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  • #506039

    :lol: at this thread

    and omg at the nasty pic word failed to post, thank god. Yuk


    *fights dem sur la beeechies*

    Reminds me of ‘Ello ‘Ello for some reason….
    Don’t cast Vee as the Madonna with the big boobies!


    *hides from vee*


    I’m confused now, I thought J in France was female.

    Wake.. you have never been nasty to me, in fact the opposite. Your humour is ace and I like your irreverant take on life. We don’t link up very often, but never found you anything other than real and quite amusing. :)


    Rape is not about sex.. it is about violence
    Violence against women is never acceptable.
    Rape whether the victim is male or female is degrading, humiliating, frightening and very very scary. The victims NEVER forget.

    Saying that a woman (or man) is “asking for it” by flirting is saying that rape is ok. Because, if there is ANY reason at all for it to be considered ok, then someone intent on rape will use that as an excuse to assuage any feelings of guilt they may have. Because.. its the victim’s fault, not theirs.. the victim deserved it.

    He or She was drunk… they deserved it
    He or She was dressed provocatively..they deserved it
    He or She was a pr*ck teaser…. they deserved it

    No one should EVER be the victim of Rape, NOBODY ever deserves that.


    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    @minim wrote:

    You have definitetly got a degree in the bleeding obvious :lol:

    Calm down! It’s only a JC board posting!

    You obviously don’t understand my sense of humour.

    Why the hell would I? Who the hell are you?

    And…for future reference, when I ask a question its usually rhetorical.

    Nice to see I’m not the only sense of humour failure in the house – again


    Oh yeah – it’s only banter . . . . . . . . . . that always works . . . . .

    I have to say, you seem like a nice bloke, just take yourself way too seriously.
    Lighten up!!!!

    oh and that wasn’t a racist remark :P


    the swedish chef and Rowlf

    *and ere we ave a chocolata moose a*


    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    @minim wrote:

    OK so let me see if I can get this right…..

    if two people go for a job and one of them is fit and young and the job requires someone fit and young, they employ the fit young person.

    So if someone requires a night watchman who is going to be sneaking around in the dark trying to catch criminals… they should choose someone hard to see in the dark, like a black person. Or…. if they need someone who can stock shelves beneath counters they should choose dwarves (or me), but if they need someone to put things on top shelves then someone over 6 ft tall.

    Do physical attributes maketh the man (or woman) or can anyone achieve anything given the right implements?

    And…..surely a victim is someone who either perceives themselves to be hard done by, for whatever reason, or has been the recipient of some crime or negative action perpetrated by one or more other people.



    *don’s wig, turns off grammarcheck.

    The law in England Wales and Scotland basically says you mustn’t discriminate directly (“you can’t have this job just because you are male female black white whatever”) or indirectly (“We only want people who are over 6ft tall not cos of the job but because – tee hee – we know most people over 6ft tall around here are men). Other things like Harassment are also illegal.

    The law specifically covers the characteristics of race, sex, disability, religion, sexual orientation, age, marriage and Civil partnership, Pregnancy and maternity and Gender reassignment. There are various exceptions under each characteristic to allow for pragmatism.

    The law allows you to place a requirement on a job that might discriminate for or against certain people if it is “a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim” – i.e. reasonable. So in the case you quoted, unless it was essential for the black person to crawl around naked, or that their face and hands would be highlighted, it would probably be unreasonable to insist on employing one to sneak around in the dark. However for artistic, or cultural reasons it might be necessary to specify a characteristic – you might insist on a gay man to be a case worker in gay men’s health, or for someone performing a religious duty to be of that faith.

    One main principle behind the law is that everyone can have reasonable access to employment, goods and services with a reasonable level of dignity and safety. Face it, there’s no point in saying people should work rather than be on benefits if employers, especially big ones, can keep certain groups from working just on a whim.

    Another is social cohesion.

    So if being young and/or fit is a genuine requirement for a job then it’s reasonable to say that’s who you want, but if the job could be reasonably done by an older person then it would be wrong to prevent someone from working just because (real example) the idea of them in a mini skirt doesn’t appeal – unless the job is modelling mini skirts.

    Some of the concerns about the law are more about rumours than about what the law actually says. Unfortunately, you can’t regulate people’s fears, so misinformation abounds and it’s exploited.

    Sometimes employers play it safe or are badly advised and end up enacting or allowing daft things to take place which the law neither prescribes nor recommends.

    Sometimes like other areas of law, unfairness takes place because Law tends to draw rigid straight lines through areas which are naturally curly and fuzzy.

    *Removes wig and takes some more Day Nurse – I feel like cr ap

    You have definitetly got a degree in the bleeding obvious :lol:

    You obviously don’t understand my sense of humour. And…for future reference, when I ask a question its usually rhetorical.



    I keep on thinking of the song………….you know the one, about lighting fires etc.

    *wanders off whistling*


    Well its a nice bit of fun……but on that subject, did you know that there is an alien space ship heading for earth. Apparently the earth is in great danger, and they are coming here to take two of everything off the earth to store them (including one man and one woman) and wait until the danger has past. They will then create a new “garden of eden” for them both.

    hmmm only one man and one woman. I hope to god they choose well, or that could be the end of the human race!!!! Would you adamandeve it?


    OK so let me see if I can get this right…..

    if two people go for a job and one of them is fit and young and the job requires someone fit and young, they employ the fit young person.

    So if someone requires a night watchman who is going to be sneaking around in the dark trying to catch criminals… they should choose someone hard to see in the dark, like a black person. Or…. if they need someone who can stock shelves beneath counters they should choose dwarves (or me), but if they need someone to put things on top shelves then someone over 6 ft tall.

    Do physical attributes maketh the man (or woman) or can anyone achieve anything given the right implements?

    And…..surely a victim is someone who either perceives themselves to be hard done by, for whatever reason, or has been the recipient of some crime or negative action perpetrated by one or more other people.



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