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19 July, 2006 at 2:25 pm #231437
It’s a work experience placement for MA students. So Mr Keenan would have been ineligible to apply even if he weren’t white because he’s not an MA student.
There’s a vast difference in what you said emma and what james said. Looks like you were completely wrong as usual.
18 July, 2006 at 8:02 pm #230754It attacked Afghanistan after 9/11, but I agree that the terrorism argument regarding Iraq was bogus.
Personally, I’ve had enough of Tony Blair. He’s now nothing more than America’s errand-boy. There was a time when UK foreign policy was independent of US foreign policy but now everything Blair says with regard to the Middle-East sounds like American rhetoric. We’ve finally become the 51st state and Blair is nothing more than America’s b1tch.
Britain used to have some credibility in the Middle-East but thanks to Blair Britain is viewed as America’s flunkey.
18 July, 2006 at 7:53 pm #2296619/11 was not done by the US government. No right-minded individual could believe in such a far-fetched conspiracy. Were the hijackers US agents?
As for the JFK assassination, the film had no basis in reality and Jim Garrison was not the hero he was portrayed to be by Oliver Stone. The film conveniently failed to mention that Lee Harvey Oswald was an expert marksman.
18 July, 2006 at 12:25 pm #230722Look at the facts, there was a moderate Palestinian government that recognized the state of Israel. They told their electorate to have faith in them and told them that by choosing a path of peace they could deliver results. That government didn’t get the support it needed from the West, the Israelis refused to negotiate, they continued their persecution and killing of the Palestinians and they weren’t able to deliver any results.
Then there was Hamas, who claimed responsibility for making Israel’s presence in Gaza untenable, who promised to wipe out corruption and who took a much more defiant stance towards Israel.
The Hamas victory could have been avoided if there had been true support for the peacemakers but there wasn’t and the people got sick of holding out an olive branch when the other side was holding an m-16.
18 July, 2006 at 12:07 pm #231021It’s not really about religion it’s about Israel still occupying Arab territory and holding arab prisoners. What I find surprising is that Israel tried to take on Hizbollah before and failed but they think that by doing exactly the same thing all over again there will be a different outcome. I’m also disgusted by the fact that Lebanese civilians are being slaughtered in large numbers but, apart from Russia, China and France, the world’s rich and powerful nations are not being more insistent that Israel should stop targetting civilians. 24 Israelis have been killed and everyone’s harping on about Hizbollah terrorism. What about the 220 Lebanese fatalities? It’s like the EU and US are saying that it’s only terrorism if you speak arabic.
One thing’s for sure, if this conflict goes on and on then the government of prime minister Siniora will certainly collapse.
17 July, 2006 at 8:49 pm #231019No, the US president and the US congress are 100% behind Israel, if they told Israel they had to stop targetting civilian sites then Israel would have stopped already.
17 July, 2006 at 8:44 pm #230752It must be hard being opposed to the Iraq war in the USA. I remember that mother who protested about it after her son died in the war and the way that the pro-war people demonized her. We do get reports about anti-war people in the US but they seem to be heavily outnumbered by pro-war people. I’ve talked to american anti-war and pro-war people and I can sympathize with the frustration of the anti-war movement. Often it’s like talking to a brick wall.
I totally agree that the war was unnecessary, it had nothing to do with terrorism, nothing to do with wmd and everything to do with the machiavellian schemes of the hawks in Washington. A lot of companies are profiting from the war and there is a lot of money to be made from the future development of Iraqi oilfields.
I think the main problem with the american public is that the news channels don’t always give them the full story and so those channels are sometimes reduced to vehicles of propaganda for the US government. That’s why so many people were misled over Iraq because the American media wasn’t giving them the full story.
17 July, 2006 at 8:32 pm #230719Under the 4th Geneva convention of 1949 regarding the protection of civilians in times of war, it is illegal to carry out collective punishment, to wantonly destroy property or to deliberately target civilians. The nations who signed up to that convention, including Israel, have an obligation to protect the lives and human rights of non-combatants. Undoubtedly, Israel’s disproportionate response constitutes a grave breach of this convention.
Secondly, Hizbollah was involved in negotiations with Israel before regarding the exchange of prisoners and Hamas has said that it would be willing to recognize the 1967 borders and cease its armed campaign if Israel withdraws from Palestinian territory. Israel keeps making excuses to avoid negotiations so that it can keep its grip on stolen Arab land.
People warned Israel and the USA that if they didn’t support the moderates in Fatah then the hardliners would take over. Did they listen? No. People are now warning Israel and America that if they don’t support the moderate regime in Beirut then the government will collapse and the hardliners will take over. Are they listening now? No.
17 July, 2006 at 8:21 pm #229652Well yes people who believe that september 11 wasn’t carried out by al qaeda do deserve to be put in the loony bin. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack, the hijackers were members of al qaeda, there were telephone calls from people onboard the flights to their loved ones telling them about the hijack, there are passenger lists for the flights. We have footage of the planes hitting the WTC and Pentagon. What more proof do you want?
All these half-baked theories by self-proclaimed experts about a conspiracy are about as credible as the Loch Ness monster story.
17 July, 2006 at 6:27 pm #229650You can’t find a list of passengers for the Pentagon flight? It took me all of 10 seconds to find it. One of the fatalities was Barbara Olson, who used to appear regularly on CNN as a legal expert, so she is definitely not a phantom passenger. Here is a list of the people who died on American Airlines flight 77 (the one that hit the Pentagon):
Now please stop with this conspiracy theory bullsh1t.