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  • #209825

    People often talk about Christmas and St George’s day and the christian faith in their rants against multiculturalism, but where is the Christianity in the policy of the far-right??? You can’t be a BNP supporter and a real Christian because the 2 ideologies are mutually exclusive. Christianity doesn’t care about what country you come from or what language you speak or what colour your skin is. Judging people by those backward criteria is ungodly and the antithesis of Christian doctrine. In case you forgot, St George was an asiatic foreigner. Richard the Lionheart too was a foreigner who spoke hardly any english and wasn’t too fond of this country.


    Emma the word is “o-p-e-r-a-t-i-o-n” not “opperation”. Maybe we can find a Kosovan asylum seeker to teach you English.

    As for Operation Black Vote, it’s an organisation aimed at getting more black people to participate in the electoral process. It’s about empowerment so that people feel less disenfranchised. How the hell is it segregationist when it encourages broader participation in national elections?

    As for black police groups, they exist for the recruitment and retention of black police officers. In case you were unaware the police have a racist image that makes it difficult for them to recruit black officers. Black police officers’ groups encourage Black people to join and offer them support once they are there.

    If you don’t want foreigners and you want uniculturalism then we’ll have to deport the monarchy, get rid of the Italian restaurants, the pizzerias, the French restaurants, the Irish pubs, the Turkish chip shops, the chinese takeaways, the curry houses, McDonalds, Taco Bell, starbucks, KFC, cinemas that show American films, radio stations that play american music, shops that sell foreign clothes (e.g. DKNY, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, Gaultier, Lagerfeld)etc.

    Basically, if you take Emma’s argument to its logical conclusion then it’s obvious that the demented cow is talking absolute gibberish.


    What some people don’t realize is that the first generation of an immigrant family might take crap off bigots in an effort to fit in and not to cause a fuss. But with the 2nd generation who were born here and consider themselves British, they won’t tolerate the crap that their parents took off people. The bigotry of 20 or 30 years ago is less acceptable than it was back then due to a more enlightened younger generation both white and non-white.

    People who constantly whinge about “political correctness” and “playing the race card” really have no clue about what goes on in society. If they were to live a week as a non white person in many parts of the country, they’d soon realize that racism is far more serious than they had ever imagined. The “rights for whites” brigade are severely out of touch with reality.


    China has nuclear weapons, there won’t be another war at least not a hot one.


    So anybody who is White and born in england is “indigenous”? This may come as a surprise to the 2nd generation of european immigrant families.

    As for origins Emma, you might find that your ancestors came from Asia. It’s a historical fact that certain European tribes including some Germanic tribes came to Europe from Asia

    If Nick Griffin isn’t a neo-nazi then why does he deny the holocaust and write in neo-nazi periodicals?

    A BNP spokesman was on Sky News saying that homosexuality shouldn’t be promoted in schools (not a controversial view) but I think this was the same person who, it was reported, appeared in a gay porn video. He played the role of a gay sailor and at the last election the other candidates whistled the sailor’s hornpipe when he took to the stage.

    Another BNP candidate, Matthew single, displayed the party’s commitment to law and order by getting himself arrested for attacking a Labour party activist who was handing out anti-racism leaflets. Is there anyone in the BNP who isn’t a violent criminal?


    As I keep saying, if multiculturalism is so bad then why is America the world’s only superpower. If multiculturalism doesn’t work then surely america would have lost the power that it gained following WWII and following the abolition of segregation.


    According to Emma, Britain was an all-white, all-Christian country until Labour took over. Clearly Emma needs to try studying British history a bit. Why is it that so-called patriots like emma seem to know so little about the country they supposedly love?

    If people are stupid enough to vote for a neo-nazi party then they might as well go the whole hog and urinate on the Cenotaph, because clearly the sacrifices made to keep nazism out of this country means nothing to these people. They are a new generation of traitors just like the followers of Oswald Moseley who supported Hitler during WWII.


    The important point to focus on is point 10 which emma conveniently ignored. They want to repatriate ethnic minorities and Phil Edwards (a BNP spokesman) admitted on the BBC that the BNP would like to see all members of ethnic minorities removed from the country.

    As for the remark in point 11 about “aboriginal people” well that just shows the ignorance of the BNP. The ancient Britons were Celts who came over from Western europe. Unless you can trace your ancestry back to the first stone-age inhabitants of the British Isles you can’t call yourself aboriginal.

    For anyone in any doubt about the true nature of the BNP, just read this quote:

    “Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate”. (Nick Griffin speaking in the anti-semitic magazine The Rune)

    That says everything about the BNP’s democratic principles. They believe in violence and terror not in rational debate.


    BNP spokesman, Phil Edwards, was on the BBC today. He admitted. under pressure, that ideally the BNP would like to see all ethnic minority groups repatriated. Earlier on in the interview he rejected the idea that the BNP is a racist or Nazi party :lol:

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