These boards are funny. Lol. I am sure Mr Moggy can speak for himself, as I can and others can and no wonder the man is so self admittedly lazy if others speak on his behalf all the time. The thread was specifically about recent going on in the room and specifically stated. Alpha Wannabe Whatever the last one was. Nope still don’t know what Mr Moggy’s opinion is, so it makes if difficult to understand what his angle is. In my humble opinion. Rock on Tommy.
”For the sake of it, my thoughts regarding the True Alpha (I’ll say male now, simply because it allows me to talk about ‘him’) :
He never aspires to be one – and the process of becoming one happens naturally. Fiercely protective of his ‘pack’ and equally devoted to doing whatever is best for them, he is initially made to feel, and eventually comes to truly believe that there’s nobody better suited to the role than he. His supreme confidence, whilst clear for all to see, is never flaunted. He’ll still invite opinion, as he’s not in the least threatened by it. He has the total trust of his pack, and would never exploit it. He’s totally unencumbered by any self image concerns.
I could go on, but you get the picture. In short, he’s a nice guy who is given and accepts total power and uses it for the good of his pack, nothing else.
Does he exist?”
Ok, call me thtoooopid if ya like, but I thought that was his opinion ?
Ok, my very first thread….. * takes deep breath * I often sit in room, having a laugh, chat etc, listening to ‘what’ s going on’…. then suddenly I feel myself saying in my head ,to whoever is talking, ” noooo stop stop, stop, don’t say anymore”. Someone is innocently describing something about themselves, their family, life !! And you just know that somewhere in that list on the right hand side, someone is taking it all in, taking mental notes and that somewhere down the line what the person has innocently divulged will be turned around, twisted and spat out at them, with spite and venom at some future date ! Personally I try not to get into any conversations in the public room that may offer fodder to some twisted, bitter, lowlife, but even the most, mundane things can still be used against you for no apparent reason. Example, a certain , erm..’thing’ that frequents the room, mentioning no names in full, but its name starts with an E, ends in an S and has a 2 in it , , well he knows I am in the medical profession and I have 2 dogs, lots of people know that, its no biggie, however, in this mans bitter little mind, this means ” I stink of dogs”, ” my house stinks of dogs”, ” I can’t have a relationship because I stink of dogs” ” my dogs are my replacement children because I’m a barren, fat, ugly witch” , lol, None of that is true I hasten to say, but, get the picture ? Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t give a flying fcuk what that sad little individual says, it’s totally laughable. I am quite a strong minded person, I can be gobby, I can be sarky, I can and do make flippant comments, I know my flaws only too well, however some people can really be hurt by what others say about them, some are more vulnerable than others and I just worry that people, sometimes without even realising it, divulge far too much in the chatroom, where lurkers are indeed lurking ! Yes it should be a fun place, a place you can debate an issue , a place to catch up, but I guess my point is BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY !!
My personal experience of JC is, folk you thought you got on with (ladies) go crazy if you criticize their online men, my point is, how do you take these “online” women at face value and… defend the right of both genders and for both to have an opinion.
Friends, be they same sex or opposite, should be able to disagree with each other about certain things, and still remain friends…. in my opinion… If your ‘friend’ won’t allow you to hold a different opinion to them, there is no respect there. I mean we are not in the school yard !!….. then again ……
Sorry, wandered a bit off topic there….
Well it was yesterday, not today tbh, waking up to the fact that all my contact numbers had been wiped off my phone, being away from home and not being to do anything about it till monday, and even then not sure I’ll be able to recuperate them…..but life goes on