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  • #234098

    Emma, Islam isn’t that much alien to Western society since historically Islam was part of Western society around the Mediterranean sea area, during the time of the Moorish invasions. Also Turkey is on the border of the East and the West and has been a significant location in european history. Not to mention the interaction between the West and Islam during the time of the crusades. Then, of course, there is Europe’s colonial history in Islamic countries. So to say Islam is a completely alien religion for Western society is not accurate at all. The West has been familiar with and interacting with the Islamic world for several centuries.


    There doesn’t need to be a half dozen threads by the same person on exactly the same topic. It’s spam.


    It’s time for the moderators to put a stop to it. Emma’s spamming the board with her BNP propaganda threads.


    We’re not voting BNP no matter how many threads you start or how many stories you post. How many people on this board have ever supported your views Emma? Surely by now you should realize that you’re wasting your time. It’s like trying to convince people to buy bacon sandwiches at a mosque, it’s not going to happen no matter what you say. So go peddle your nazi crap elsewhere.


    How many threads do you want to start on the same subject?????? This isn’t a BNP forum, try posting your crap there instead.


    Who better to carry out the teachings of our lord Jesus Christ than the BNP? We need to vote for these saintly, virtuous men so that they can continue to preach the gospel and spread peace, love and understanding throughout this land. Why, I’m sure you’ll find many BNP activists at your local church singing in the choir.

    Songs from the BNP hymn sheet:

    1 Jerusalem (has too many Jews in it)
    2 That Old Rugged Cross (which we’re about to set on fire)
    3 To Be A Pilgrim (to Hitler’s Bunker)
    4 Abide With Me (or I’ll kill you)
    5 Oh Happy Day (at the nuremberg rally)

    My aunt Flo can’t wait for the annual BNP church jumble sale, she’s hoping to pick up an SS uniform.


    @emmalush wrote:

    Breaking news: Home secretary loses court appeal against afghan hijacker ruling, due to their “human rights”. They are now allowed to work here in the UK

    Do you know what folks, in this day and age, 2006, you would think that NINE people hijacking a plane in a foreign country, and landing it here ILEGALLY, would mean immediate deportation back to where they come from.

    Well you would, but the people who run our country England, are TOO SOFT. Even when our HOME SECRETARY appeals against the ruling to work, HE fails MISERABLY.

    What is there to stop thousand of people hijacking a plane, landing here, and claiming our taxes via human rights. Can YOU stop them?

    Im telling you, this government has opened the floodgates to excessive human right ruling, and YOU will pay for it. You ARE paying for it.

    Yes, we need human rights, but there needs to be a cut off point whereby people arnt allowed to take advantage of our system to this degree. It went beyond that YEARS ago.

    NINE afghan criminals now walk our streets freely.

    What about OUR human rights?

    If a Cuban hijacks a plane or boat and lands in the USA they are allowed to stay by the US government. I guess the American government is made up of soft, bleeding-heart liberals. I blame D1ck Cheney, the tree-hugging hippy. Obviously the american government is not right-wing enough, always going on about human rights, the big girls blouses.


    How can we both be right? The conspiracy theory is totally false. The fact that a plane hit the pentagon has been proven 100%. All the evidence you could possibly need is freely available. Instead of believing half-baked theories from people out to sell books try researching the evidence.

    At least 87 independent eye-witnesses witnessed the Pentagon crash. Air traffic control monitored the flight all the way. We have phone calls from people onboard the flight explaining that a hijack was in progress. Wreckage from the plane and body parts were found on the scene. Now if you don’t believe after all that information that the plane was hijacked and flown into the Pentagon then I’m sorry but you must be stupid. Sorry, if I cause offence but the truth hurts sometimes.


    If you want to believe that a missile hit the pentagon and that lee harvey oswald didn’t shoot JFK and that little green men landed in Roswell, then that’s your prerogative, but don’t be surprised if you end up sharing a padded cell with Tommy and Emma.


    You can’t be serious, you must be on a wind-up. I’ve given you all the evidence you could possibly need to prove that American Airlines Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Why should I watch a documentary about an urban legend?

    It’s like someone saying “watch this documentary it casts doubt on the idea that the earth goes round the sun”. What would anyone gain from watching a documentary like that? No right-minded person would waste their time with pseudo-scientific conspiracy theories when the argument to the contrary has been comprehensively proven. Only a complete imbecile would doubt that AA flight 77 hit the pentagon. It’s not even debatable, the evidence is incontrovertible and overwhelming.

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