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  • #242584

    Yes why can’t muslims be as peaceful as Irish Catholics? What better example is there of respecting others beliefs and abiding by the culture of the majority than the way some Irish Catholics have behaved in Northern Ireland. There is also the message of peace and tolerance that was conveyed to this country by those nice Irish Catholics in the IRA.

    Getting back to the point, I think bi-lingual signs are just a way of the council trying to be helpful towards an area that has a large Bangladeshi community which might have members within it who haven’t mastered English yet (just like Emma). You could argue that if a community wants bilingual signs then they should have to pay for it themselves or at least contribute towards the cost. Apart from that, I see no problem with bilingual signs. I’m sure that if you go abroad you will see English signs in areas that have a lot of English visitors.


    Maybe you should look at your own shoddy standard of English before slagging off others.


    He was convicted of breach of the peace, the allegation of racism was dropped because it may have been a misunderstanding, so what’s the problem?


    The NIST say:

    “.. while a thermite reaction can cut through large steel columns, many thousands of pounds of thermite would need to have been placed inconspicuously ahead of time, remotely ignited, and somehow held in direct contact with the surface of hundreds of massive structural components to weaken the building. This makes it an unlikely substance for achieving a controlled demolition.”


    Cuba being a Caribbean island it has an ethnic mix that comprises the different groups that lived there i.e. the Latin people, the natives and Black people.

    Nationalists have often been the cause of wars in history. As for nationalism being the cause of racism and not socialism, just look at Russia where Amnesty International have said that racist attacks have reached epidemic levels in major cities. This is directly related to the rise in hardline nationalist parties following the collapse of communism. The same thing can be seen anywhere that used to be behind the iron curtain. Eastern Germany is now a stronghold of neo-nazis. The collapse of communism has led to the destructive force of fascism taking root in Eastern Europe.

    There were no race riots in Brixton in 2001. In fact the rioting in Brixton has all been sparked by police activity and not by tension between races. As for the riots in the North, those were provoked by your friends in the BNP and NF. As usual, the scummy far-right go around carrying out subversive acts across the country deliberately trying to spark social unrest.

    “Chauvinistic” relates to Nicolas Chauvin who was a fanatical nationalist.


    Is it a case that they refuse or that some of them just haven’t been able to fully learn the language yet? I mean how many British people are fluent in a foreign language before going to live overseas? All those people who go to live in Spain can they speak the language fluently? Anyway, I don’t think bilingual signs are a very important issue.

    As I always say, look at the world’s current and former superpowers of recent times, the USA and USSR. Both nations have/had ethnic diversity in them. So if multiculturalism is so damaging and so bad for society then how did these ethnically diverse nations become the most powerful nations on earth? Answer that one Emma.


    Cuba is a diverse socialist/communist country that has no problems with racial instability between different ethnic groups. In fact, during the cold war, racial equality was something that was promoted within communist countries. With the collapse of communism and introduction of western capitalism, there has been a staggering rise in far-right activity and associated racism all the way from Eastern Germany to Russia.

    So, rather than it being a case of socialism causing social instability, we’ve seen that it was left-wing countries that had fewer problems with ethnic tension between groups. By contrast, in places where extreme nationalism took hold, severe problems between ethnic groups developed.

    If you look at world history, it’s clear that Europe and America are more stable now than they were in the past. Over the course of the past 200 years when there were lower levels of immigration events like the American Civil War, The Crimean War, Napoleonic Wars, World War I & World War II all took place. So it’s not exactly true to say that when there were lower levels of immigration Western societies were more stable. I don’t think immigration is an important factor with regard to stability. Any instability relating to immigration is manufactured by right-wing hardliners with a chauvinistic agenda.


    From what I’ve read, the owner used the term “pull it” but this was in relation to the FDNY decision to pull their firefighters out of the building. Apparently “pull it” isn’t a term used for demolishing skyscrapers with explosives.


    Everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that the positive discrimination applied to women too and not just ethnic minorities. So I guess someone will start a thread about how men are 2nd class citizens in the UK and how women have everything handed to them on a plate and all the other typical right-wing, daily mail style crap. The employers involved broke the law so I don’t know why people are moaning about the labour government for since it’s not government policy.

    If you look at the bigger picture, what the police force was aiming for (a more diverse police force) was a good idea because there are benefits to be gained from having a police force that isn’t exclusively white and male. However, the way they went about trying to do it was all wrong.


    Impact by the planes and the fire damaged the structural integrity of the twin towers, that’s what brought them down. WTC7 was also damaged by fire and by falling debris according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology which is attached to the US dept. of Commerce. This damage caused strains on wtc7 that led to a progressive collapse.

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