Indecisive and
fiestyangel are now friends 2 years, 3 months ago
callmepuds replied to the topic tRUMP in the shit in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 5 months ago
How could I answer your question? There is an ALLEGATION that Trump had classified documents. When FACTS are known, THEN you have a question. Are any of the 30 MILLION documents Obama removed from the White House classified? Why did Hillary have classified information on a private server that she maintained in her bathroom closet?
Trump fil…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic tRUMP in the shit in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 5 months ago
callmepuds replied to the topic tRUMP in the shit in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 5 months ago
Excuse me. My rod tip is twitching again.
Did a dog just walk past you?
callmepuds replied to the topic tRUMP in the shit in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 5 months ago
Imagine if tRump’s arse was still sitting in the White House. Not one dollar of aid would have been given to Ukraine and russia would now be at the Polish border and threatening not to stop until they had reached Lisbon.
You know nothing, and your opinion is worth less than nothing. You don’t even know the facts here. Putin didn’t star…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic Watching trumpers squirm in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 7 months ago
Given the choice, I would choose Trump any day over China, Russia, or impotent, socialist western Europe. I had to laugh today when Biden claimed that NATO members are going to start paying their fair share under the alliance. Trump demanded it years ago. Only when Putin scared the west by invading Ukraine did any of these countries even co…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
You caught me by surprise, Drac. I would never want unarmed police. We don’t have them unless they’re metermaids writing parking tickets. Unarmed police mean criminals can be in charge if all they do is bring a gun with them.
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
“One of the reasons I moved out of Manchester was because there were armed police patrolling everywhere.”
That seriously is the stupidest thing you ever wrote. Debating retards is a waste of my time. It’s like trying to play chess with a houseplant. There is no point for me to participate in this thread any longer.
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
Are you saying that a sane person could murder a classroom of very small children, Andy? Thank god you can’t get your hands on a gun as you are crazier than a shithouse rat. Or bone stupid. Maybe both.
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
Over a dataset of 1,000 articles, The Atlantic scored an average Factual Grade of 68.5%. This is above the average of 61.9% for all 240 news sources that we analyzed. This places The Atlantic in the 79th percentile of our dataset.
The Atlantic scores above average mainly due to thor…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
Florida’s ‘red-flag’ law eyed as example amid gun debate
Supporters say law has saved ‘untold’ number of lives in state
As a national debate rages over gun laws after last month’s mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, proponents of “red-flag” policies point to a Florida law as a model for states seeking to strip deadly weapons from pe…[Read more] -
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
From a 2016 article. I’ve chopped it up a bit (***) but the entire article is found here:
Sweden may have the answer to America’s gun problem
gun viole…[
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
Right. THAT didn’t sound insane, Kiwi. Congrats on not mentioning Trump. Maybe you’re taking your meds.
callmepuds replied to the topic Trump and guns in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 8 months ago
The real problem is mental illness. It’s everywhere, just look at Andy’s and Kiwi’s remarks for clear proof of this. But now we have crazy, fatherless kids in mass numbers training for killing sprees on Call of Duty and other games that desensitize the act of murder. Imagine halfwits like Andy and Kiwi, who obviously have rage disorders, pl…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic Any tRumpers left ? in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 10 months ago
I guess that makes either Piers Morgan or you the horse’s azz. If you’re listening to Piers Morgan, then definitely it’s you.
callmepuds replied to the topic Any tRumpers left ? in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 10 months ago
The last year of his presidency saw development of a covid vaccine in the US in record time because he removed every possible barrier from delaying the process. Not exactly a disaster. He brokered multiple peace agreements between Israel and Arab countries (which the libtard media tried to ignore), and more were set to follow in his second t…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic Any tRumpers left ? in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 10 months ago
Add “delusional” to your list of conditions.
callmepuds replied to the topic Any tRumpers left ? in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 10 months ago
Another county heard from…
zzzzzzzzz zzz zz zzzzz zzzzzzz
callmepuds replied to the topic Any tRumpers left ? in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 10 months ago
“tRump is a fucking lying lardy-arsed egomaniac ”
Assuming that’s true, I would gladly put up with all of those shortcomings because of his policies and achievements. I don’t need you to accept that, or change your opinion. Your hate is costing you, personally, but some people feel they need to hate, or they just can’t help th…[Read more]
callmepuds replied to the topic Any tRumpers left ? in the forum Getting serious 2 years, 10 months ago
Andy, like many libtards, you have a reading comprehension problem as well as an adjustment disorder.
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