Well I’ll go to the foot of our stairs, oops ain’t got any!! Hope nobody thinks I liked his music, or genesis come to that!! :roll: Him and Julie Walters in Buster tho’ awwww
a word to the wise Smokes Michael not ea Sowwy :oops:
Found one that worked last night, after JA had gone, I just nipped out of room for 30 seconds, came back in and said JA was on the way and the cretin vanished rapido :twisted:
Erm bit dubious about your introgation techniques there Smokes !! LOL 1st cos its a woman .. and uncanny thats she’s naked !! HEE HEE :wink:
Surely registering ya name and reserving a name is much simpler and less kinky ! :roll:
Thought you’d have got on yer high horse about hating namechangers Buns!! :evil: me too!! :twisted: