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  • #455419

    @andymcnabb wrote:

    See the really interesting thing about the EDL, is that they welcome “black” participation, have a look at there rallies online and you will see, west Indian faces all over the place. The fact that they are selective in who and what they support, is more relevent than anything they mouth or say they believe in.

    Ah – the English Defence League, Andy me ol’ mucker.

    Now I understand why Gaz has you so hot under the collar. Imagine a group dedicated to defending England (not racist or prejudiced, no sirree!). The EDL seem to have a good line in anti-Muslim rhetoric. That kind of extends to hating everyone from North Africa to Pakistan to Indonesia, because a minority seems intent on spreading terrorism. I’m guessing you only have non-Muslim people of African descent sometimes at rallies. Well that makes it all very nice. Offend millions of peace-loving Muslims across the world and make British Muslims uncomfortable in their own country. That’ll stop the hatred all right.

    Just so we all know that it’s not just Anglo-Saxon, the Celts can get in on it as well – there’s a Scottish group linked to the EDL who seem to be right into all the sectarian hatred I hoped was dying out. Let’s have the Orange Order doing the gallus walking through all the towns of Scotland, with a few beatings and some tasty stabbings thrown in. Does anyone really believe that Catholics have too much power, and are as bad as those pesky Muslims.

    You do of course know that Gaz doesn’t consider himself a religious man as such. He’s controversial and puts it out there – but I don’t think he’s really hurting you. And I don’t think he supports any organisations who would hurt you.

    Now the EDL on the other hand ………………………….


    @andymcnabb wrote:

    At least you have learned what you are, oh wise one. Your almost sarcasm, is lost on everyone but yourself, oh an possibly your great unwashed breathren, who think your funny. Goodbye and goodluck Gazlan

    Gaz is just leading you a merry dance through an alternative reality. There are always little gems of wisdom and moments of humour. Frustrating and long-winded – yes, but often fun.



    @jen_jen wrote:

    There is no such thing as an “indigenous population of England, Scotland Ireland & Wales.” We are a melting pot of genes and cultures formed over many centuries of immigrants and “British” people mixing it all up, either voluntarily or by force.

    You are probably no more indigenous than the 4th generation immigrant sitting next to you in your workplace. You’re a mongrel representing a nation of mongrels.

    Well said.

    Proud to be a mongrel.

    You don’t represent me Tom. You can have a little Englander White Party if you want, I aint stopping you, nor is anyone else really, so don’t act like the victim.

    You can’t be a yob – you’re middle class! Nicky-boy can’t be a skinhead – he’s got hair and he’s been on Question Time. I really respect him now.

    Thank goodness we sorted that out.



    Gaz – I love you dearly. You are the biggest sidetracker ever in the history of message boards (but quite good fun at that!)

    But hey – this isn’t an existential discussion on the meaning of control, it’s all about how these evil immigrants are once again ruining our country!

    Thank goodness we have all those thieving, dishonest, low down b**tards to blame for all our woes.

    It would be terrible if we had to blame white bankers for being totally incompetent or even ourselves for thinking that borrowing too much money was a really a good thing.

    Terrible if it was us, our kin or the people we went to school with. Much better if we can blame some dirty immigrants sending a small amount of money to their own country of origin to support children and families.

    British people living abroad would never send money “home”. Never. No? They do. All the time – millions. They would never sit abroad on benefits. You’re telling me they do that too. Oh. So where are all the threads complaining about that.

    And while we’re at it, Tom, we’ll deport some white British people to Africa to live with the black British people we deport because they are unemployed. No, I forget the National Front is going pay them to leave. Happy days.

    Harriet Harman said something a bit stupid. The news hounds reported it. The Daily Mail – starting a moral panic? I can hardly bring myself to believe it. Next those immigrants will be sleeping with our daughters – or us! Let’s go onto the streets.

    I’m off to worry about something more important like whether I am going to have full fat or semi-skimmed on my cornflakes.


    Santa, even if you are a figment of our collective greedy imaginations and Christmas has lost all spiritual meaning becoming International Present Day, could you arrange to slip me a couple of presents discretely while I’m saying Bah Humbug to everybody else?

    Oh and I’m not sure whether I should be asking you or some other geezer but can I have world peace, an end to hunger and goodwill to all men and women (and those who consider themselves gender indistinct or reassigned)? The children can fend for themselves.



    @tom wrote:

    I’m quite looking forward to it, we’re so over-stretched we’ll probably have to call conscription. Cleanse the nation of all the yobs and baseball cap wearing yobs littering the streets these days!

    South Korea has now vowed a ‘huge’ retaliation against the North. South Korea’s leader, Lee, stated that a huge air, land & naval assault on the North/South border is the only way to show the evil rogue Communist state that the Democratic, peace-loving south will not be bullied.

    The USA has already sent warships and an aircraft carrier to South Korea. The North has threatened to sink any ships that approach North Korean waters. The north has already sunk a South Korean destroyer, killing 49 soldiers. This, along with the massive artillery assault on a ROK island has pushed Lee over the edge.

    China seems to be sitting this one out, simply saying “the North should do more to ensure peace”, and Russia has enforced sanctions on the North, barring the transportation of military ammunitions, weapons, vehicles and nuclear material.

    Prepare for a massive skirmish people, it’s gonna be a good one!

    You are being sarcastic – please tell me you’re being sarcastic?

    Hey, there’s a fight in the playground – let’s watch (and shout fight, fight, fight).

    And who better to hold the coats than the good ol’ US of A. They’re only our friends when we give them troops and (newsflash) we just ain’t big enough or rich enough to play with them anymore.

    Let’s have another war. I’m not pig sick of the ones we already have yet.



    L’Etranger is an iconic, wonderful novel, both uplifting and empty at the same time. Being so short it is certainly, page by page, the best novel I have read and made me think more about the true meaning of life than most things I have read.

    Never was that keen on The Cure, but it’s a pretty good song and it does capture the alienation the main character feels.

    The wisdom of the post? Someone is bound to think that the title refers to a dodgy political or racist view. They can pick up the book and read it. Alternatively they can look into Camus’ political activities, in particular his opposition to the inequalities between Algerians of European and African descent.

    Apologies for getting all rambly and intellectual, but thanks for making me listen to some old music, pull out some old books, do some googling and think about what’s important.

    Should you have – gawd yes. Cheers mate.



    That is just too good.

    Especially after the comment on ferries at the top.

    Thank you for making me smile.



    @melody wrote:

    My tattoo was free cause my best mates bro owns a tat parlour. I love it and would never need to get it removed coz I can hide it in my hush puppy when am an old bag.

    Your hush puppy!

    You do mean your shoe don’t you?



    My mother has a disabled badge but with her hips and heart she struggles to walk any distance. Wonder why he needs a special bay if he seems so fit and lives alone. Maybe there’s something you don’t see something or maybe he’s a bit suss.

    Either way send him over here when the snow reaches us. He could make a few bob.


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