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  • #1142317

    Cosy babe….they’re giving away free money  :yes:

    Now you can say…. well I dont want it or say where my share !!!

    Just H think your a little off the mark there. The overseas budget been cut to £10.9 billion from £14.5 billion  & thanks to technology the cost of running the governments shrunk in the last 20 years.

    Reducing the UK’s aid spending in 2021



    Today I’m looking in Norwich.

    There nothing on offer and no sign of the 500 million grant thingy.

    The only advice they offer is:


    Help with paying bills

    If you are experiencing difficulty paying your energy bills, have been threatened with disconnection or wish to complain about your energy supplier, contact Norfolk Citizens Advice.


    I wonder what they did with the money?


    I took this bike from Shoreham into Brighton today.  Around trip of about 9 miles and it made it. Its mostly flat with a few small hills.

    If you think cyclists are azzsoles on the roads there even worse on the cycle tracks.  Clueless bunch of tvvats. Under taking, refusing to stop at lights and no idea how to over take.




    So often on my local village Facebook pages people post about warning against scamming phone calls. I just don’t get it myself I would never answer a call that isn’t in my contact list.

    Sometimes you have too.

    Normally delivery drivers will call a head. People buy new phones with new numbers. Business will carry checks on service.  Once or twice since the pandemic started the NHS called too.

    You cant just use a contact list as a phone filter.




    You is soooooOOooooo 2005 !!!

    Watch this:

    Ransomware: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

    I couldn’t agree more H.

    There a lot of bad cyclists the same as drivers.  From what I remember you shouldn’t be on the pavements if your over 14 and I believe schools still run the old cyclist providence training most of us did as kids.

    Teenagers were and still are a problem not matter what.

    With another covid winter looming public transport may be a risk old people are unwilling to take.  While fitness levels mite keep older people off traditional cycles modern  light weight electric transport  mite be the solution for local shopping needs.  Even getting older people out & about for an hour would improve mental health & wellbeing.

    New cycle lanes have been introduced cross the UK since the pandemic began whether people wanted them or not.  It seems silly not to use them.

    My own thoughts on this subject are simple: if teens see a bunch of  old fogy’s using them they will soon stop begging parents to buy them making the pavement’s a little safer for all.

    So don’t write off  electric e bikes & scooters, embrace it !! Why should we be force to use those mobility scooters that need a shed or garage and cost thousands to buy?

    As we get older a little fresh air and fun shouldn’t be one of those things we give up !!













    I was mucking around on his today.  It was so funny :yahoo:

    Wind gusting almost blow me off but the bike kept going.  Its a bit odd not peddling at first but you soon get over it.  :yes:



    Attacker jumps out of a bush in a dark public place dimly lit by a distant streetlight and grabs an innocent young lady locking his arms around her and ready to do unspeakable harm.

    I believe if you feel unsafe you’d have this ready.  There fast loading from wot I’ve seen and unless the area is operating a  stop and search policy…. I think you’d keep this loaded, put not primed.

    At home its a different story…. no rules inside your own home.







    Look there was a gang of women on the beach firing guns. I was only there watching and taking an interest………not  hoping to nick there clothes if they went swimming  ;-)

    And I’m still in two minds about these things  :scratch:



    This is a gun slip for a gun.


    This is one for a hand gun














    And this is a woman’s hand bag with a zip





















    A hand bag with a “zip closing” is classed as a “gun slip” Gonzo !!



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