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  • #231922

    Drivel makes a lot of sense. It’s natural for dogs to hunt in packs, so let’s bring back bull-baiting and bear-baiting. While we’re at it, why don’t we bring back the roman circuses where wild animals were set on people. It was popular entertainment and a fun day out for all the family. Kept a lot of people in jobs too. It’s a lion’s natural instinct to hunt other creatures, so what’s wrong with letting a lion feed on the odd person now and then. It kept the prison population down as well.


    Well if my comments seem one-sided look at the facts:

    13 Israeli civilians dead, 300 Lebanese civilians dead.

    The facts speak for themselves and it’s not hizbollah that is putting the lives of british citizens in danger. I’m not advocating for Britain to get involved in the war, it’s just a case that we need to put our foot down when our citizens are in danger. It’s totally absurd that British citizens should be stuck in Lebanon fearing for their lives. They have to stay where they are in the line of fire because our government has been too soft with Israel. It’s a disgrace. All Tony Blair needs to do is get Ehud Olmert on the phone and insist that all British citizens should have safe passage out of the country. We shouldn’t have to wait for permission from Israel. The British government needs to impose its own evacuation timetable on Israel.

    Imagine if you were stuck in a country with bombs raining down all around you and you were told that the government couldn’t rescue you because it hadn’t got permission from the country that was launching the bombing raids, a country of about 5 million people. A powerful country of around 60 million people is now taking orders from a minor nation of 5 million people. It’s madness.


    There is nothing preventing anybody of any race from applying for a position as a museum assistant in Brighton. If they want a work experience placement then there is but, even then, race alone isn’t the deciding factor the applicant needs to be studying for an MA. So the true nature of the story is fundamentally different from how it was originally portrayed. Rather than racial discrimination towards white job-applicants, what is really happening is a scheme of work experience placements to encourage non-white applicants to apply for jobs in a particular sector. Work experience is not the same as a proper job.

    I don’t even see how it’s a matter for debate that emma was wrong. Everything she said was inaccurate therefore she was wrong. The story was bogus because it was not true. I’m not saying emma made the story up but clearly the facts of the story were not true and therefore her opinions were invalid because they were based on facts that didn’t really exist. How can anyone seriously say she wasn’t wrong when nothing she said was accurate? I worry about the people here sometimes. What are you people on?


    @james Belfast wrote:

    press release 13 July 2006
    Clarification on museum ‘job’ reports
    The city council has moved to clarify the position of a man claiming he was denied the chance to apply for a job in the council’s museum service because he is white.

    Many national media are today covering the story, following a report in yesterday’s Brighton Argus newspaper (July 12).

    The post in question is actually a temporary work experience role aimed at MA students, part of a national government-backed training programme. It is specifically aimed at giving work experience opportunities to people from ethnic minorities, who are under-represented in the museums profession.
    While people from ethnic minorities make up eight per cent of the UK population, they account for just 2.49 per cent of museum workers.

    Without the government scheme, the role in Brighton would not exist.

    Many similar posts with the same recruitment criteria are being created nationally under the Museum, Libraries and Archive Council’s Renaissance programme. These include Tyne & Wear, Sheffield, Exeter, London and Warwickshire.

    Such ‘positive action’ in recruitment is legal and commonplace since legislation allowing it was passed 30 years ago. It can be used where ethnic minorities are under-represented in a professional area.

    * * * * * * * *

    Now, this is positively my last post on this topic but here (for those who are unable or unwilling to consider any alternative to sensationalist media headlines or BNP website) is the official council press release. I am not saying they are right and I am not saying they are wrong. I am still not interested. I am merely reminding people that there could be all sorts of legitimate reasons for the council’s policy – as indeed you will find here that the post wouldn’t exist at all were it not specifically funded for ethnic applicants. So, no use encouraging people to send snottogram emails to the council, is there? (unless there is a scheme to employ ethnic minorities to answer emails – if that’s the case go ahead). The council’s Equal Opportunities statement is also on their website which includes extracts from a report condemning the council for ‘institutionalised racism’ and demanding ‘urgent action’ to redress the situation. One temporary method of URGENTLY addressing the situation, of course, is to positively recruit from the ethnic minorities (as the Police, Armed Forces and other ‘institutions’ have been doing for years). So there you go; you now have more information upon which to judge the subject. Can’t be bad eh?

    Judging by what James posted then clearly everything emma said was wrong. It was a bogus story that she took at face value. Her information was wrong and her comments were wrong. The same goes for Tory Girl. There was never any “job” it was only a temporary work experience placement for MA students. With that in mind, nobody is being prevented from applying for a job as a museum assistant.


    @American Woman wrote:

    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    What did the world ever do to deserve George Bush?

    Well Mr. Bigstuff – I don’t know about the world, but I don’t agree with letting terrorism flourish and turning your head so you “pretend” it’s not there and thriving. Something had to be done and it has. War is awful and nobody wants to see innocent people’s lives being destroyed. But, like I’ve said in previous posts, it’s not forever and in the end I’m certain we made the right decision going in.

    Iraq had nothing to do with al qaeda and nothing to do with september 11. So what are you talking about terrorism for? Saddam as a baathist was actually an enemy of islamic fundamentalists. Now, thanks to the ineptitude of Bush, Islamic extremism is out of control in Iraq and al qaeda have a new base of operations. Did the war in Iraq make anybody safer? No, it increased islamic extremism in the UK and around the world. While the world was focusing on Iraq, the US taskforce aimed at finding Bin Laden was disbanded.


    Pikey, you’ve got it completely wrong. Resolution 242 says that taking land by war violates the UN charter and that Israel has to leave the land it took in 1967. You say it’s debatable as to whether Israel is in non-compliance but it’s obvious that Israel hasn’t complied because it still has land that belongs to the Palestinians and Syrians.

    You also say that our government should seek permission and negotiate with Israel before we evacuate our citizens from southern lebanon. If our government had any balls we would tell Israel when we want to carry out the evacuation and warn them that there would be severe consequences if they don’t cooperate. We could threaten them with sanctions or we could threaten to sink their navy. The idea that we should seek permission from Israel to rescue British citizens from Lebanon is absurd. The Israelis should be told in no uncertain terms that there will be hell to pay if they don’t do what we tell them. We shoud be telling them what to do we shouldn’t be begging them for permission to evacuate our citizens.

    If Israel is not laying waste to Lebanon then how do you explain the scale of devastation. I saw pictures yesterday of a residential area in southern Beirut that was completely destroyed. The Israelis claim that there was a Hizbollah office there but the entire street was destroyed. It was destruction on a huge scale. There was also that claim by Israel that they dropped 23 tons of explosives on a bunker. Hizbollah said it was actually a mosque under construction and CNN showed pictures of the site which seemed to agree with Hizbollah’s version of events. It was a mosque under construction. Israel’s bombing is unjustifiable. Louise Arbour, the UN high commissioner for human rights, has stated that members of Hizbollah and members of the Israeli military could face prosecution for war crimes.


    @emmalush wrote:

    Do you need any other convincing, that white people are being racially discriminated against in the work force and work place, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY?

    Are you appauled by this?

    What are you going to do about it? Do you assume something will be done, whilst ignoring it? Who is defending YOU?

    You just carry on minding your own business, dont worry about things, everything will be fine, it always has been….until YOUR next on the list?

    You think authority will hear your case dont you. Who will hear Kieron Keenan’s case, NO ONE!!

    Clearly what she said was wrong since, firstly, it was a work experience placement for MA students and secondly Mr Keenan would not have been eligible for this position because he is not studying for an MA. Emma was completely and utterly wrong yet again. Her facts were wrong and her opinions were wrong.


    It has to be noted though that Bush seems completely clueless about the entire mideast. He told the world that by invading iraq he would make the region an oasis of freedom and democracy but instead we see Iraq in flames, the west bank in flames, gaza in flames, lebanon in flames, Israel in flames. The region is approaching critical mass and that moron Bush is leading the world into the abyss. What did the world ever do to deserve George Bush?


    Didn’t Hizbollah only start the rocket attacks after Israel started laying waste to Lebanon with waves of bombing? I think a prisoner exchange is a perfectly reasonable suggestion. Israel and Hizbollah have been fighting since the 1980s and in a conflict there’s nothing wrong with taking enemy soldiers captive or exchanging them. Considering there are thousands of arabs in Israeli jails and most of them have never been charged with any crime then a prisoner exchange seems reasonable.

    Israel hasn’t complied with resolution 242 and that’s why they still have problems with Syria and Hizbollah. If they just gave the arabs back their land then the arab league would make peace with Israel.

    The Lebanese government has been involved in trying to solve the problem of Hizbollah through diplomacy and dialogue. That’s the only way of doing it and they were making progress but events in Gaza sparked this latest crisis with Hizbollah taking action in solidarity with Hamas. Israel is the one destabilizing the region and fuelling islamic extremism by its heavy handed and illegal tactics. Yesterday Israel even bombed Christian civilian areas of Lebanon.

    Getting back to the evacuation, which the government doesn’t want to be called an evacuation for fear of making the israelis look bad, British citizens in Southern Lebanon are being told they can’t be rescued yet because Blair hasn’t got permission from the Israeli government to send ships to the Lebanese port of Tyre. Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous? British citizens are being left to the mercy of Israeli bombers because our government hasn’t got permission from Israel to carry out an evacuation in Lebanon. Our government has no balls.


    Slaughtering Lebanese civilians will only increase the number of islamic extremists in the world. It’s not in our interest at all.

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