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  • #1142894

    I did hear NHS allows GPs to postpone health checks for over-75s and new patients to focus on booster jabs.

    Lets be honest about this… since the pandemic start all government departments took the opportunity to reduce services.

    Doctors surgery basically closed down for a year and non medical staff took furlong paid.  GP practices are paid on the basis of the number of patients on their list not the patients they see.  If a surgery never sees another patient again, they still get paid. The result is there putting up barriers to prevent patients from visiting surgeries to cut costs & increase profit’s.



    I am little and size 12 too  B-)

    Highland heifer cant stand it  :yes:


    I knew it  :yahoo:


    I’m pretty sure you are just trolling now.

    I’m just pointing out your far more connected to the world than you think.  If public services break down… you’re a target.

    Now here a fact you mite like.

    In the atomic bombing of Hiroshima 66,000 people died.

    Covid killed more people than a nuclear bomb  ;-)



    I don’t need to rely one anybody else, my property is more than sufficent to produce food and water for my family. My girlfriend even owns a horse should we need to travel.

    Errr you think  :yahoo:

    So….. your a farmer… veterinarian…doctor….water engineer… builder and more?

    Must be an isolated place  :scratch:

    Without law enforcement…….how long can you hold it for  :unsure:


    Mr Fishy wrote: 145k have died from covid so far in the UK. We lost 50,000 due air raids over 6 years in WW2 No, they haven’t.

    Your right I was just looking at London’s figures.


    In WWII there were 384,000 soldiers killed in combat, but a higher civilian death toll (70,000, as opposed to 2,000 in WWI), largely due to German bombing raids during the Blitz: 40,000 civilians died in the seven-month period between September 1940 and May 1941, almost half of them in London.



    Draculina wants us all to live her sh1t life style of 4 walls and the internet.  The comments are chilling too.  Clearly a person who’s been confined too long out of choice.  Only those with low intelligent and no self-esteem make such remarks.

    Draculina let me spell this out how a world without lock downs or vaccine program effect you personally.

    Delivery drivers will start calling in sick, no home deliveries.

    Phone engineers will do the same. If the lines are knock out by a  internet for a week or long.  You can say the same about electricity too.

    Forget calling 999, ambulances are under pressure now and I’d heard there a 90 min wait in most areas.

    Cyber attacks are increasing: Tesco’s was hammer last month.  Banks and even the NHS have suffer too. Just think what would happen if there software engineers called in sick.  No money, no food?

    Draculina’s one of the few beneficiaries of the vaccine program and lockdowns. Without them few people would be working and we’d return to survival of the fittest.  Those still fit enough to work wont be dropping off medication or working for the NHS.  They wont be stocking shelfs in Asda too. They will take the best paying jobs they can and those jobs aren’t in the service industry.

    Here a chilling throught Draculina….. how long do you think you’d last?  A week?  A month?

    Don’t count on friends and family t0 help out. Without the vaccine roll out  they wouldn’t take the risk.   Even those living with you would start to get sick at some stage.

    Covid a nasty  slow way to die.  Without government action you’d  be a victim or witness a death.






    Lockdowns and restraints aren’t caused by the virus, they are caused by a power mad government that is legitimised by people like you who think that the government hasn’t gone far enough.

    145k have died from covid so far in the UK.  We lost 50,000 due air raids over 6 years in WW2

    Even if it somehow did, why is that a justification to violate the very foundation of human rights, and to break multiple national and international laws that prohibit exactly this from being done.

    Tuberculosis was a killer in the UK for thousands of years. Every family lost someone to it. It only stop after a national vaccination program.  Polio took more lives and was stop the same way.

    Draculina argument is simple.

    Governments should not take any action to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

    Mandatory vaccination programs of any kind are illegal under UK & international laws.

    Cold & callous Draculina

    This argument is an echo of the past.  From the Victorians who believed the poor were “poor” out of choice to those who felt the NHS would fill up with those who chose to be “sick” back in 1943.

    The people elect governments to make laws.  Right now there growing support for a mandatory vaccination program for covid along the lines of TB system.

    Why should they make prisoners of us all? Again, what are you talking about? Unvaccinated people aren’t locking you inside your home, the government is.

    The unvaccinated “hero’s” are not only bring in new covid variants: there not following the rules on isolation.  Our hospitals are filling up with more unvaccinated “hero’s”  delaying treatment for others.

    On a personal level my Christmas plans are looking more & more unlikely.  Yet again family members cant spend Christmas Eve in Bethlehem.  A family tradition going back to British mandate.  Just had my sailing holiday in New Zealand cancel.  I was going in February for 3 weeks.

    I’m back wearing a face mask and washing my hands every 5 mins.  Avoiding public space such as pubs and restaurants.

    Another 4 months of work, home, eat, sleep, repeat.

    So yes the unvaccinated “hero’s”  are turn me into a prisoner again and I’m sick of it.













    Absolutely insane

    I’m tried of lockdowns & restrains….endless vaccination’s.

    Why should few people who reject the idea of vaccination program keep impacting my life?

    Why should they make prisoners of us all?


    Um… well I do hate frauds :scratch:

    Its easy to come up with a sob story online and exploit others. Over the years seeing many slowly walking to the end of there lives without a discussion.

    Fantasists are more common than most of us would believe.  Tania Head spring to mind.  Few would use a sick love one to score points in a chatroom or a reason to have others removed.

    And its easy to spot them online…if they can’t get there own way or lose an argument they return to there default setting of victim.

    This is the reason I return to UK chat.  There’s no need for me for talk in chat room becoming abusive, just being there is enough to trigger fantasist into a rage.  Proving there control is lost for all to see no matter how many lies they tell  :bye:









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