When I was young my dad took me to anfieild, fairly regularly. I had an apple for half time. Anyway he always wore his ‘ columbo mac… we’d drive up the main drag and there would be this policeman , ethnic origin, very pleasant , and he was meant to stop cars going up round ground trying to park, my dad would wind window down , flash this card ? And say ” Sybill Road ” all commanding like, and the copper would say go ahead sir .. he’d find a road to park in, young kids would move dining chairs out of the front of there house so he could park, he’d flash em this card and they’d say ” yep ok boss. Not a scratch ” etc. he’d always give em 50p when we got back . I was always a bit dumbstruck When I was about 14 I had to get to a really important ( thing ). We were in a big traffic jam.. I was stressing. Suddenly my dad rolled down his side window and held this ‘ card ‘ out. Flashing his lights. Everyone moved out the way , by this time I’d seen ‘ the card ‘. It was a Blue Star petrol card. Provided by employers to get petrol for company cars
I was cringing in the footwell.
Makes me laugh now tho
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