In most cases medical abortion is carried out on those over the age 35 years or those with addiction issues in the UK. I think there was a case of a mental ill woman being forced to have one some years back.
In the UK there was much protesting on this subject back in 1960’s. Mostly ageist on religious grounds. To keep those groups happy they put in conditions.
Abortion Act 1967 permits abortions if there is:
risk to the life of the pregnant woman;
a necessity for abortion to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman;
risk of injury to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or any existing children of her family (up to a term limit of 24 weeks of gestation); or
substantial risk that if the child were born, it would “suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped”
My Grandad told me they only passed this law cos MP’s kept knocking up there secretary staff and didn’t want to pay up
But times have moved on…. today there the morning after pill and freely available. The need for medical abortion seems a little out of date.
I look at what’s going on in Texas and feel the echo’s of my Grandads generation. Back in the 1950’s & 60’s no one in the UK would have voted to legalize abortion. Even now the law wouldn’t pass if put to a public vote.
The Americans have the some of the same conditions for a medical abortion as the UK….. even in Texas and nothing will change that.
So its hard to know what’s really going on in Texas. Those who want an medical abortion can just go to another state… much like people in Eire coming to the UK.
My feeling is Texas is just stoking up debate and trying to talk about something else but covid
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Mr Fishy.
You need to be careful offering financial advice online. While few would willingly put there hands in a meat grinder…..they seem happy to put there cash into any new nonsense they find on the internet.
People make money from trading………and its all computerized like stocks and shares. Prices can fall & rise in 100th’s of seconds not days or weeks.
There are two main issues:
Its not regulated
The internet is full of thieves.
Unless you have really good computer equipment & software …. you mite as well flush the investment down the bog. The real money is made by running “crypto” trading sites. With 2% of each trade and millions per day the amount soon add’s up.
I can think of many investments that offer better returns without the risks. Only invest in stuff you know and understand. Leave the “crypto” to those who fall for “get rich quick” con’s.