minim replied to the topic The Shallows in the board Getting serious 13 years, 11 months ago
For a lot of reasons I rue the day the internet took hold. Privacy… no longer in existence, identify theft is endemic. Everything at work takes twice as long because all data has to be stored in three different ways in five different locations and still printed out and filed manually (ok i exaggerate a tad, but its not very far off the truth).…[Read more]
minim replied to the topic A step too far? in the board Getting serious 13 years, 11 months ago
frankenstein’s monster with removable bolt?
minim replied to the topic moderation for the nation .. I in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
rubes is lovely, she always has been as far as i’m concerned and I doubt anything will change now as I’ve known her for an age. I love her irreverent take on life. One thing you can say for rubes, she knows how to rattle a cage or too.
minim replied to the topic A step too far? in the board Getting serious 13 years, 11 months ago
I think this is a step too far. Children have brilliant imaginations and can PRETEND they are breastfeeding if they want to mimic mum. We already have pooing and weeing babies, and ones that you can bottle feed. Why do we really need one that mimics breast feeding too?
minim replied to the topic Japan . . . Earthquake . . . Tsunami . . . Radiation . . . in the board Getting serious 13 years, 11 months ago
I like a certain slant… it shows flair.
minim replied to the topic Japan . . . Earthquake . . . Tsunami . . . Radiation . . . in the board Getting serious 13 years, 11 months ago
@pikey wrote:
Manners are the signe évident of a healthy society. The people of the rising sun should be very proud of themselves.
We should guard what’s left of our manners jealously. We might need them again.
Manners maketh the man.
dogs pee on lamposts
minim replied to the topic moderation for the nation .. I in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
Grab her ears and bounce!!! :lol: :lol:
sorry but that is funny
minim replied to the topic Only Happy Things in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
@YourChoice wrote:
The smell of the Sunday roast =P~
minim replied to the topic Anything You Like in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
Music is eternal Miss Mims,, you of all people should know that :)
dont worry about slobiccus fattus. she is bearing her Peaches to a new crew.
and poet how dare you insult the King of Rock n roll :)
/sports an Elvis style lip and kisses poet full throttle.
is she incontinentia buttocks too?
I daren’t look at…[Read more]
minim replied to the topic Anything You Like in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
@Poet wrote:
Is it Elvis and do I get points Mims huh?
wiggles her points at poet 8)
minim replied to the topic Bees and you. . . . . . . . . . . . yes you reading This in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 11 months ago
humble bumble toil and rumble
minim replied to the topic Out of the loony bin! in the board Off Topic Chat 13 years, 11 months ago
anti-depressants don’t work… they just make it worse, but I know they’ll see your face again
minim replied to the topic anybody ever got bit by a dog in the board Off topic chat 13 years, 11 months ago
No.. but i once bit the ear off a chocolate doberman.
minim replied to the topic Anything You Like in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
By the way.. which fat slob do you mean?
minim replied to the topic ADULTERY in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
You know something….gossip and bi tching was always used as a butt of stand up comics jokes as being a female perogative. Since using the internet, I have observed that unfortunately, it is the MEN who are far far worse than any women at making personal and uncalled for remarks, bi tching and generally trying to get everything to descend to the…[Read more]
minim replied to the topic nut jobs in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
What a nice chap
minim replied to the topic Anything You Like in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
am sure I saw them perform that at Dingwalls
those were the days my friend…. all good things have to end
keep the faith rubes xxx
minim replied to the topic Japan . . . Earthquake . . . Tsunami . . . Radiation . . . in the board Getting serious 13 years, 11 months ago
The events that have unfolded in the ring of fire over the last month or so have been awful. I feel truly sorry for all the people who have lost their loved ones, homes and in some cases just about everything else as a result of earthquakes.
For those that don’t know, I was in NZ when they had their terrible one in Feb, and it was very scary.…[Read more]
minim replied to the topic Where are you Mrs Teapot? in the board Chat forum three boards 13 years, 11 months ago
Its funny how people say that….. about getting a real life. I think you can have both.
I guess its about balance……….what is the ideal balance?
Mrs Teapot may just have decided she needs a break from biatching.
minim replied to the topic Mirror In February in the board Art, poetry, music and film 13 years, 12 months ago
I love those two offerings.. thank you boys.
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