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  • #1118260

    I will my my bed.

    Mummy makes yours.

    And you are in your 40s?

    And buys your clothes.

    You aint in my leauge.


    Paige i recall the day you got married when you logged in chat.

    Somehow i dont think you are totally honest.

    So how long will you migrate to ireland in.

    How far along is your passport claim?

    Morgs you are dating a single mum shelf stacker from wigan.

    Does mummy pay your petrol to get there?

    Does mummy buy your condoms?

    Ha ha ha ha.


    Moving in with a single mother in wigan.

    Scorpian in 1 of lifes winners!

    What a success story.

    She has been traced to a asda by the way.

    Your actions may comeback on her employers.


    Come on thats as sad as it gets.

    Morgs starts his job as a takeaway driver at his local chinese in three hours so we will get some peace.

    How much do you give your mum housekeep?


    What you got to ask yourself paige, is if newcastle is so ace, Why has melonhead left newcastle to live with s single mum in wigan, who has had a unfathered baby from a chat room?

    I mean how bad can life be in newcastle!


    Paige i have left my hometown unlike you.

    If Mr trump has no effect why have you been moaning about him for 3 years?

    Hmmm doesnt add up.

    I mean have you got a house or job sorted in eire?

    You havent even got a form have you.

    Hope your plan works!



    Ge i got a family member one as as far as i know it goes 9 hours charged.

    2 years so far no issues.


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    Bet you met him a few times q.

    Or possibly shared a cell with him.

    Do you wanna be in morgs gang, morgs gang morgs gang,

    You wanna be in morgs gang yeah!

    Nuff said.




    Im dont wear nylon socks

    You wear clothes from sports direct which your mum buys.

    We have all seen this.

    Living with your mum at your age lol.

    A bold headed toothless middle aged bloke who lives with his mum and wears 3 for a tenner t shirts giving it the big un.




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    Mrq i hope you got over your mental breakdown from 2 weeks ago.

    And being dumped on the boards.

    All i ever meant was say hello to orson kart , blub blub blub.


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