Forum Replies Created
6 May, 2006 at 12:44 am #213315
@forumhostpb wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
I’m not saying every single immigrant is a saint, but what I am saying is that people should be judged on their own individual merits and not on which country they come from or what colour their skin is. For example just because some English football fans have been involved in hooliganism abroad does that mean that every Englishman abroad should be regarded as a thug? Just because Myra Hindley and Mary Bell killed children does that mean that every white woman is a potential child-murderer? So you can’t say that just because some immigrants or some non-white people do bad things they all deserve to be demonized, deported or denied entry to the country.
Logically, and by the same token, you can’t say that every BNP candidate or supporter is a Nazi thug or criminal can you?
It may well be that within their ranks there are criminals, adulterers, racists, Nazis and so on and so forth. But equally there may well be a number of people who genuinely believe that they have had enough of so-called multi-culturalism and want to see a political party represent their views.
I know that this may seem a wee bit radical, but within the law we do have an old fashioned belief in the freedom of speech in this country. it always surprises me when people resort to hurling abuse along the lines of Fascist, Nazi, racist etc etc instead of rationally demolishing the argument put forward by the BNP and their ilk.
The BNP has always been a neo-nazi party. So it’s perfectly reasonable and logical to call party members nazis. They have fooled some people with their new media-friendly image but underneath the designer-suits and populist slogans it’s still the same old neo-nazi party. Being in the BNP makes you a nazi as much as being in the Green Party makes you an environmentalist because the actions of an activist in either of those organisations go towards the advancement of the agendas of those parties.
Both the British Electoral Standards Commission and the European Parliament have decided that “nazi” is an accurate description of the BNP.If you still don’t believe it read this:
“National Democratic Party, Germany’s leading nazi group. NPD leaders deny the Holocaust took place and revere Adolf Hitler. The NPD shares many of its activists with the outlawed Blood and Honour skinhead movement. Griffin addressed a NPD rally in August 2002. NPD activists have attended BNP events in Britain”.
The head of the NPD is the son of an SA officer. He described Hitler as “A great German Statesman” His party marched through Berlin in 2001 with banners saying “To the glory of the German Wehrmacht.” They are affiliated to another German neo-nazi party that was founded by a former SS officer. At that same NPD rally that Griffin and other BNP members attended was David Duke, former-head of the KKK. If the BNP isn’t racist or neo-nazi what were they doing there?
That is overwhelming evidence of the racist and nazi nature of the BNP. So, when someone calls them “nazis” it’s not to make a flippant remark it’s because the ideology of the BNP is nazism.
5 May, 2006 at 9:23 pm #213312Well Cas, I stand by what I said. BNP voters are, generally speaking, a bit thick. I know Nick Griffin went to Cambridge but the TYPICAL bnp voter is not too bright. Typically speaking, they’re not well-educated and those sort of people will believe any old crap when some demagogue comes along spouting out populist slogans.
To put it bluntly, people who vote BNP are either bigots or they’re bloody stupid. I don’t buy the protest vote argument because no matter how much you hate the main 3 parties voting for neo-nazis is just an insult to the memory of all those who died to keep the evil of nazism out of this country. It also brings disgrace on the area where you live.
I’m not saying every single immigrant is a saint, but what I am saying is that people should be judged on their own individual merits and not on which country they come from or what colour their skin is. For example just because some English football fans have been involved in hooliganism abroad does that mean that every Englishman abroad should be regarded as a thug? Just because Myra Hindley and Mary Bell killed children does that mean that every white woman is a potential child-murderer? So you can’t say that just because some immigrants or some non-white people do bad things they all deserve to be demonized, deported or denied entry to the country.
This is the 21st century and yet the BNP and other far-right groups are trying to drag the world back into the dark ages. Churchill said he wanted to wipe out every last vestige of the nazi regime until only the memory of it remained as “A WARNING FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS”. The people of Barking obviously didn’t heed his warning.
5 May, 2006 at 3:14 pm #212914@becky wrote:
OK not far from where i live there is a high rise block dedicated to Immigrants. I used to live in there many many moons ago, i came home from work one night to come in the block (hubby in the flat looking after our baby or i would have rung him) a group of 8 immigrants asked me for a “favour” i asked what and the filth out their mouth shocked me and they wouldnt let me past they said my lips were lovely but even nicer doing certain things to them. A guard saw them on camera and came to help me (as many complaints were going around about them).
Also theie flats are fully furnished, designer clothes, mobiles and cars and all live off the STATE. Me and my husband both worked and still do but we have to save for such things. When we moved out we barely had anything but their flats were all FULLY furnished?!?!?!
Also the police are always their as i know of 14 13-15 year old girls who are pregnant by them and are being done for rape as they would have 1 girl to “share” as they put it. Now i know “English” people do it aswell but we always talk about those subjects aswell as these. The immigrants around here do give all a bad name but that isnt to say im RACIST or a BIGOT its just personal experiences i have had and i cant comment on what i dont know, so i comment on what i do.What a load of codswallop! How do you know that they are all living off the state and how do you know that they were all given fully furnished flats? Mobile phones are not a luxury anymore so that issue is irrelevant. As for cars how can anyone afford to buy and maintain a car while living on benefits? even if you were working illegally on the side it wouldn’t be enough.
Not satisfied with one bunch of bigoted myths you’re now resorting to the slur that immigrants are corrupting the youth of White english people. It’s the sort of slur that’s existed for centuries. Several centuries ago there were widely believed stories about Jews harming English children.
It seems like you suffer from envy and xenophobia. Concentrate on your own life and don’t worry about how your neighbours live. Maybe the immigrants can afford all the mod-cons because they work longer and harder than you do.
5 May, 2006 at 2:50 pm #213304Could it be that some of those people you assume are Russians are actually legal immigrants from Poland who have come here to work? If you can’t tell the difference between Russians and Albanians then how can you tell where they actually come from? They might even be Greek.
Yesterday’s successes for the BNP were centred on Barking (an apt name), they didn’t make any real impact anywhere else in the country. For a party that claims to be the voice of white-working class England it didn’t do well in reality. The BNP still doesn’t control 1 council in all of England and it still doesn’t have a single MP in parliament. The Green Party has more councillors across England than the BNP.
It has to be said that most of the people who voted BNP are a bit thick (or just plain xenophobic/racist). I mean some people voted BNP over the issue of law an order, which is idiotic since so many BNP members have criminal convictions. Others have said they have mixed race children or black friends but still voted BNP over new immigrants. This too is idiotic since the BNP want to get rid of all non-white British citizens and not just foreigners.
What effect will the events in Barking have? Well the BNP don’t have enough councillors to dictate council policy and the law would prevent them from passing racist policies even if they did have control. So Barking now has a bunch of neo-nazis on their council who will do their best to disrupt the activities of councillors who want to serve the entire community of Barking and not just the white English section.
The bottom line is that BNP voters are a bit gullible. They are easily led and easily deceived. Obviously some of them are in denial too about their racist/xenophobic tendencies.
4 May, 2006 at 7:23 pm #213149Sounds like another c0ck & bull story to me. Even if it were true, it sounds like the old trout needed a bit of time in the cells. You won’t get any sympathy from me.
4 May, 2006 at 7:16 pm #212907@tadpole wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Just because someone votes for a Hitler-loving, Jew-hating, White-supremacist party they automatically get called Nazis. What’s that all about? I blame the lefties with all their lah-dee-dah “logic” (whatever that is).
What’s wrong with getting rid of ethnic minorities? Who needs doctors and nurses and dentists? If I were dying in the street I’d turn away a non-white doctor and wait for a white one, a white English doctor, a white english doctor who plays the hurdy-gurdy and drinks real ale (none of that kraut lager or froggy plonk).
There’s too much multiculturalism, if you come to England you have to act English. Leave your foreign muck at home. Learn to drink tea, good old fashioned English tea, grown on the great tea plantations of England. And learn to speak English proper like wot we does.
All the main parties ignore people like me (uneducated bigots) So don’t be stupid, be a smarty, join the British National Party!
Im hardly a hitler loving, jew hating supermecist. But i do think there is a problem on the immigrant front.
Absolutely! The best way to deal with immigration is to vote for a bunch of nazis. Who better than nazis to make rational and sensible decisions about immigration, race and naturalized citizens from overseas. I wonder why nobody else has picked up on this stroke of genius?
4 May, 2006 at 1:45 pm #212898Just because someone votes for a Hitler-loving, Jew-hating, White-supremacist party they automatically get called Nazis. What’s that all about? I blame the lefties with all their lah-dee-dah “logic” (whatever that is).
What’s wrong with getting rid of ethnic minorities? Who needs doctors and nurses and dentists? If I were dying in the street I’d turn away a non-white doctor and wait for a white one, a white English doctor, a white english doctor who plays the hurdy-gurdy and drinks real ale (none of that kraut lager or froggy plonk).
There’s too much multiculturalism, if you come to England you have to act English. Leave your foreign muck at home. Learn to drink tea, good old fashioned English tea, grown on the great tea plantations of England. And learn to speak English proper like wot we does.
All the main parties ignore people like me (uneducated bigots) So don’t be stupid, be a smarty, join the British National Party!
4 May, 2006 at 12:42 pm #211938@tommy-toxen wrote:
@slayer wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@slayer wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Far-right groups helped create a poisonous and flammable atmosphere that led to the riots in the North a few years ago.
Not when the asians in the “asian only” area of glodwick Oldham, murdered 76 year old walter chamberlin whilst on his way back from a rugby game.
I dont know of Walter’s family and what they may or may not have said. What i do know is, that the labour run police service intimidate people, particuly whites when it comes to racially motivated incidences that could create tension.
Whats even more interesting about the bbc report, is paragraph 4:
“Last year more than 600 racist incidents were logged by Oldham police and in 60% of them the victims were white”.How can the “labour run police” intimidate people, particularly whites. when 60% of reported rascist incidents are by whites!!!! If you’re gonna make two statements, don’t contradict yourself ffs
to be fair, any attack by a white person on a non-white is automatically deemed “racist” – which in its self is a racist law.
if an asian raped a 6 year old girl and i kicked the living cr ap out of him for it, i’d be done for a racist attack, which is my point really.
but if a whitie raped a year old girl and an asian kicked the living cr ap out of him, he’d be hailed as a national hero.
i’m sure the true statistics of racist attacks are much lower
It’s a common misconception that any attack by a white person on a non-white person is deemed racist whereas the opposite scenario isn’t. That’s simply not true. They call it racially-motivated crime because race is the motivation not anything else.
Non-white people frequently get attacked, harrassed or even murdered in Britain for no other reason than the colour of their skin. I don’t think people really understand this. You could be walking down the street and all of a sudden an individual or a group of people could try to attack you or kill you for no other reason than your skin colour. This sort of threat is something that the vast majority of white people have no experience of.
3 May, 2006 at 7:13 pm #212879It wouldn’t surprise me if the person who did the fire-bombing suffers from some kind of mental disorder. It just doesn’t sound like something a well-balanced individual would do.
30 April, 2006 at 6:15 pm #211224@tadpole wrote:
@cas wrote:
@ugo wrote:
If you go into a Jobcentre as I did recently .
You go up to reception & tell them you have an appointment at 10-40am (its now 10-39) your told to have a seat over there & your sat waiting a gd half an hour.
Then An ASIAN guy walks in striaght up to reception in his PJ`s holds out a piece of paper & when asked a question says “me speak not English” (ffs whats the cooont doing here then ) so striaght away the receptionist gets in a flap & runs off for an ASIAN employee to come & interpret for him .
He doesnt get told to go & have a seat for half an hour oh NO he`s taken striaght to a desk & delt with there & then mean while im still waiting to speak to someone & it turns out im waiting to see the same ASIAN that that fooker saw.
POINT BEING YOUR BETTER DELT WITH INTHIS COUNTRY IF YOU DONT SPEAK THE LINGO…..FACT So I leave but upon entering the bottom floor I spot the cooont talking to his friends in plain ENGLISH me being me had to say something which flarred up into a huge arguement & security was called in luckily for me there was a few skin heads in who knew me & it kicked off big time but we were the ones in the wrong as always . This kind of stuff makes my blood BOILUgo, why didn’t you go back to the receptionist and explain that this guy was taking your place, which I agree was wrong. This isn’t new! not all but some of them have very selective abilities of speaking english.
I would have been tempted to say well if he doesn’t speak english it won’t matter that he takes his turn will it. As it was, and as you say yourself, you made yourself look the bad guy and ultimately wrong.
I dont see how being angry at that situation is wrong?
I hate using the word racism but lets face it, these are the things that get ppl bl o o d y narked. As i have said before and will say a million times, racism towards white skin is rife, yet no one does anything about it as its not taken seriously. Where as racism against black skin is …..well lets not even go there is case im arreseted and charged with racism.
It was me who said that you were making it all up as you were going along Ugo and Tadpole’s post proves that some British people will believe any c0ck & bull story about immigrants without any proof that the story or statistics are true.