we dont live in fear of our leaders, they live in fear of us.








    It seems so.


    Narrow minded people say “no” the most.

    No to food they never tried.

    No to new clothes or styles.

    No meeting new people.

    No to new ideas.

    Overall narrow minded people are backwards thinking, low risk takers who fear change.

    The new variant is ripping thru community’s in the north of England who refused the vaccine. The only thing “time” hi lighting in the UK right now is: no vaccination, no chance. In the next few weeks this variant will land on American shores.  God help you then.





    Dr Charlie Ward

    A key British YouTube influencer is Charlie Wardwho lives in Spain and began uploading QAnon-themed videos during lockdown. While older clips about his personal life received barely any attention, his channel now boasts more than 170,000 subscribers and he has hosted discussions with FFTCUK leaders.

    Before Charlie became an online sensation, he had a whirlwind 60 years on the planet that saw him go from being a humble English kid brought up in bizarre religious cult in the 1960s to being an international financier and mover of money for the World’s governments.
    He was even offered a £1 million advance for telling his life story by the now disgraced and deceased PR guru Max Clifford back in 2010, his life story was so explosive. So Charlie has now put pen to paper and for the first time ever, has told the story of his life in his Official Autobiography “I’m Just Charlie”

    Reuters fact check him…. and found false claims about covid 19 vaccines.


    There seems to be no record of him having any medical training. I think his doctored must be a PHD, instead of MD?

    Mel K and Charlie Ward see:

    Overall….. neither of them live in the UK and both are benefiting financially from making QAnon-themed videos.





    Dont worry H…this new strain is really contagious and they will catch it at anti lockdown protest.

    Maybe a few weeks in bed struggling for breath will teach them a lesson.  They’d need  to be at deaths door before a hospital will take them.  And if they were offer a vacation and turn it down…no sick pay due to being “self-inflicted illness”.





    Well with this new India variant…. I’m not sure.   The governments clearly worried and brought forward the second vaccinates by 4 weeks.



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