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    @annette-curtain wrote:

    @blossom. wrote:

    I’ve never seen anything but a doll in a golliwog….and never will.

    Shall we start a thread on Barbie dolls next (or even one on a Sindy or a Bild Lilli) , as they apparently represent (or used to), the female ideal ?

    Wonder what people’s thoughts on that would be.

    Same here … it’s a doll … that is what is has always been called… a golliwog!

    The trouble these days is .. too many sensitive souls – and before anyone even thinks of suggesting it … NO I am not racist .
    I have a black brothern law and two black nieces. As much as I would like to agree with you netty,you have no idea how nasty some people can be. I get it all the time being a travler
    I seem to recall a while back something about the nursery rhyme ” baa baa blasheep “being deemed as not good, and the words should be changed ……. blimey, it all goes too far sometimes I think.

    Or maybe it’s just me? :-k 8-[

    It will always be baa baa black sheep , and a golliwog to me.

    have a black brothern law and two black nieces. As much as I would like to agree with you netty,you have no idea how nasty some people can be. I get it all the time being a travler
    It will always be baba black shep and gollywog to me neette,all the same when someone is getting racely aboused I wount be singing any nursery rymes.


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Wind your necks in ladies….there was a story in the paper the other day about it…..and yes after I posted it I remembered there had been a thread about it before……so foook off :lol:
    How is it playing the racist card exactly?

    Many times you have played the racist card with me,unless its a popular bloke in the room.I have no respect for you now.


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    after giving out about a convo in the room you then post on the boards – Blossom i think your the joke and a hypocrite.

    I like blossy.Let me tell you this, my daughter did her degree. She is high up in the counsel. you try once more your racist shit.I will go to your council and compline. I will have you removed.


    I love pussys response. She is one of pats chat lot;.What she really means is, come on you black fuckers I want a fight. She doesn’t and will never understand, we are all the same under the skin.That was a cheap shot Kentish.I thought better of you.


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    @moonshadow wrote:

    @annette-curtain wrote:

    Well … I guess it depends who the lackies are :wink:

    I have just realised it’s spelt “Lackey” Not Lackies….. ah well , no doubt the spelling police will pop on soon , and put me right lol

    Either way Moon …. you are wasting your time. When LD was made a Host , I along with many others were pleased , as she was a good Guide , in the fact she never got too involved with other chatters and never showed favouritism ( at least not in the room) .

    Now it appears she will believe what is said by any of her Lackies , regardless of fact.. and SHE MUST BE OBEYED !

    Whilst I realise being a Host can’t be easy …. she should know the game by now.

    ( Give respect, Get respect )

    So as I said Moon .. waste of time … and refer you to this again>

    I have to try though.
    Lol just been watching the room.Laine is teasing old joker by resisting his charms and joker is near banging his head off the wall in frustration. Sad thing is I liked them both but they have no idea how there games have upset me.Joker is trying to use me to get to laine and laine is using me to try take down joker.She recons she might be the one to do that.Shes too late iv shut his mouth well up because I wouldent play his head games.I might have my problems but I wont be bribed.I play to the wire,you wont see old joker playing his games like he used to in the room now.

    Moon you can’t keep your legs shut let alone shutting up Joker

    Oh I can keep my legs shut. Perhaps that’s why joker doesn’t have so much to say these days. Its not easy though joker is a sexy fcuk.If you know what I mean lucy.


    @rogue trader wrote:

    laney says I nae giv a feck aboot independy wotsit

    I have to admit that made me laugh. The shyte I had to endure from laney in f3.When Mario brought her in there to make me jealous was a nightmare. She tried to pretend with her silly wigs and make up she was some sort of stunner. She’s one ugly little thing.I never did try and make out I was anything but me,dont understand that kind of behaviour.She really needs to understand that by sleeping with everyone dosent make you pretty.


    @minnie mouse wrote:

    for one moon i hardly go in jc i get banned for being a little madam so what its not my life i say it as it is , it dont bother me being banned or gagged i actually find it rather amusing.. i can assure moon when i come in your love life is the last thing on my mind or am in interested in whom your in love with this week or next week …. cosy and i got gagged because LD likes too show off on times and normally on a sunday when shes been on the wine . I only go in for a chat and a bit of banter with people i know im sorry if u think i go at you moon as i can assure you that is not my intention im too busy being annoying to do that , so if i have in your eyes then i apologise .

    That is absolute tosh.For one you don’t say how it is, and your not honest. Who cares if it bothers you if your banned. I don’t care. What I do care about is you telling everyone who will listen is I would shag a fly if I could catch it.That is not in my nature, many times I have felt love and could have but never did.LD does indeed show of but not only on a Sunday. You do not go in jc for just banter, you go in to take down, embarrass and hurt people you don’t onley dislike but people you profess to care for.Fcuk off,dont try to kid me or anyone els.Your far to transparent to try.


    @Mr Harp wrote:

    The myths and misconceptions regarding mental illness and violence are quite depressing. In this case ‘gun crime’ in the USA. Personally I find it quite shocking that in the age of google and instant information people are still so ignorant regarding this issue.

    One in four will experience mental health problems in any given year. The USA is comparable to the UK and slightly higher % wise. The majority of extreme violent crime and homicides, particularly ‘gun crime’ in the USA, are committed by people who do not have serious mental health problems. In fact extreme violent crime committed by people with serious mental health issues/illness is rare both in the UK and in the USA.

    I suspect media witch hunts are partly responsible but mostly pig ignorance.

    Theres too many people with underlined mental illness and then theres some with bad blood in them.
    ^^^^^What a ridicules’ statement. I my self suffer mental illness, knowing one of the biggest factors is the fear of my loved ones mortality. I can not be sure but I suspect being human, that most people with a mental illness display this trait. I do know that the fear in me made me seek help certainly never thought about going and finding a weapon to kill anyone. There are very few thomos hameltons in this world of mental illness.
    When lucy speaks of bad blood, I refuse to believe she is talking about ignorant travellers. Who she has posted about many times in anger, having had to deal with travellers in her job.Sh e has constantly tried to gouda me in to a confrintatition over this issue.
    America unfortunately has a gun culture. Thankfully we don’t.I can understand why people would want to arm themselves in that situation.
    I think if you disarmed people in the usa,things would go underground and some people would take advantage of this.


    @sceptical guy wrote:

    Cosy, it’s genuine bullying to assault moi and gucci here so savagely because they don’t go on the boards – they can’t defend themselves.

    They’re not even like Anita – they don’t offend anyone. They’re perfectly harmless individuals, who just want to talk in chat.

    I saw the way you went for them yesterday – it was nasty and genuine harassment.

    Gucci is among the nicest chatters on the board, and quite a few of us like moi’s chat – it’s very witty at its best.

    If you don’t like them, then fine. Nobody’s going to stand in your way.

    But don’t try to bully them out of chat just because they don’t behave in the way you think people ought to behave.

    I’m not going to stand by if you do that again, even if I get banned.

    And I’d stand by you if someone went for you in such a nasty way, cosy.

    Someone called cosy came in yesterday night and I pointed out that I didn’t think it was you, for various reasons. I wasn’t the only one.

    But here moi and gucci are defenceless..

    Moi is moi and if we were all the same in this world it would truly be a sad world. Now I have noticed that mo and Gucci have a true connection, they are really good friends, The abuse that Gucci has had to take from other chatters for that friendship is horrific. She thankfully is a strong woman and wont be bullied in to denouncing her friendship. Some of the names she has been called and the bullying she has put up with has been so nasty. Grown woman coming in the room calling them dumb and dumber. Cosy picking on her, even some of my own friends iv fell out with for picking on her. Gucci having to explain that her friendship is not sexual over and over again. That her husband knows exactly what there friendship is about. I love moi, had many a laugh with him and Gucci. Its not often iv iggied moi but I have now and then.I have to say though most of the time I enjoy his nattering.Hes a harmless man and very clever, just different.


    @annette-curtain wrote:

    @trapper wrote:

    He’s gone off the rails since he lost his job eh…..


    I have to say I always found Mr Pat to be one of the nicer male chatters in the room tbh-liked a good laugh , nothing pervy at all ….Just a really nice chap.

    Oh he’s not the worst by any stretch of the imagination. Yes he can be pervy.Gives me the creeps sometimes. We all see people differently though I get that.

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