• @emmalush wrote:

    @Slayer wrote:

    I LISTENED to the whole interview and whilst I am no supported of Blair, he was quite categoric in what he said and the stance of the government- the reported was a complete pr/at who continually harped on with a question because Blair wouldn’t actually use the word “yes”

    Why are you looking for a cheap…

    [Read more]

  • He said he didn’t support the death penalty but he did it in a very vague way. It was a politician’s response because he didn’t want to upset Washington or the Iraqi government.

  • Considering that he confessed and that he plead guilty and considering what he was planning to do, I think 40 years is a fair sentence.

  • The purpose of posting part of the article on torture from the Human rights Watch website was to support the opinion that I had already expressed. It backs up everything that I said 100%. It proves that the adoption of torture as routine practice would not be an effective strategy for us.

    Clearly you are a fascist if you don’t believe in human…[Read more]

  • Mr Bigstuff replied to the topic Sadam in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago

    Well, I’m positive that the violence will get worse if he’s executed because it will be seen as the shia/kurdish government executing a sunni leader. It will aggravate sectarian tensions. If Saddam were to be given a life sentence then he would be held by the Iraqis and so there would be no hijackings or attacks against us, especially if we get…[Read more]

  • Mr Bigstuff replied to the topic Sadam in the board Getting serious 18 years, 3 months ago

    I think being happy about the death sentence is a short-sighted view. It will make him a martyr and it will probably be the tipping point that pushes the Sunnis, Shias and Kurds into civil war. It seems obvious to me that the situation will deteriorate badly in the run-up to his execution and in the wake of his execution. I don’t think the Iraqi…[Read more]

  • The article I provided a link for completely undermines your claims about the need to fight fire with fire. Since you obviously didn’t read it I’ll post an excerpt:

    <<In the 1950s, France’s war against the rebels in Algeria was distinguished by extraordinary savagery. Torture and disappearances were widespread. Gen. Jacques Massu, a French c…[Read more]

  • Emma they played the recording during the BBC documentary. If I remember correctly it was at the party meeting in Yorkshire where Griffin suggested that people should kill muslims before they themselves get killed by muslims.

    What’s funny about the BNP defence is that they had some idiot dressed up as the Pope holding a banner saying “selective…[Read more]

  • You can’t immediately converse fluently in a foreign language just because you go to live in a foreign country. It takes time and sometimes you will have to revert to your native tongue. You also won’t understand every single word that foreigners say to begin with. English isn’t the easiest language in the world to learn if you’re a foreigner and…[Read more]

  • @emmalush wrote:

    @Mr Bigstuff wrote:

    I think parents need to take more responsibility over their kids behaviour and those that can’t handle their kids should be given support.

    What kind of support?

    It would also help to have more police on the streets or at least PCSOs or wardens or some kind of visible deterrent.

    More police yes, but new labour…

    [Read more]

  • @emmalush wrote:

    Im sure your looking for an argument of blame here, but where and to whom did he say this?

    It was part of the secret recording. It sounded to me like he was saying that the locals there should kill muslims before the muslims kill them.

  • So you’d like to have a system like Israel where you can be rounded up by the military and held for years and years without ever being charged or convicted of any offence? The bottom line is that the ordinary citizen needs to be protected from mistakes and from abuse of power. Once the government takes power from people they rarely give it back.…[Read more]

  • I think parents need to take more responsibility over their kids behaviour and those that can’t handle their kids should be given support. There also needs to be more discipline in schools and more youth programmes to keep them occupied during their free-time. It would also help to have more police on the streets or at least PCSOs or wardens or…[Read more]

  • Didn’t Griffin say in relation to muslims something along the lines of “It’s better to do them before they do you”?

  • Griffin already has one conviction for inciting hatred against Jews, but of course the BNP isn’t neo-nazi in any way. Heaven forbid!

    Soon Nick and Mark will be playing naked leapfrog with muscular men in the shower block.

  • Yes Drivel it’s rare for innocent people to be brought in for questioning during an investigation, so there’s no harm in torturing them. Michael Howard was asked to answer some questions by the police recently therefore he must be guilty of something isn’t that right Drivel? Some people say that innocent people occasionally end up in prison or on…[Read more]

  • Yeah! What’s with those foreigners bringing their religions over here like Christianity and Judaism? We all need to strip naked and do a dance to the Green Man.

    I mean the nerve of some people thinking they can wear whatever they want in a free country. We should all have sensible haircuts, wear tweed blazers, corduroy trousers and sensible shoes.

  • It’s Bonfire Night soon. Can’t we have a speedy trial and then chuck them on the bonfire? Oh what a pretty thing a fire is.

  • Yes Drivel, it couldn’t possibly happen to you could it? Everyone who is ever taken in for questioning over a crime is a criminal aren’t they? It’s rare for officials and bureaucrats to make mistakes isn’t it? Everyone accused of being a communist during the McCarthy era was a communist weren’t they? Yes Drivel, it couldn’t possibly happen to you…[Read more]

  • Drivel, you’re an absolute idiot. What’s happening now is worse than Watergate and is a modern equivalent of McCarthyism. What sort of moron would support the government torturing people? Answer me this, what would you say if it happened to you? What would you say if the authorities turned up without a warrant and tore apart your house and your…[Read more]

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