Geeeeeeez – I’m with that.
Started hanging around here for a bit less of that stuff. Just been treated to an exceptional collection of insults (not at me) about dogs’ reprductive organs, rear ends and woman dog-mating in chat. Funny for a bit but gets thin after half an hour. And then it gets worse when some joker thinks I am a woman and starts pming me with his dimensions! Now have _m at the end of my name.
Good stuff then. Step daughter’s birthday Thursday and my dog can walk again (poor animal just managed to run with her strapped leg). Add to that the fact that I am going out to buy some new shoes and my cold water is running again, and it’s a good day. Lacing shoes for work by the way. Don’t generally get excited about shoes.
Oh and still not smoking despite great tempatation.
Hope your boy likes his presents and that you are getting to spend some time with him today, Kent.