Looks like my brother ,sings like an angel reminds me of my sister.Love this song.xHapsecards tapas bars never saw a woman so alone.Wow, Motzart.
boo u gave me hell for 10 yrs over thin and i do u really think a woman with six kids and no husband boo and the morals of a rat bothers me .. im impressed , u have no morals or ethics boo u gone through so many men in jc and still cant keep one , an ugly woman like u boo wont ever have one up on me my dear :D
Boo and I don’t get on,butid rather leave six children in her care than yours.
Lol I had no idea you were phoenix fe.Yes I do like chatting with you and yes I did notice that you hardly come in the room. phoe ,People will argue the toss.Im in no way near angel status, but im learning to iggy more and wore. Have my say and iggy when it needs to be done.
So lets analyse
The purpose of Blossom outing a chatter in her opinion who is disgusting would be to make him leave….in reality he would come back as a namechanger….
Or she would expect all the “good” chatters to stop talking to this disgusting person…
What happens if they dont? Does she stop talking to them?
There must be a purpose to her JC cleansing
Why does she feel it her purpose in life to paste such things? The room convos few weeks ago were another example
Answers on a postcard please
When I am in the room, not often but usually later in the evening, 8-9 ish the chat revolves around the usual stuff, nothing personal but the 80’s, food, relationships, the usual banter etc. Blossom never joins in, ever. Later on when the crowd changes and the mood visibly changes (booze or drugs) Blossom immediately starts piping up with her name changer line. Personally I think it is her way of grabbing attention, when she goes quiet you know it is because she has hooked some poor individual into his/her spiders web on PM. Blossom then reappears and says something cryptic like “name changer thought so”.
So predictable and so Blossom.
Well I get a giggle with blossy,she does have a clone as well. Here experience of chat is a factor as well.I used to go nuts with the name changers as well, until I sed to hell with it.Now I don’t care who’s changing names because I don’t answer pms.I only pm with people I know.