I feel the Scots should be more grateful. When ever things go wrong in Scotland they come begging for an English bale out.
Just look at the act of union for a start.
Now that small minded Nicky Sturgeon true calling in life is doctors receptionist in dead end place like Plockton keeps messing up again & again.
Just look at education
Does the world really need more people who can only barely read a plastic cider bottle? Is Nicky master plan for the Scottish economy an army of drunken beggars invading England in the hope when they return home the empty beer cans in there hands can be sold for scrap?
Right now I use a Baltic Canoe 50N Buoyancy Aid 40-130kg. Its a good vest and fits any shape or size of person. In ruff seas it really needs a spray hood but you cant fit one on a buoyancy aid.
So I’ve got a spray hood and the parts to retro fit one to my buoyancy aid and will be dropping it off at my local tailors for fitting. I just wish they sold a buoyancy aid with one.
I was out last nite didn’t get much of a chance to annoy them. Only popping in around 3am while up for my tea and weeeeeeeee.
Asked one of the mods calling poco something for a bed time story…but he just kept kicking me
The simple truth is there still not learning. Any mod on this site would have told them I loveeeeeeee the booty game: its not about annoying site users, just site staff
And without being completely obvious……..they cant spot me
Lets talk about there mods for a min.
On here all the site staff are anonymous and for good reason. They need to be anonymous to control the site and not take it too personally. They also know when to give up and recommend changes to site software.
The biggest problem is the Yanks are trying to run a site the “American wayyyyyyyyyy” ………and that dont work outside America