Forum Replies Created
11 June, 2006 at 9:51 pm #224796
So the family having a picnic were secretly hiding missiles in their sandwiches? The Israelis always have some lame excuse to try to justify their killing of unarmed civilians. When Tom Hurndall the british photographer and peace activist was killed by an Israeli sniper the Israeli authorities initially said that he was wearing combat clothes and carrying a rifle. When Iain Hook a british UN official was shot dead by an Israeli soldier the excuse was that he looked like an arab militant carrying a grenade. The fact is that it was the Israelis who used palestinian civilians as human shields when they went house to house during their notorious incursion into the Jenin refugee camp.
Even on the rare occasion when an Israeli soldier is put on trial for murdering civilians they usually escape punishment or at most get a ridiculously short sentence. The killing of palestinian civilians is a regular occurence and there is rarely any punishment for it. The soldier who shot a 13 yr old arab girl 20 times got away with it. The settler who beat a 10 yr old arab boy to death got a fine and community service.
If you look at the background of the militants you’ll see that it’s not an ideological hatred of Jews that inspired them to take up arms, it was their own personal experience of living under Israeli oppression. The first female suicide bomber inside Israel was a paramedic who was traumatized by constantly having to recover the mangled bodies of palestinian children following Israeli attacks. She was also shot by Israeli troops and it was a combination of these factors that pushed her over the edge. There was another bomber who had no involvement in politics or fighting until he saw his cousin blown up in front of his eyes by an Israeli helicopter gunship. I was also reading today about a leading militant who was shot by Israeli soldiers aged 14 while throwing stones, imprisoned by Israel at aged 16, and whose mother and best friends were all killed by Israeli soldiers.
Clearly, the brutality and inhumanity of the occupation is what causes some young Palestinian men to want to kill Israelis. To quote one militant, “When you lose hope, your options are limited….So this is how suicide attacks happen. When people lose hope. When a suicide bomber decides to carry out an attack, he’s fully convinced there is no more hope”
10 June, 2006 at 11:11 pm #224794Israel was told to leave the Occupied Territories in 1967. Almost 40 years later, not only do they still have no intention of leaving but they have been attempting to annex Palestinian land into the state of Israel. These actions are a violation of UN resolutions, the UN charter and the 4th Geneva convention. The Likud party in Israel don’t even believe that the Palestinians should have their own state. They believe that The West bank is Judea-Samaria, land given to them by God and that the arabs should go live somewhere else. How is that any different from Hamas saying they don’t recognize Israel’s right to a state? An Israeli tourism minister advocated the removal of all Arabs from within Israel and also the Occupied Territories. Understandably the Palestinians were not too pleased about this and they assassinated him.
Hamas has always had separate wings much like the Sinn Fein/IRA relationship. They have always been the political opponents of the PLO it’s not something that recently happened. Hamas was created in 1987 during the first intifada (uprising) against the occupation which started 20 years previously. The first suicide bombing inside Israel didn’t happen until some point in the 1990s following the Hebron massacre by a Jewish settler where around 30 worshippers were gunned down inside a mosque. Obviously the problem is the occupation. The Palestinians would take a more pragmatic view about Israel if they had freedom and self-determination, but while they live under a brutal apartheid style rule by their neighbours then there will be a lot of hostility towards them.
As for the previous ceasefires, Israel refused to negotiate until there was a ceasefire so the militant groups were eventually persuaded to call a ceasefire but then Israel kept shifting the goalposts and still refused to negotiate. You have to remember that Israel is the occupier and the Palestinians are the ones being persecuted. There have been countless human rights abuses carried out by Israel against the Palestinians including torture, murder, appropriation of land, wanton destruction of property, summary executions, detention without charge, use of heavy weapons on civilians, etc. If anything it’s the Israeli hawks that are behaving like nazis, declaring that they have a divine right to take over somebody else’s land and importing their own ethnic population into that territory while simultaneously calling for the removal of an entire population from that area.
I don’t support Hamas and I don’t support attacks on civilians by either side but I believe that the Palestinians are being denied their fundamental human rights and I do support their right to liberty. Israel should end its illegal annexation of the Occupied Territories and give the Palestinians their freedom. I do blame the USA because they are the mediator and they are supporting Israel in its violation of international law.
10 June, 2006 at 5:02 pm #224791How can randomly shelling civilian areas be justified? Gaza is one of the most densely populated places on earth and yet the IDF have frequently used f-16s, apaches, tanks and artillery to bomb places in the Occupied Territories. It’s a well-documented fact that the IDF have a terrible human rights record. 3 British citizens have been murdered by the Israeli military in the past few years and somewhere between 3 and 4 thousand palestinians have been killed in the same period including many civilians and many children. That’s around 4 times as many people that were killed by Palestinian militants. So Israel is not an innocent party in all this.
How is a suicide bomber who kills civilians any worse than an israeli tank commander who fires tank shells into a crowded market place or an Israeli pilot who drops a 1 ton bomb on an apartment complex in the dead of night? All those attacks are unacceptable as was the Israeli attack on that beach.
As for the rockets that had been fired into Israel, those were not from Hamas, they were from other militant groups. The reason some groups didn’t maintain a ceasefire is because they have gained nothing from past ceasefires. Palestinians still get persecuted on their own land, they get killed, they have their land taken away from them and their economy is being crippled. Israel is the one occupying Palestinian territory not vice versa, so it’s up to Israel to leave the Palestinians alone and withdraw back to its own territory.
At the end of the day, there are laws regarding how military forces should behave towards civilians and Israel has been routinely flouting those rules. Israel has no right to illegally annex Arab land and it has no right to persecute an entire nation of people.
2 June, 2006 at 11:30 pm #221211Emma stop wasting your time. I read the 1st few words of your reply and then ignored everything else. If you’re going to respond to me by talking crap then you might as well keep it short because I won’t bother reading it.
2 June, 2006 at 6:03 pm #222682Who would want that mad old witch back in power?
2 June, 2006 at 6:00 pm #222736London is a diverse city, New York is a diverse city would we say both cities are failures. I don’t think so. In fact the diversity of both places is part of their attraction to people. What proof is there that multicultural societies are failures? USA is multicultural and a superpower. The ussr was multi-ethnic and a superpower.
BTW emma, the word is “cesspit”. It’s not your fault though, you won’t find words like that in your Roger Red Hat and Jennifer Yellow Hat books.
2 June, 2006 at 5:44 pm #221209The reason why the BNP don’t run a single council or have a single MP is that most British people are smart enough not to endorse a bunch of nazi scumbags.
By the way Emma, Collett and Griffin didn’t win their case that’s why they’re being retried. Anyway, Griffin already has 1 conviction for inciting racial hatred. It might have been related to his anti-semitic remarks and holocaust denial. The German NPD do believe that there was a holocaust during WWII but they say that the British airstrikes on Dresden was the real holocaust. They also praise Hitler and the wermacht. Like true British patriots the BNP stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the NPD.
Personally, I don’t believe in the freedom of speech of the far-right. The threat to our way of life, to social stability and to European stability is too large to allow far-right groups to operate. Look at Austria where Jorg Haider was vice-chancellor. If anything had happened to Chancellor Schussel then Austria would have had an interim government run by a nazi. There have also been fascists in Italian coalition governments. At one point, Hitler’s Nazi party had less than 2% of the vote and was considered a joke but circumstances played into Hitler’s hands. It would be foolish to assume that someone like Hitler could never rise to power again which is why Schroeder was right to try to ban the NPD and why Germany is right to have laws against making nazi salutes, flying swastikas, holocaust denial etc.
An enlightened democracy and the far-right can’t co-exist peacefully. The far-right is constantly trying to undermine our values and social stability. Society has to choose between our values and the hooliganism and thuggery of the far-right. If we don’t then it’s only a matter of time before we see the return of fascist governments in Europe.
30 May, 2006 at 5:46 pm #221200I forgot that English isn’t your forte which is why you have so much trouble understanding the English language. I’d call you a cretin but that would be flattery in your case.
30 May, 2006 at 5:23 pm #221198Why do you bother, Emma? A primary school kid could debate better than you. Your arguments are just idiotic. You still can’t see the sheer stupidity of your comment that we are all nazis, something that you still haven’t been able to prove since your definitions undermine your own case. Surely you must be pretending to be a moron because you make Jade Goody look like Einstein.
27 May, 2006 at 7:35 pm #221194What was the crime of the Nazis? That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. Typical bo//ocks from Mr Drivel. As for Emma’s “we are all Nazis comment” we all need to pray for the mental health of this poor demented woman. She even mentions David Duke (former head of the KKK) to support her “argument” that far-right groups only support the rights of indigenous populations. So this must mean that the KKK is made up of native americans then.
Emma also says there’s no proof that the BNP have any links to the NPD even though it’s been widely reported that in summer 2002 Griffin was in Germany with other neo-nazis from around the world at an NPD rally. David Duke was at the rally too. Griffin planned to speak at another neo-nazi rally in German in 2005 with a former member of the waffen-SS but he pulled out at the last moment.
The article shows the true face of the far-right and the problem is particularly bad in former communist countries. Amnesty International have said that racist attacks in Russia are now out of control. Going back to the article, how the hell did Germany get awarded the World Cup when the country isn’t safe for visiting fans?