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20 September, 2006 at 3:06 pm #241187
President Bush was at the UN yesterday telling everyone about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It seems ever so slightly hypocritical for him to lecture the world about human rights.
20 September, 2006 at 2:53 pm #241719September 11 conspiracies are just nonsense put forward by people who want attention, or who want to sell books. It’s ludicrous to suggest that it was an inside job. Yes there have been dirty operations carried out by various governments around the world where attacks were inside jobs but nothing on this scale. Also, you wouldn’t partly destroy your own military HQ if the dirty operation was aimed at allowing your military to go on the attack. So, it’s clear that no rational person would believe the 9/11 conspiracy theories.
14 September, 2006 at 6:37 pm #241163It would have actually been beneficial if Iraq hadn’t been invaded. First of all it would have helped stability in that region and would have been one less rallying cry for islamic extremists. Also, the troops that are needed for Afghanistan are not available because of the need for troops in iraq.
There was plenty of time to deal with Saddam by other means and in the meantime we could have concentrated our resources on the job that was left half-done in Afghanistan. The war has only fuelled Islamic extremism around the world including here in the UK. You also now have a hotbed of extremism in a country that was formerly strongly secular with the clerics and other radicals kept firmly in their place.
I don’t think you can say that the relatives of those who died on september 11 would shudder at what is being done because opinions probably vary and some are probably wholly supportive. My opinion though is that Bush has shown poor leadership and his tactics leave a lot to be desired.
11 September, 2006 at 10:11 am #240682The IRA are not planning a war against Israel. Adams is probably over there as a show of solidarity and to give advice on the political process.
8 September, 2006 at 10:36 pm #240668Emma you really are a dopey cow. You couldn’t even get the guy’s name right. I tried to look up the case of Ross Porter but couldn’t find anything. That’s because his name was Ross Parker. Apparently the people involved in his murder were all arrested and convicted which is slightly different to the Stephen Lawrence case where several years after the event nobody has ever been convicted.
Evidently, reasoning is not an ability that Emma and the rest of her knuckle-dragging, neo-nazi friends are endowed with. They’re probably still on their quest for fire.
7 September, 2006 at 7:40 pm #240390Since that post made no sense, I clicked on the link. It was a link to a video that I didn’t bother watching because I had disabled active content. The poster has a collection of videos all aimed at generating hatred towards muslims. I don’t see how saying “Death to America” equates to terrorism, so maybe you would care to elaborate Emma.
7 September, 2006 at 7:30 pm #238396It looks like Catweazel taught her how to spell. As for her actual opinions, they’re utterly worthless because she starts off from a position of idiocy which inevitably ends up in an even greater level of stupidity. For example, religious fanaticism is not something associated with the left, it has always been something associated with the right wing of the political spectrum. It’s associated with conservatism rather than liberalism. But, with Emma the lush, down is up and left is right in her alcohol-induced fantasy world.
6 September, 2006 at 5:47 pm #238392@emmalush wrote:
Nothing wrong with an opinion B55.
I personally think the white man will always “rule” the world, but the biggest danger to the white man’s success, is the white man who’s liberal minded, communistic in their views.
Those kind of people run our 4 countries, bend the ear of a super white power (USA), and are seen by many in europe and around the world as nice people.
When people in britain vote for the labour party, lib dems and the green party, their voting for a “we are all the same” world wide ideology. The influence “we” have on the world, enables those parties to engage in that.
Upto the mid eighties, pop music and fashion were very much an individual thing, since then we have gone down the road of wanting anything that comes our way, like with the pop idol shows.
The PEOPLE used to crave and join in the individuality and revel in it on the streets of the times going as far back to the 60’s with the beatles, 70’s punk, rock, “god save the queen, the fascist regime”, early 80’s madness, new romantics sound. Most of these people had a roughness about them, a spur of the moment sound, individuality.
Now “we” vote in our homes for a full set of white teeth looking, frilly shirt wearing sing the same song karaoke feel about it. We follow the leader well, its easier.
Do we wana be led by a political communistic extremist, just because its easy?
The woman’s talking utter crap (as usual). Is she Tommy’s twin sister? Her posts become increasingly more absurd. Do you have a drug problem Emma? WTF must you have been smoking to write such nonsense? A primary school kid could post a more sensible opinion and that’s no exaggeration.
6 September, 2006 at 5:33 pm #240387Have pity on Emma, I don’t think she did very well at school. She’s not exactly the sharpest pencil in the pencil-case. She doesn’t understand the correct usage of the words nazi and racist.
I didn’t click on the link since I’m reluctant to click on random links. What exactly was in the video?
4 September, 2006 at 10:12 pm #240103Winston Churchill was of the colonial era, so his attitude towards different cultures was obviously backward by today’s standards. Don’t forget that Churchill was responsible for using poison gas on the iraqis, so I doubt he placed much value on the lives of people in that part of the world.
His views were probably false at the time but they are definitely false now. For example:
1 You could hardly accuse Muslims of apathy.
2 Sluggish systems of commerce? Tell that to the Saudis or muslims in s.e. asia
3 Degraded sensualism? I see no truth in that at all
4 Women are the property of men in Islamic countries? Then how is it that the world’s biggest muslim nation used to have a female as head of state (as did Pakistan)?
5 Islam prevents social development? I don’t see how
6 A more retrograde force in the world is surely the force of the extreme-right who rely on discredited science and ideas that are anachronistic to the modern world
7 Modern Europe isn’t in any danger of becoming conquered by Islam. In fact when parts of Europe were conquered by muslims centuries ago, they actually enhanced Western civilization.So Churchill’s views should be taken in the context of the time he was writing in and the fact that he was a colonialist. They have absolutely no relevance to the modern world.