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  • #526747

    @annette-curtain wrote:

    Yeah I like that.


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    You know what….posts like these actually….from both are quite sad….sad in the fact of the misunderstandings in jc….friendships made and broken in jc
    Its easy to read between the lines…..and if you both seriously didn’t care about each other you wouldn’t give each other the time of day….the fact you have says a lot
    both of you are very similar in the way you will just say what you feel…even when there is someone you particular don’t like you will still acknowledge good posts….good chatroom banter….
    make up ladies…lifes too short x

    Well I understand what your saying, and its all very well and good. I felt I had to answer that post because of certain very hurtful untruths. I have enough problem fending off stuff from others .Dont need lies from so called friends.

    rogue trader wrote:
    no ive got a better idea lets not moon
    im not swimming in the same ocean as you
    Oh my what a performance. =;
    Cosy I have no problem apologising for that silliness. Because after all that’s what it is.
    What I do have a problem with however is equality not only in jc but anywhere. Your annoying when pissed and your a wind up,i know where I am with you, you don’t threaten me in anyway.Sometimes too you make me laugh like hell.

    @irish_lucy wrote:

    Ah I see someone’s ban has been short lived,
    Heya Moon (obligatory xxx’s of course) welcome back

    And Minnie, well what can I say ……….. Best leave it as it’s quite funny watching you make an idiot of yourself time and time again.

    Oh I wouldn’t.


    Oh I say.


    @rogue trader wrote:

    ive got an urban myth for youze do not tw@t eve over the bonce with a traffic cone
    ive had 7 years of tiis spherical objects it never even happened

    I can stop laughing.


    @Mr Harp wrote:

    Boys from the Blackstuff. Powerful and really hit home what life was like, for a large % of the working class, in Thatchers Britain.

    Yosser Hughes pleading for work, “Gis a job”, with his kids in tow was both disturbing and thought provoking, it made me angry at the time because it summed up what it was like being offered plss taking YTS jobs, which exploited, rather than ‘real jobs’.

    I don’t drink wine with anyone at the back of any dung heap. 8-[


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    where have i said that Admin were fools?

    Puusy hasn’t got the nerve to say admin are fools. Do you pussy? :lol:


    @HostLD wrote:

    @moonshadow wrote:

    @rogue trader wrote:

    resigned from jc
    oh yeh the cg dd decided to wreak her revenge she just cant take it can she?
    yeh well fck u dd youve been on my case for years i hope ld is reading this,you never let it go do you dd?,i hope your bosses are watching this,and when you fill your pseudo form inwhy did you sack our cose off,why what did he say? i tell you what,no i think you know already dontcha
    erm yeh its been a blast on jc chat boards i started it,but y know if i leave we all leave ive got a lot of friends in here,no im not deluded i really have now lift the ban dd or watch your boards sink to an all time low
    your toss dd?,we all move to pats or youre vanity?
    weve done it before and we will do it again
    anyway its up to you ust lift the ban and play nice mugwump

    Iv sed it before and I will say it again lets scroll the place. Then she will learn that pedos and racists don’t have prioarity.Im no eddie two shoes.LD cand and will lick my ars.

    Trust me I won’t be licking anything of yours, however, I will be continue to ban you every time I see you, just like I did just now !


    Jc will go down the pan then.I take grate exception to being racially bullied. When I ask a gied for help its not there. The fact of the matter is ld you don’t give a shyte about anyone slong as you have a cliché patting you on the back.You can and will keep banning me.I can tell you who you wont ban though.

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