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  • #146434

    Must tone things down and have a laugh.

    Been a bit serious on the Boards the last couple of days.

    Must be my hormones – or the Christmas (sorry International Present Day) spirit.

    The beard’s going to have to go (and that includes you, Frankie Boyle – what were you thinking?)

    :cry: :oops: :wink:


    @andymcnabb wrote:

    Momentary, in the case that you ever choose to base your respect or lack there of, for a person on the facts, present, rather than the wild assumptions you choose to draw, then and only then will anything you say have true relevance.

    Because someone is intelligent and educated enough to quote a source, or indeed use a fact in an argument, does not then logically mean that the individual supports the person quoted, nor the source itself. This goes without them having to denounce the quoted person or the source of the information. People today and through history have used quotes from various sources, to make point and illustrate as required. Following the logic of your posts, every person who in the past has quoted the legendary Martin Luther King Jnr line “I have a dream” should then come out and put on record whether they agree with everything Mr King said or not. All those people who have ever sourced Nelson Mandela for information, must come out and say if they support the ANC. Anyone who has quoted Albert Einstein in a lecture or one of his equations must come out and state there support or lack there of, for not only the source but the quote itself.

    Now I wont go forward with numerous other examples of how ludicrous your statements are, because I am sure even you can see it. But in closing as your making assumptions, based on facts not in evidence, about people you literally know nothing about, then I would be so errant to suggest the closed mind dwells a lot closer to home for you.

    As for telling me that I need to make a statement either supporting the EDL or not, I will not and would not make a statement either way, because unlike some, I would not Assume to know all of the EDL’s policies, nor there agenda. So to make statements without all the relevent facts, would be hypocritical.

    I would never presume to tell you what to do.

    It is your choice as to whether you make a statement about supporting an organisation like the English Defence League.

    Your examples are interesting but this is much closer to home. This is an English organisation with extreme views that you won’t comment on. You were very quick to take Gaz to task when he had extreme views. You were also very quick to make statements on a range of other topics. I understand that. I have made some pretty firm statements on the Boards in the last couple of days myself.

    It is a very simple matter of being clear about where you stand. If you support NF and EDL ideas or policies you should stand up for them. But that is your choice.

    I don’t support all this send the immigrants home and lock up the Muslims because they’re all out to get us stuff. I think that there are serious economic, cultural and security issues. But I also believe that coming together is the best way to sort them out, and to weed out the true extremists who wish us all harm – whatever our racial origin.

    You don’t need to agree or to respect my views. I will always respect another individual’s right to speak but I don’t need to respect what they say. I may have misjudged you and I have told you clearly that I am willing to change my mind. So far you are giving me no reason to believe that I said anything out of line. I could be wrong. But hey – I’m just a guy on-line you’ll never meet. And my point of view is just a point of view.

    We all have a forum on the Boards and no one is restricting you or taking that away from you. You can say as much or as little as you want. You can be explicit or not. It is your business how you choose to use the Boards (as long as you refrain from over the top personal abuse). You don’t need to care about what I say or indeed read it.



    @andymcnabb wrote:

    I would hate to point out the obvious, after such a well made argument, but perhaps lost, you can show me, where I stated, that I supported the EDL or there policies?? You have made huge leap of logic, because I mentioned them and used them as an example. A leap not supported by any further comments or proof from my own words.

    So if you wish to assume facts not in evidence, then please be my guest, to do so, about anyone at any time. It seems to be one of your strengths.


    You are of course correct. You did not say you agreed with the whole EDL manifesto.

    One might be careful however about who and what you quote or refer to. Especially, that is, if you are going to suggest later, as your words above imply, that you disagree with them.

    I would point out that nowhere (including in what you write above) is there any statement saying that you do not agree with the EDL or their policies.

    I will therefore accept your criticism and assume nothing – until you say it directly. You can make a statement that you disagree with everything the EDL stand for whenever you like.

    I am an inclusive and welcoming kind of guy. If you make such a statement I will wholeheartedly support it.

    May the sun shine on everything you do today.


    @rubyred wrote:

    actually i get really bugged at that too ! He always picks on the negative . while casually “forgetting” he was once One of the worst kind of stereotype he attempts to bring down..

    inverted snobbery is a bugger.

    Flaming huge beard now though. What’s that all about?

    Agree completely. I’m proud to be from the mad, bad, beautiful city of Glasgow – even if I do live in Wales.

    I’ll be toasting all the weggies out there with tonight’s dram. (Not that I always have one or am an alcoholic. Can’t feed the stereotype now, can we? Hehe.)



    @gazlan wrote:

    @momentaryloss wrote:

    Well – I’m a brunette.

    Bit grey actually.

    And that includes my beard!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Yule have a ball with my sis then :lol:

    I’m sure I’ve already met her!

    Beard’s coming off for Christmas. Not going to compete with Santa.



    @gazlan wrote:

    @momentaryloss wrote:

    Gaz – I love you dearly.

    :shock: I actually prayed that you are a healthy feminine brunette, it just isn’t ringing true for some reason :o

    @mouthymacnabb wrote:

    for one of your SUPERIOUR intelligence, im sure you removed the exclamation dots from the web address….. Even you could come up with that. Not too conformist im sure…. You just lost me Mr Gazlan, if you cant figure that out for yourself, then you have no chance. You have now bored me. Good luck with your attempt to be what ever you want to be.

    Perhaps discovering the correct way to add a link would benefit you ?
    Now i’m studying this material from the home office . . . . This could be a tough one people, that Mr Mcnabb has really got me on the hop . . .Standby.
    :lol: :wink:

    Well – I’m a brunette.

    Bit grey actually.

    And that includes my beard!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @bassingbourne55 wrote:

    I can’t stand Frankie Boyle. His humour is just as distasteful as that of the late Bernard Manning. At least Bernard Manning looked funny, so you could have a good laugh at the ugly fat man with your sound turned down if you wished. Frankie Boyle just looks nasty, and sounds nasty, and says nasty things. My advice to Boyle is eat lots of Glaswegian food and put on 10 stone then we might have something to laugh at!

    I’m just sick of the fact that he can’t mention Glasgow without referring to violence, crime, drugs and bad food. I’m a Glaswegian and there are enough stereotypes. Look at all the alcoholic, wife-beating male Scottish characters on TV.

    Funny joke first time round, Frankie, but you have to put Glasgow or Scotland down every single time I see you. It gets old – really old.

    For those of you who would like to visit Glasgow it has some of the best architecture, galleries and concert halls in the Europe, houses the headquarters of most major Scottish Arts organisations, has more parkland than any other city in the UK and is a great place for a night out.

    Other British cities are of course available. Just like Glasgow they have overweight citizens and people who take drugs, and they have a lot to offer too.

    Frankie is funny but it’s always the same joke. Shock me Frankie and do something I don’t expect.



    shit tit bum arsehole

    wank bollocks cum fuck cunt

    Can’t believe I’m doing this.

    I think a word got through!

    Thanks – that’s been the biggest laugh of the day.

    Sad but true.



    @momentaryloss wrote:

    Gaz – I love you dearly. You are the biggest sidetracker ever in the history of message boards (but quite good fun at that!)

    But hey – this isn’t an existential discussion on the meaning of control, it’s all about how these evil immigrants are once again ruining our country!

    Thank goodness we have all those thieving, dishonest, low down b**tards to blame for all our woes.

    It would be terrible if we had to blame white bankers for being totally incompetent or even ourselves for thinking that borrowing too much money was a really a good thing.

    Terrible if it was us, our kin or the people we went to school with. Much better if we can blame some dirty immigrants sending a small amount of money to their own country of origin to support children and families.

    British people living abroad would never send money “home”. Never. No? They do. All the time – millions. They would never sit abroad on benefits. You’re telling me they do that too. Oh. So where are all the threads complaining about that.

    And while we’re at it, Tom, we’ll deport some white British people to Africa to live with the black British people we deport because they are unemployed. No, I forget the National Front is going pay them to leave. Happy days.

    Harriet Harman said something a bit stupid. The news hounds reported it. The Daily Mail – starting a moral panic? I can hardly bring myself to believe it. Next those immigrants will be sleeping with our daughters – or us! Let’s go onto the streets.

    I’m off to worry about something more important like whether I am going to have full fat or semi-skimmed on my cornflakes.

    Damn – never did have those cornflakes :( :lol:


    @andymcnabb wrote:

    See the really interesting thing about the EDL, is that they welcome “black” participation, have a look at there rallies online and you will see, west Indian faces all over the place. The fact that they are selective in who and what they support, is more relevent than anything they mouth or say they believe in.

    There’s plenty said on here by people concerned about their safety, immigration, the economy etc. And lots of it I disagree with. The National Front and the English Defence League take it way beyond what most decent people are willing to agree with.

    Andy, Tom – never said this to anyone on the Boards before, but I’m not sorry if I seem to disrespect you cos I do, I really do disrespect you. And I have a job, a mortgage, a family and everything you seem to find respectable, but I believe in love and not hate. And I think I understand this country’s history better than you do.

    If you cannot love your neighbour who you can see – how can you love the Lord your God who you cannot?

    Oh and the people who brought that to our shores were immigrants.

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