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  • #295196

    For a second there you made them sound homeless :D


    @matty wrote:

    my mum and dad don’t currently have a house, so we are all of to my aunties for a big italian feast xmas day

    Where do they live then? :-s






    @ubermik wrote:

    Ex smiths singer during an interview commented that the british identity has been lost due to an open door policy on immigration and the flood of immigrants its brought to britain

    The publication (NME) said

    “He might once have been the voice of a generation, but given his comments in these two interviews, he’s certainly not speaking for us now.”

    “Us” who exactly? Seems that a hell of a lot of people ARE infact saying and complaining about just that, even people who dont even live in the UK, werent born here and arent white or indigenous brits too

    And how does any of that equate to “racism” anyway? I didnt notice him say “non white immigration” or “white british culture” so the words racism and racist dont actually belong in any statement connected to his comments to begin with and its about time people started having the balls to sue for slander or libel when the words are used innacurately over any and every comment that doesnt fall in love with our minority ass kissing left wing dictatorships perverted ideal of a multicultural nirvanna where anyone white and british spends their life apologising for our history and throwing away our culture because nobody else in the world seems to have any concept of what tolerance means unless THEY want it from someone else

    The article is located here

    I dont think he sounds as if he’s being racist., hes not insulting anybody. It more just that he’s being honest about what he thinks, in other words it is what he believes. Plus, he does kind of have a point Britain in places is made up of a lot of different cultures. Whenever I want to go the chip shop near me or even the corner shop the owners are British. It dosen’t bother me but it can be hard to understand them. etc…


    @pasta wrote:

    people christmas shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they turn into ignorant arrogant bstards!! pushing and shoving and ramming trollies into you arghhhhhhhhhhhhh

    I had the same problem today! :evil:


    @matty wrote:

    if you want to dress in womens clothes minx.. don’t let them stop you.. its a free world

    Well there’s no problem there seeing as I am a woman *Shock Horror* :wink:


    @matty wrote:

    @Miss Minx wrote:

    @panda wrote:

    @Miss Minx wrote:

    @matty wrote:

    can you leave us alone please, thanks

    Well why you asked so nicely…. :D

    Feel free to add what super power youd choose minx if you like 8)

    Anybody ever watched Charmed? I would be like Piper and have the power to freeze time. I would never be late for anything again. :D

    thats a good one… the guy from hero’s can do that, i thought that would be cool too.. late for work… oh no.. i’ll just stop time

    I’ve never watched ‘heroes’ is it any good :?:


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    its called harmless adult banter, which is probably why it went over your head :lol: nevermind, i’ll try to dumb it down for you next time, wouldnt want you to feel left out :wink:

    I never feel left out, I can push my way into any conversation as you can see :lol:


    @matty wrote:

    that minx girl is a bit of a minx and a half alright

    You will learn to love me 8)

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