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  • #521794

    My mate laine,thought this is a nice pic,hope she dosent mind me posting it,I like it.Says something about her.


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    @rogue trader wrote:

    moons back
    and this time she means business

    That’s soooo Funny! :lol: :lol:

    Oh wait! … did she leave? :wink:

    Oh its all true,you just have to read back the thread to see its true.I dont care if your in chat or out of chat.If you have good things going on in your life good on ya,Something you never did find out about me nette,as you were too busy as usual being jealous of someone with a personality,i don’t tell lies.As you have said and pointed out to anyone who will listen,i have a drink problem yes but im not out to tell lias to make my story better,dont have to.I will come and go on the boards as i pease. :lol:


    Well it was not a smile, more of a smirk and that lead to a laugh. :lol:


    @gemma1969 wrote:

    Oooo loving the censoring!!!

    Well it would be a shame if you stopped coming in because,i like your chatting and your not frightened to say what’s on your mind. I have no problem with you,i, like you will stick up for my friends.I will, like you stand up for myself.Sorry im not going to let nett use me,nor will i let anyone.Yes chat can be childish,it can be all sorts,but if or when i stop chatting,it wont be because of other people.Perhaps you have another reason to stop coming in chatting in jc,i think that would be more to the truth.What ever i wish you well and hope to see you in there.


    It was you that brought me in to this row Nette,by telling lias about me.Saying i turnd laine against you,saying i told her you called her a whore.Both of which are lias.Now you and i have never got on but to blame me because you took a spite at laine in chat and stirred up all sort,s of trouble for her in chat,then try and worm out of it by using others to take the blame off you is out of order.I wont be used like that,sorry.As for Gemma,iv watched her snide remarks to laine because she diddent get on with her friend.So she,s going to back you all the way with your whipping up trouble against liane.The fact is you and laine could have been the best of friends if you had not got jealous and spiteful about her.her. Im no angel and have done it all,i wont though ask others to take the blame.I see you v stopped coming in to chat,that’s because your either embarrassed about making an ars of yourself or sulking at not getting your own way.Why are you making such a fuss about laine coming in to chat after she left?evryone has done it at one time or another.She was upset,now she feels better about it.So she comes in chat.No problem there,its you that’s making it a problem.


    @jen_jen wrote:

    Personally I prefer the boards and the chat rooms to be separate…who wants to come onto the boards and read the same cr@p that’s spouted in the chat room and vice versa? Plus there are people who use the boards but not the chat rooms so chat room stuff would be nonsense to them…then again a lot of chat room stuff is nonsense to me too :lol:

    I also dislike things being read on the boards then trawled over in the chat room by people who won’t even join the boards…they prefer the chat room where they can type what they want and it can disappear and be forgotten in just a few pages, not for them the committing their thoughts to remain where anyone can read them for months, even years into the future.

    Moon you are perfectly entitled to express your opinion, as are the rest of us. It would be a sad situation if we all had to agree with each other or be hounded out, however if you express an opinion you must also expect people to have an opinion about what you’ve said. That’s what makes interesting chat rooms and boards, debate and yes, the occasional row, but not the hounding of people just because their opinion is different to yours/mine/whoevers. Vive la différence!

    I’ll stop rambling now… 8-[ :D

    Yes I know that but as you say its by people that don’t post moaning about the posts. There entitled to opinions but if there on the boards why not put your opinion on the boards instead of snide catty remarks in the chat room. Then it causes arguments because I cant keep my gob shut, then it spirals and I get the blame for starting it all. I don’t understand why people complain about stuff on the boards, why read it if you think its all crap,went to far or what ever.Its always me that ends up getting it thrown at me.Its all too much trouble. Perhaps I should change my name for the boards.


    @boojangle wrote:

    Don’t you bloody dare respond to her Netty!!!!!!!

    Now Ms. Wales, When you preach to others about taking the moral high ground … and their being lowlifes etc… it is always a good idea to be sure no-one had or has the opportunity to ‘spill the beans’ about you … I mean if all we read is true .. you have had some rather dubious late night chats on cam with fellow members of JC. I mean it is hearsay so it may in fact be the vivid imaginations of someone with nothing better to do. Who really knows?

    What I do know for a fact is that dragging family members, who have no part to play in JC into your arguments is a no no!!! It does seem however that many do this when they have run out of bullets to fire at the person they have a gripe with! That says much more about you than them!

    May I suggest you go shake your head, chill your beans and think long and hard about taking some classes in both dignity and decorum. I WILL NOT be responding to you!!!

    Hang on there dolly dip.youlook like your fathere I expect.Minnie has more noos than you could ever have.Now Nette has been picking like a hen on the keyboard,at me Minnie and laine.Fuck the cliqu.


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    Hello People…

    I just popped back to read the boards… and blimey it looks like the old days here….I have to admit though… I started to read this thread and wasn’t until page five I realised that laney and laine were different people … very confusing for my old brain so I gave up :D

    Blinkin heck coathanger… you still writing stories? I never did get a starring role… oh well :D

    Hello to everyone else… hope all are well… be kind to each other ffs… no scrub that be your usual outrageous selves it makes interesting reading and its a giggle :D

    Im supposed to find everything funny. I don’t!


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    ](*,) ](*,)

    Ok…. This really is the last I am going to say here….

    1) If you really think that you talking to Laine bothers me … carry on Moon- I can assure you I don’t have a problem with it.

    2) I am NOT jealous, and never have been of Laine.

    3) I HAVE NEVER CALLED Laine, or anyone else for that matter , a whore. Make your mind up… I have read back here , and you actually say somewhere you never actually saw me saying that , as you weren’t in the room at the time. :roll:

    4) Look at Page 2 of this thread .. the first paragraph of my post… read it ! As always it turned out as I expected. Pardon me for replying to any posts here … silly me .. I still haven’t learnt have I – that if my opinion isn’t the same as anyone else’s the flack starts … it’s total madness!

    The strange thing about all of this is …. I was , and clearly am not alone in my thinking, and opinions on the subject of this thread …… :-k And quite frankly I could say a lot more … but all it would do is start another backlash …and unlike some , I do actually have a life outside of Jc …albeit ( according to some ) a boring one. But you know what? I am happy … with what I have in my life …. I don’t need to come on here constantly bigging myself up all the time, so …

    for Claire …. Moon ….and dear Laine. as far as this thread goes …. the floor is all yours … mud sling away ….. as I said earlier ……been there , done that … and lets face it ….it never solves anything , and frankly , gets rather boring to read after a while.

    Now , have a nice day all of you ….. I know I am going to :D * waves *

    You did say to laine that her pic made her look like a whore ffs.Why do that?shes 58 yrs old not a kid,she knew what she was doing.You were jelouse and nasty and brought me in to this shyte.


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    @Rosepetal wrote:

    @annette-curtain wrote:

    I have never read such rubbish in all the time I have been using the boards as what you have just posted Moon :lol:

    Keep going …all you are doing is making yourself look even more stupid that you already do .

    Actually …… in all honesty – I think you need serious help .

    Now carry on ……..but don’t expect any further response from me …. You really are deluded :? :roll:

    Maybe it’s time for your next drink :wink:

    Cruel… very cruel

    Really? :shock:

    You have forgotten I am, I quote ” a vindictive bi tch ” remember? :wink:

    And to quote another posters favourite sayings..

    ” Ohh the irony! “

    * must remember in future – to accept insults, and lies from people who have a problem with drink. But not to give them any back in return * It’s cruel :roll:

    Look nette,we do ping insults back and forth to each other,dont trey and make out that its onley me that has a go at you and that you have to accept me bullying you and throwing insults at you.The truth is you always start it with a sly dig,to see if you can get me banned .Knowing im a drinker and knowing I go off the deap end,you love to start,and seeing me get banned is what makes you happy.You love to play these games with Claire too.Sorry nette but Claire and I have a personality of our own.I know you started on laine because she and I got on.You need to get off my back,its not me throwing the insults,its yourself.

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