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  • #1141436

    What’s that got to do with covid  :unsure:


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    This week, New Zealand entered a strict national lockdown after a single case of Covid-19 emerged. The pandemic gives, the pandemic wins.

    Since the announcement of confinement, around twenty additional cases have appeared. The virus had been circulating for a few weeks, in a largely unvaccinated population. It turns out that the Covid risk has not gone away. After Australia, which has seen an increase in daily cases despite severe and continued closures, the country could soon be stuck in a Covid rut. Locked up, at risk and with no way out.

    Looks like kiwi will be in his bunker with a post of Trump over his cot until summer  :yahoo:

    Maybe with Ge  ;-)




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    Kiwi’s missing Trump…. like the rest of us.

    But can we get back to New Zeeland’s covid problem and not live in the “Trump years” ?


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    What kiwi fail to point out was ………Jenny McGee (nurse) never paid UK…. moan about low pay and then took a job in the  Caribbean. (tax free job).

    Can you see a theme here  :scratch:



    I have the feeling if kiwi was on the Titanic and saw an iceberg about the hit the ship………he’d say:  there no need to worry global warming will take care of that !!!

    And that’s where New Zeeland is right now…… about to be hit by a wave of covid while there government looks the other way and plays it down.






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    New Zealand was involved in Vietnam.,service%20and%20187%20were%20wounded.

    And Afghanistan


    Lets see how New Zealand compares to the UK & USA on covid deaths.

    United Kingdom

    Total cases: 6,352,224

    Death rate 2.1%

    Deaths per 100k =196.00

    United States

    Total cases: 37,017,854

    Death rate: 1.7%

    Deaths per 100k: 189.90

    New Zealand

    Total cases: 2,937

    Death rate: 0.9%

    Deaths per 100k = 0.53

    All you can say from that is…. 3,000 cases in New Zealand isn’t enough information to draw a comparison with the rest of the world on covid death rates.

    Jacinda Ardern covid plan is doom to fail. Low vaccination numbers & a feeling of invincibility can only lead to disaster.   Once New Zealand reopens its boarders covid cases will increase along with the death rate.

    With new covid variants emerging and current vaccines losing there effectiveness,  New Zealand  sitting on a ticking covid time bomb. There no real herd immunity in New Zealand and a new covid strain will devastate the whole country.




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    66.65 million live in the UK

    328.2 million live in the USA

    4.917 million live in NZ

    In one day in March the UK vaccinated  844k  people.

    At the same time the USA were doing 4 million per day.

    Now lets look at NZ


    So if NZ took the same pro active steps as the UK & USA…. you’d all be fully vaccinated by now.  Looks to me like Jacinda Ardern really couldn’t be azz.   How’s it feel knowing the Americans vaccinated almost New Zealand  whole population in one day?

    While New Zealand on par with Albian  :yahoo:


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    The UK got nothing to do with New Zealand piss poor  vaccination rate.

    New Zealand intake of refugees from Afghanistan will increase risk of an outbreak.  Pressure from the Americans means New Zealand will take far more than the 37 claimed by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

    With the demand for covid vaccinates starting to tail off due to other countries starting there programs in Jan 2021, there no shortages.  Was Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern hoping to pick up the “left over vaccinates” at a discount?  Is Ardern waiting for the sales?

    New Zealand’s response to the current pandemic is a joke. Isolationism policy’s never work and only delay the inevitable.








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