draculina started the topic The toxic acceptance of hate speech in Just Chat in the forum Chat forum one boards 4 years ago
Hi all, and especially Martin who I am writing this post for.
I would like to document an example of how homosexual abuse is perpetuated and accepted in Just Chat, this is far from the first something like this has happened and certainly isn’t the worst of it.
It is however the first time the moderation staff have explicitly refused to do…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Such a shame…………. in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
Yeah, you can’t really afford to lose a user per day when you have about 6 users.
Monday : DivineIntervention
Tuesday : Guru
Wednesday : Draculina
Thursday : ???
Friday : ???
draculina replied to the topic Signing off… in the forum Getting serious 4 years ago
I will most likely also be leaving.
The site is dead, nobody is using it.
On the rare occasion that they do, they hosts are openly hostile and mute me for no reason.
draculina replied to the topic How to Ruin a Chatroom in Three Simple Steps in the forum Getting serious 4 years ago
Correction, the rule used to be that VPNs were banned entirely.
Martin changed the rule at my request so that new accoutns can’t use them, but ones that already existed could.
I misremembered what happened slightly.
draculina replied to the topic How to Ruin a Chatroom in Three Simple Steps in the forum Getting serious 4 years ago
VPNs are actually banned, although I think the site automatically knows how to check for Tor.
Do you even know what the site’s rules are?
I had an email conversation with Martin about this a few years ago and he made my account exempt from this rule.
draculina replied to the topic How to Ruin a Chatroom in Three Simple Steps in the forum Getting serious 4 years ago
Well you just stongly implied that DivineIntervention is not welcome on the site, and that he should leave.
You explicitly told me to leave the other day.
I’ve been threatened with bans by all of the mods except for GD.
NS even said that she would ban my girlfirend if she ever made an account, and would ban my acccount if she used…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic How to Ruin a Chatroom in Three Simple Steps in the forum Getting serious 4 years ago
Chat to who?
9 times out of 10 when i sign in I see that nobody posted for hours and that nobody is online.
Guides/Hosts randomly threatening to ban people, and telling them to leave doesn’t exactly do much to encourage people to use the site.
draculina replied to the topic How to Ruin a Chatroom in Three Simple Steps in the forum Getting serious 4 years ago
You copied my 12 step post that got deleted.
- Charge £10 for registering
- Notice that nobody is registering
- Ban guests from having names
- Notice that nobody is still registering
- Create members only room
- Notice that nobody uses members only room
- Ban guests from F2 and F3
- Notice that everyone moves to F1
- Ban many of the…
draculina replied to the topic Whoop Whoop! At last………… in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
Everyone was a guest back then, the chat didn’t have registered accounts.
draculina replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years ago
Here’s someone reporting about it happening that was published at 13:03.
I don’t know who this person is, but I dont think he can see the future.
draculina replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years ago
Yes, this is mostly correct. However, if the outcome of an election is decided by fraud then it is not democratic.
That was certainly not the only arugment that he made and I supsect that I will bring those up later. But you have not represented this claim accurately.
It is likely that postal votes favoured Biden, but the degree to which this…[Read more]
draculina replied to the topic Whoop Whoop! At last………… in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
JustChat logic :
- Sees that most names are not registered
- Stops guests having names
- Sees nobody is registering
- Charges £10 for registering
- Sees still nobody is registering
- Creates members only room
- Sees nobody uses members room
- Bans guests from F2 and F3
- Sees everyone moves to F1
- Ban most registered users
- Wonder why everyone…
draculina replied to the topic to Ld the fat old hag in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
JustChat logic :
- Sees that most names are not registered
- Stops guests having names
- Sees nobody is registering
- Charges £10 for registering
- Ban most registered users
- Wonder why everyone is a guest
- Bans guests
- Wonders why nobody uses the site
draculina replied to the topic Whoop Whoop! At last………… in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
This has to be one of the dumbest decisions this site has ever made.
JustChat is dead.
draculina replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years ago
Don’t compare Trump to Corbyn
No, they aren’t.
Also he is a communist.
draculina replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years ago
Incitement to violence!
draculina replied to the topic CURE FOR TRUMPERS in the forum Off topic chat 4 years ago
Seems like you’ve given up any attempts at being rational as well.
Sassey replied to the topic Biden explained for political illiterates. in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
All will be well linda
Sassey replied to the topic Biden explained for political illiterates. in the forum Chat forum three boards 4 years ago
No vaccine for me
draculina replied to the topic Just chat and the American Election in the forum Chat forum one boards 4 years, 1 month ago
To incite a mob to violence you must speak on a platform that they can hear. He did not do this on any plaform that I have access to. He said the oposite on what whas his main platform (Twitter).
But ignoring this, impeaching someone that is not in office has no effect, it is just persecution. Going after Trump, or his supporters will be the…[Read more]
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