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  • #349426

    @pete wrote:

    Well he certainly has the moves.

    You been practising Pete?? :D


    @sharongooner wrote:

    My eldest is off to France for a day trip with school tomorrow, and Im worrying about it :oops:

    He will be fine sharon – stop worrying :D

    I am pretending to work and booking my holiday


    @pete wrote:

    @memory wrote:

    Sorry to be pedantic but in modern english it is perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with a conjuction. :)

    and ? :lol:



    Did you know you can’t lick your own elbow? :?

    Hands up all those that have just tried :D


    Sorry to be pedantic but in modern english it is perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with a conjuction. :)


    @catmanblue wrote:

    p.s can we keep the mournful music on the new announcement thread even if it is a marriage :lol: :lol:

    More appropriate than for a death in my opinion Cat :D


    @bat wrote:

    I think this man has been unbelievably selfish. If he wanted to take his own life, well that,s up to him isn,t it. He had NO right to take his two innocent children with him. Maybe he was depressed or had financial troubles, but why should the children have to pay for his problems? On fathers day of all days. I bet they got him cards and a present too. My sympathies are entirely with the two innocent children, he can rot. This kind of thing winds me up no end. :evil: :evil: :evil:

    I agree Bat – if someone feels desperate enough to take their own life then that is their choice, but to murder the children is beyond my comprehension.


    @*Sian wrote:

    Good on ya suns, give them what for, I always do! I have a new funky shiney white sideboard! 8) Now I need a new plasma thingy ma do to go above it! 8)

    How many weeks dole money will you have to save for that Sian?? :wink: :D (thought i’d ask before Geoff did)


    Not being thick :wink:


    @pete wrote:

    nope nothing

    Miserable beggar!! :wink:

Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 88 total)