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  • #499568

    Do chavs admit to being chavs?


    I don’t think their behaviour is abnormal, its just erm chavvy!


    No, they are scum :D

    But ok then, how many chavs are scum too?


    I hardly use facebook, or twitter, so don’t log in often enough to cause any ripples. But on the subject of things taking over our lives……… mobile phones.

    I have resisted the urge to add emails, facebook, twitter to my phone, mostly because it seems to open you up to being hacked more than normally. But I still come up against similar stuff although I guess we’d have to call it social death by phone.

    I have to admit that when I first got a mobile, i answered it if it rang, I texted people back immediately if they texted me. I fretted if i had sent a text and didn’t get one straight back… you get the picture. and now? I very often read a text and then get round to replying to it sometime later that day, or even the next, or erm sometimes I completely forget. I don’t expect to get a text straight back and am a bit gob smacked when I do. If someone doesn’t answer the phone when I ring them I assume they are asleep on the sofa, having sex, working or something equally all consuming. I don’t ever take offence and nobody I know does either. So.. maybe facebook users will eventually chill out just like mobile phone users have! It is just a question of time :)


    There have always been creative accountants. If it is not illegal then what is all the fuss about? Is it because we all wish we’d thought of it?

    Now then…. I am aware of the fact that without taxes there would be no money to pay our members of parliament, teachers, doctors etc etc etc, but…. we would all be so much better off that we would be able to buy more “stuff” and that would help to end the recession! (my tongue was in my cheek then).

    Taxes may be considered a necessary evil, but perhaps there is an alternative. After all, taxes have been about for centuries, if there was a creative and ingenious alternative, wouldn’t we all cheer?


    I’ve tried to read all of the above and I am now cross eyed…. a bit like a tiger I know of.

    Anyhow…… back to the original. And at the risk of stating the obvious (I’m quite good at that) ……A clique is a group of people who kind of hang out together and do stuff. I don’t think they are intentionally exclusive (although some more formalised cliques call themselves clubs and have entry qualifications blah blah). The average kind of clique is fluid and people come and go. Some people may not be welcome to join the clique because they are perceived as different. For some reason I don’t see this as due to physical attributes, but what they are all interested in doing.

    This raises some questions….

    So were the mods and the rockers cliques? Are “gangs” cliques? When can a group of people who hang out together not be considered a clique? If you don’t want to belong to a clique but you happen to like doing what the clique are doing can you be a honorary cliquette? I don’t think that you belong to a clique just because you happen to be gay, but within the “gay” sphere there must be cliques of gay people who like for example.. wearing cowboy hats on the 3rd Friday of the month.

    Not sure where religion and skin colour came into things as my mind started thinking about food when that bit of the thread was whizzing past, but i don’t think that they count as cliques. I have to assume I missed the point on that one and forgive me if I don’t try and fathom it :)

    ………….and I have to comment on the enormous numbers of cliches used in this here thread :lol: :wink:


    Does that make us stubborn tinks? I suspect I am. That can be a good quality but also can be difficult to let go.


    Facing up to bad things is hard, but if done and a happy outcome achieved it shows you can take control of your life. Just putting your head in the sand and pretending nothing is wrong just allows all the difficult things to stack up. When eventually you can’t ignore them anymore then that is when people reach melt down point and their worlds are in danger of falling apart.

    So, I agree we shouldn’t ignore the negatives, it is better to take baby steps and take a problem and solve it before moving onto the next one.

    I always thought I was a glass half full person, but I think I am just like everyone else….. not a glass at all.


    @tinks wrote:

    Does it bother you if someone you seem to have got on well with online suddenly goes the other way? Do you try to sort it or just accept what’s happened as after all they may just be ‘a name and words on the screen’?…….How important is this to you?

    That would depend who it was.

    I suppose we are all of us likely to react the same way online as we would in real life. My reaction to a fall out with a mate would be to try heal the rifts. That usually works with close friends, but the odd person has let me down so badly i’ve walked away for good. I would do the same with online friends. Trust is an important part of friendship and the internet throws up the “trust no-one” viewpoint all the time! It is only ever “names and words on a screen” if you don’t really care about the people who type them.


    I know tinks…. I know he wasn’t. Shame.. he missed out! :)

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