Mids Sikh replied to the topic Mids said ……,,, in the forum Chat forum three boards 2 years, 3 months ago
Uncanny resemblance innit?
Fair-D and
Mids Sikh are now friends 3 years, 9 months ago
Diamond Destiny and
Mids Sikh are now friends 4 years ago
callmepuds and
Mids Sikh are now friends 4 years ago
Mids Sikh replied to the topic The Gremlins of JC ………… in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 5 months ago
Suggestions in bullet-point format cause thats the way kenty likes it:
- kick em all out if they don’t have a name
- make it free to register for traceability
- limit the amount of accounts someone can have or can apply for in a year either from IP or email address or cross referencing from other forms of ID
- do verification checks in the…
Mids Sikh replied to the topic Inadequate Losers On The Boards. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 6 months ago
There is a legal framework around online abuse and whilst taking down obnoxious posts and banning the abusers ‘fixes’ the problem for a very short period of time, it does not stop the abuse and nor does it stop these people from coming back online and abusing or blocking the chatroom by spamming (F1 case in point).
In addition and, I’m not sure…[Read more]
Mids Sikh replied to the topic On Immigration (Brexit) in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 8 months ago
Someone mentioned this discussion thread in chat to me, ‘Brexit the Movie’ on YouTube is a must watch for anyone considering voting on the 23rd.
Not sure if you’re allowed to put links in here, but here goes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYqzcqDtL3k
Good luck with your decision
I forgot to mention, its been banned from being aired…[Read more]
Mids Sikh replied to the topic On Immigration (Brexit) in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 8 months ago
Someone mentioned this discussion thread in chat to me, ‘Brexit the Movie’ on YouTube is a must watch for anyone considering voting on the 23rd.
Not sure if you’re allowed to put links in here, but here goes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYqzcqDtL3k
Good luck with your decision
Mids Sikh replied to the topic Cosy, Blossom and Thin………….. in the board Chat forum three boards 8 years, 10 months ago
I normally never post; but this post, an incident earlier in the week and falling out with a friend has prompted me to write.
Albeit when Kenty wasn’t in the room, I tongue-in-cheek mentioned to NS that Kenty should be made a guide in the room and got told she’d never become one as long as there was a hole in her arse and that I had my head so…[Read more]